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Everything posted by solver

  1. It's a long time known bug. Check the Library and Bonus Catalogs for round windows.
  2. Look again at what you are telling the program to do. You have the Posts set to Cable, and the Panel set to Solid. Change the Posts back to whatever they should be, and the Panel to Cable.
  3. Those are free standing and do not insert into a cabinet like for example, a wall oven. Create a cabinet as required, and place the cellar manually.
  4. Try to make it smaller by deleting everything but the structure. Then zip it -- just the plan file, don't do a Full Backup. What does this say? Defaults are not very well thought out and can sometimes be confusing. Image is from Chief Premier so things might look a bit different.
  5. For the best help, start a new thread in Q&A. Give a brief description of your project. It sounds like you don't understand how the program is designed to work. You do not, for example, draw a slab, then draw walls on top. To minimize confusion, use HD, or Home Designer and not CA when referring to the program. And to help keep the forum clean and organized, you might delete this and your thread on ChiefTalk ( ) via Moderator Actions near the top of the page.
  6. No manual roof tools in Architectural.
  7. You may send views from multiple plans to a single Layout. People that create construction documents as part of their job will have a library of common details they add as required.
  8. Open a new plan. Draw a few feet of fence there. Create a section and add your text and other CAD. Send that to Layout. Search the Home Designer website for detail for some general ideas.
  9. What is "kind of close"? Why do you feel what you are doing is not the right approach? What's the problem?
  10. The video linked above shows what Keith suggested. Set your Ceiling Finish to 0". A bit more info ...
  11. All the info is there.
  12. Showing what you want to do will help someone help you.
  13. I imagine things have changed since X2 It's right there in Display Options -- it will be obvious. Maybe something in this video too.
  14. Open a window, select the Lites panel, click the Help button.
  15. When you start a new plan, you may choose from various templates. Experiment with each one, placing a cabinet to see the differences.
  16. Articles list at the top what software they apply to. The basics of Chief and Pro are the same, Chief just has more features and options.
  17. It's always important to say what software you are using, like Pro 2024, as Suite, Architectural and Pro all have different capabilities. See this thread on ChiefTalk, but please continue to ask questions here, as ChiefTalk is for users of the Chief Architect (not Home Designer) products. And it's almost always best to start a new thread when you have a question.
  18. Not really. When asking this type of question, it's important to say what you have done to create what is shown. What type of objects are you using, and what are you using them to represent? The Chief Architect products have Boolean operations -- Subtraction, Union and Intersection, and the object types that will respond to them. Home Designer does not. The best you can do in Home Designer is to create an Architectural Block as others have suggested, but not all things may be blocked together, which is why that tool in not available. If you know SketchUp or a similar program, you can create objects there and import.
  19. To create accurate plans, you probably need to upgrade to Pro. Suite and Architectural lack the ability to specify important parts of the structure, like for the floor. For how to info, search the Home Designer website (it also searches this forum).
  20. You want to pay someone to create construction documents from your work? If so, start a new thread here: This links to the ChiefTalk forum. Say where you are building as ideally you would find someone local.
  21. Drag the tab to your 2nd monitor.
  22. Because they are 2 different things. Look under Account Settings for your signature.
  23. What are you wanting to show? What do you want to override? Textures do not display in plan.