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Everything posted by solver

  1. Why are you doing that and not starting from a template each time? Tell us more about your process. Walls are often connected to defaults and will not be deleted -- program sees them as used.
  2. Place the switch. CAD line, arc, spline etc with arrow. Add text to say what the switch controls and what other switch it connects to.
  3. Obviously, there are layers associated with electrical. Home Designer does not let the user decide what goes on a specific layer. Always say what title and version you are using -- Pro 2020, Suite 2024 etc. You may send views from multiple plans to Layout. Maybe only newer versions have this. Create your legend in a separate plan, turn off the display of walls and send to Layout.
  4. I'm using Pro 2024, not 2023 as I said in the video.
  5. Tip: Always say what product and year you are using -- Pro 2020, Suite 2025 etc. The upper wall is an attic wall on the Attic (A) level. I see several problems with the framing, but for the walls, they would typically be built with longer studs and not as shown. See the setting Balloon Through Ceiling Above (search Help for more info) if your product has it.
  6. solver

    HD pro 2025

    You might get some help here if you ask instead of rant That's easily removed. You don't say what additional control you were expecting, but there are obvious improvements from 2024 to 2025.
  7. What's the problem? You have Pro -- draw the roof plane yourself just as it needs to be.
  8. Because you are using manual roofs, you need to add the missing roof planes yourself. Did you try the auto roof builder? This seems like a simple roof that the auto tools should work.
  9. Always add that info when asking a question. Attaching your plan file -- 14MB size limit and the plan cannot be open in Pro when you upload. Zip the file if needed will help others troubleshoot. It's helpful, especially with such a dark model, to switch to Technical Illustration view, and turn off Patterns (3D Menu, Toggle patterns) when taking a screen capture, except of course if your question needs a different rendering technique to show the problem.
  10. Tip: Always be clear about what program you are using. This is the Home Designer forum, so you would be using Suite, Architectural or Pro (and always include the year, like Pro 2020). If you are using Chief Architect then your forum is:
  11. Move the bump out wall back so the wall is continuous. Build the roof. Turn off auto rebuild. Move the wall back. And always say what version you are using -- Suite 2020, Pro 2024 etc.
  12. Did you work through the steps I outlined above? Did everything work -- no error message? If so, how does the problem plan differ, or what are you doing differently? The error message "Cannot find the floor above the stairs in which to place the stairwell" is telling you the problem. If you are unable to figure out the problem, attach the plan file. 14MB size limit and the plan cannot be open in the program. Zip if needed. For many questions, attaching the plan file is the quickest way to get an answer. It's also important to say what program you are using. Pro 2024, Suite 2020 etc.
  13. Start a new plan. Draw four walls creating a room large enough to contain your stair. Build a 2nd floor taking the defaults. Back to the 1st (ground) floor, select the stair tool and click to place the stair. Move the stair so it's in the room if not already. With the stairs selected, click the build stairwell tool.
  14. You have one plan that shows the walls as you want, and one plan the shows the walls differently. You have a list of settings from each plan. What would you do with those two listings?
  15. Textures have never shown in Vector, only patterns. 3D menu. See if Toggle Patterns is checked.
  16. Have you checked one last time? While in your elevation view, open Display Options and check that Casings, Exterior is set to display. Attach your plan file if you cannot figure it out.
  17. solver

    So many dimensions

    Suggest learning to draw using Temporary Dimensions and turn off Auto Dimensioning (and delete the existing dimensions via Edit>Delete Objects). Also, consider working your way around the plan and cleaning up what is drawn (and learn to do this as you draw) by making your smallest fraction 1/2". I like to set Temporary Dimension defaults to go to the wall surface as that's how I think. Another personal preference is to not show the Reference Grid (toggle is on the right side of the window by default), as it's just clutter to my eyes. I'm sure there is an official home Designer video, but here is one of mine showing Temporary Dimensions.
  18. Always good to attach your plan file. Close Architectural. 14MB size limit. Zip just the plan if needed (may need to delete all the extras like furniture and cars). That looks like an old bug.
  19. No, but you can copy in place and reshape to create separate roof planes.
  20. Try changing your default pitch. It's set to 1/4". Generally, when you have a roof with multiple pitches, set your default to the most common one, then change the pitch in the wall spec as needed.
  21. You may create separate roof planes with Pro. Tip: Always say what software you are using, like Pro 2024, as many suggestions depend on knowing this.
  22. You don't want to see the sheathing and shingles?
  23. Always say what product you are using. Pro 2020, Pro 2024 etc. I opened your plan and this is what I see. Why are you not auto building the roof?