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Everything posted by solver

  1. With roofs, like many things in the software, we need to consider the entire structure, because seemingly disconnected changes can effect other areas of the roof. I worked with the side wall, but doing something similar to the rear wall may also work. Set the side wall roof overhang to 0. Create a room outside (you can see its floor -- make it Open Below etc to make it disappear) and lower the ceiling height. Set the end wall to Full Gable.
  2. Open the front wall, Structure panel, and check Through Wall At Start. Check Help for Start and End indicators. I have mine on, as you need this info for many operations. I assume you drew these clockwise, so start is on the right.
  3. It looks like you copied instead of cutting the deck. Here are the specs I used when moving it back up. Once that was done, and I deleted your stair sections, the new stairs, drawn from the ground up snapped right into position. Sounds like you have what you need, and learned more than you wanted to about stairs.
  4. Work on the roof one step at a time. After building the 2nd floor, build a roof. What needs to change? Set walls to gable as needed, now what does it look like? You will need to lower the roof above the garage. Figure that part out and make that change. Draw just a garage, add a 2nd floor. Learn how build the roof where you want it. Add the dormer etc. Once you understand this, apply it to the larger model. Tip: Ceiling heights control where the roof builds. Tip: Make the bay window and the small bump out in front separate rooms using a Room Divider. Uncheck Roof Over This Room for the bump out, and set the bay window room to use Roof Group 1. Changing the roof group makes the program build the roof as if it were on a different structure. This will need manual cleanup.
  5. You will need a roof plane above the stairs to create the upper slope.
  6. Check out the resources I linked above. Maybe spend a few hours going over some of the YouTube videos. It seems common for people to jump in and start on a big first project while trying to learn the software at the same time. Consider using test plans. Draw a one room structure. Add a roof. Add a 2nd floor. Work to understand how the program works, then apply that knowledge to a more complex plan. I also recommend learning the manual roof tools, especially if you are using the software in a business. This roof would be quick to draw manually. I don't mind helping out, giving pointers etc, but your plan has no roof. One last suggestion is to pose bite sized questions. Like: I added a 2nd floor, but when I build the roof, it builds over the first floor, ignoring the 2nd. ------- Your default exterior wall is marked as a Foundation Wall. Uncheck that. Delete the foundation and rebuild. Check Auto Rebuild Foundation. Delete the 2nd floor. Delete the Attic floor. Add a new 2nd floor. This is obviously incomplete, and will need some manual cleanup, but it's auto built.
  7. Templates are a collection of settings. There is nothing to see.
  8. Most times it's best to start a new thread, especially when your problem is different. Use a thin soffit against the wall, or the backsplash option on the cabinets.
  9. Copy the 2 outside walls that define the deck. Cut/Paste Hold Position on the first floor. Copy/Paste In Place does just what it says. Example. You have a porch where you want 3 columns, one on each corner and one centered. Place 1 column at a corner and adjust as required. Copy/Reflect About the center of the porch room to place the far corner column. Copy/Paste In Place while it's still selected, then use the Center tool to center it on the porch room center.
  10. Copy the Deck to the first floor. Set its Absolute Floor to what is was when located on the second floor, and set the room type back to Deck. You should be able to draw stairs from the bottom up and have them connect.
  11. Noticed your upper and lower walls are not aligned. Try drawing from the 2nd floor down. Hold the right mouse button as you drag the stairs out. Copy the landing to the 2nd floor. Draw stairs down from the deck to the landing, then from the landing to the ground. Tip: Draw a CAD line where the lower stair section hits the ground. Copy/Paste Hold Position on the 2nd floor. The lower stair section will snap to this. Or, do everything in reverse, drawing up from the bottom to the landing, then up from the landing to a CAD line representing the deck edge. Stairs just take practice. I did a bunch of plans with just stairs when first learning the program.
  12. Take a look at this thread. Reply back if it does not help.
  13. Go to ChiefTalk please.
  14. solver

    Raising a Roof

    One of the big advantages of Pro is its manual roof tools. Set the Raise Off Plate back to 0. Build the roof. Select the 2nd floor roof planes and using Transform/Replicate, raise them 8". Another way to do this is to add a short 3rd floor.
  15. Remember that each view uses its own unique set of layers. You will want to set your Layer Display Options for your plan view, and your camera views.
  16. When something is not displaying, always check Layer Display Options. If you used a Framing member for a post, they don't show by default in camera views -- except for Framing Overview.
  17. solver

    Sqaure Footage

    Run a Plan Check. That should bring it back.
  18. It works exactly like other rooms, by adjusting the ceiling height. There is no magic when you Build Foundation. You could create a blank level 0 and draw in your own walls, just like you drew in the walls on level 1.
  19. Build your foundation with settings for one or the other. You will need to manually edit the foundation. Draw in a wall separating the two areas. Adjust the settings of the foundation rooms to vary the wall height, remove the slab in the crawlspace etc.
  20. If your terrain will remain flat, use a slab instead of a sidewalk for that section.
  21. Looks like a bug to me. Suggesting reporting to support.
  22. solver

    Insulated Slab

    You don't. I can do it with Chief, but not an option in Pro. The other way is to put the garage on the 2nd floor and not have a first floor under it. You will (maybe) need to fiddle with the structure settings for things like a curb in the garage if it's needed.
  23. solver

    Insulated Slab

    Thinking of the garage. It would not have a second floor above it, and you would raise the ceiling height for it to whatever it needs to be.
  24. solver

    Insulated Slab

    What did it do? I'd use a 1-1/2" high floor with walls and structure changed to show only what is needed. This will elevate the 2nd floor the correct amount, and keep the overall structure dimensions correct. In any case, you will need to create a detail like your image.