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Everything posted by Rookie65

  1. Often when you create or open it up, there will be the library icon in the bottom of the window. That may let you add it and rename it, depending on what it is. Ideally if you have a master plan you start your projects with, then it would be available for every plan created from that.
  2. Now would be a good time to search the reference manual under "roofs" and read about splitting surfaces under them. That's always a great place to start.
  3. Or you can copy and create a new wall type with just the siding changed. Name it something different and maybe even change the infill so you can see it's not the typical wall in plan view.
  4. Going by the picture you have posted, it looks more like it's a "Porch", which builds entirely different than a deck.
  5. My 2 cents is that they would probably be fine with and possibly prefer to see your insulation method called out on the section view notes/details of the house. Most inspectors I have dealt with are more of a "nuts and bolts" person than seeing pictures.
  6. Rookie65

    Finding a layer

    You can usually click on the object to open its DBX if it has one. On the top of the box it will show what "layer" that item falls under (moulding, fixture, furniture, etc). Hope this helps
  7. I'm thinking you have "auto rebuild roofs" checked? Once you have finished with all of the roofs, uncheck that, then click on the roofs you don't want and delete them. Without seeing the plan, that's my guess on the fix.
  8. Do you have the default to set to auto rebuild floor framing?
  9. A lot will depend on what version and year Home Designer product you have. You can try to select the beam, open the DBX, raise the beam by whatever height you need and click "bearing beam." That should change that particular beam. I am guess what it's doing is using the default setting at "below floor joists" if that's in your framing-beam default.
  10. There's a lengthy section on Attic trusses in the reference manual. There are several things required to generate them. Might be worth looking at it if you haven't yet.
  11. You'll want to post this on the Chief Architect forum. You posted this on the Home Designer program forum.
  12. Rookie65


    Go to your "edit" tab on the top toolbar and I think there you will find what you're looking for.
  13. You'll want to be on the Chief Architect forum. You posted this on the Home Designer program forum.
  14. You'll want to post this on the Chief Architect forum. You posted this on the Home Designer program forum.
  15. Rookie65

    wall definitions

    That may be an issue with Architectural then. I haven't used that one for a few years, so I forget what it can and can't do. Depending on what type or how much you use it, you may want to consider upgrading to Pro.
  16. Rookie65

    wall definitions

    What program are you using? If you are seeing the teapot, you are only picking the "pattern", and not the "material". Go the wall again and pick the material and a drop box should show where you can pick your framing. Or even try your owner's manual on the help tab. That is probably the best place to start with any questions so you don't have to wait for someone to reply.
  17. Try clicking on it and dragging it to the dimension you need.
  18. Sometimes I have had luck in this situation by putting in a regular swinging door with the knob on the side I want the pocket door to slide to. Then open up the object and change the door from a swinging door to a pocket door and that may do it too.
  19. Make the shower its own room w/a room divider. Then open the room it's in and delete the mouldings. Also VERY helpful to everyone to create/update a signature so people always know which program and version you are using. You will also find the reference manual a great resource so you don't have to wait for a reply from others.
  20. Go to Library>get additional content online>millwork>Corbels and Brackets No.3 Gable
  21. Rookie65

    Wall Colors

    Are you talking about the yellow that shows the "framing", or are you trying to paint the walls to be a different color? If it's for the framing, try changing the "fill style" of the wall.
  22. Rookie65


    The only way I have been able to do that is when opening up the item's label tab in the DBX is to either tap the space bar to move it horizontally or the enter key to move it down further. I suppose you could also set the item to not show the label and enter a text description at the size font you desire and place it manually?
  23. You should post questions in Q&A for future reference, as most people look there first. What I do when I run into these is just use the soffit tool and you can put the top right at the ceiling and make the width, height and depth be whatever you have on the site. What program are you using?
  24. I don't know what Suite has for options, yet in the bonus catalogs, you can download a Wayfair catalog and pull items from that.
  25. While you can't necessarily mull them to save in your library, you can place a transom above a window and then copy/paste the combination around your plan.