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Everything posted by Jo_Ann

  1. Jo_Ann

    Elevation issues

    I moved the front Elevation Region (flat area) back to the front-most part of the house. This changed the slope, so I then had to open the terrain perimeter and change the terrain height to 18". Argg. This also meant I had to change the stem wall height on the house and also the floor (C) on the garage. Yikes! So, the garage floor (C) is now set at -58" and the stem wall is set at 24". The house stem wall is set at 52". You have to uncheck 'automatic' and 'flatten pad' on the terrain dbx. 'Hide terrain' doesn't matter, because you have no basement.
  2. Jo_Ann

    Elevation issues

    This is what my own dbx looks like. I don't know what options Suite has. I changed the room back to 'garage' after the elevation worked out correct.
  3. Jo_Ann

    Elevation issues

    Big problem with the garage. Because the terrain is still sloping, a 4" slab isn't going to cut the mustard. The program refuses to allow the stem wall increase, without also dropping the floor. I changed the 'garage' to 'unspecified', then deleted the slab on level 0. I then manually drew foundation walls under the structure, and this allowed me to open the 'room' dbx, and change the stem wall to 24" (the minimum I could do to keep it below ground).
  4. Jo_Ann

    Elevation issues

    Look at Eric's structure info, and then apply it to your own plan.
  5. Jo_Ann

    Elevation issues

    Is the terrain really mounded up against the house walls, as your pic shows?
  6. Jo_Ann

    Elevation issues

    I see some problems, now that you have posted the plan. Your terrain needs to slope, but of course the house doesn't. Where in relation to the house, does the terrain begin to slope? I think that you need to delete the terrain perimeter and start over with the terrain. BUT 1st, draw a cad box exactly like the terrain, on top of the terrain. Set it's line color to red, so that you will know which is which. Delete the terrain. Build a new terrain. Grab the terrain lines and move them toward the cad box lines, and they will snap to the cad lines. This makes it quick. You can now delete the cad box. Set the terrain and elevation regions as shown, except set your own 'subfloor above terrain' to 8" (terrain perimeter dbx). Move the front elevation region line (increase) towards the house, to make whatever area you need to remain flat. If the terrain slope begins before the back wall of the house, then it stands to reason that you will have to increase the depth of your crawl space.
  7. Jo_Ann

    Elevation issues

    If you want your terrain to slope, you need to open the terrain perimeter and uncheck 'automatic' and 'flatten pad'.
  8. Jo_Ann

    Elevation issues

    Set your terrain elevation 1st. If you have 12" of foundation showing above ground at the front of the house, then set the terrain perimeter to 24" (floor structure accounts for the extra 12"). Choose the Elevation Region tool, and draw an oversized shallow region (prevents jagged terrain edges) at the front of the house, set to 0" (the ground region is 0", as opposed to the house floor set to it's own 0"). Choose the Elevation Region tool again, and draw a shallow region at the back of the property set to -65". This should give you a nice slope. You might need to open the house basement dbx (floor 0), and make the stem wall taller in order to bury the footer. When you have done this, and then properly placed the garage, you will be ready to start fixing the garage level (don't forget to rebuild the foundation under the garage).
  9. You can also enhance/ tweak that roof by setting an upper/lower pitch on the east wall. Then manually add the roof returns using library shapes.
  10. Open the room dbx, structure tab. Put a check in the box 'use soffit surface for ceiling'.
  11. Use the railing wall on floor 1 to make a 'room' (designate it as a 'porch') below the cantilever room. Set the railing to show only the post and beams.
  12. This has been done with 'auto build roof'. It's pretty much like Eric explained, but looking at the plan is easier that trying to explain it. Pyramid type roof.plan
  13. Are you trying to get one of these results?
  14. Widen the single becomes two doors.
  15. If you zoom in on that east corner of the room, there is a short section of the east wall that is defined as an 'attic' wall.
  16. Suite will not open Architectural files, unless you download the free trial. I suggest that you open a new experimental plan, and start playing with the manipulation of slabs (slab tool, not a 'room' labeled as a 'slab'). The patio floor is made from multiple slabs. In this example of a flat roof (only a flat roof with a slab) the slab is elevated way above the patio floor. The 'hole' in this example, is 7'. The slab can not join with it's other half, to maintain the 'hole'. So, a carefully placed soffit (shown in red) has been added to close the visual gap.
  17. Getting results that look good take time, diligence, and a learning curve. If visuals are all that you want, here are two.
  18. Jo_Ann

    Floor Problems

    I don't know why the shop is not displaying a floor, because when I opened the plan, there is a floor showing. I did notice that the front wall of the shop is not aligned with the wall below. The bedroom is showing an incorrect floor structure (L), and I don't know why it doesn't reset itself... but I have encountered this oddity before. Open the bedroom dbx, and set the room type as a 'deck', then close the dbx. Open the bedroom dbx again, and reset the room type to 'bedroom'. Close the dbx. Open the bedroom dbx again, and this time, go to the structure tab and correct any of the settings (that Suite allows), so that they match the jpeg posted below.
  19. I think you have gone about this all wrong, and made it complicated. I can see your house floor sticking out half-way up your garage door. You have 5 rises on the porch steps. Even if the risers are only 6", that would mean that the porch floor is at least 30" above your terrain. Solver's suggestion, use the divider wall, label the room 'Porch'. Go to level 0, turn on the reference display, grab the foundation wall tool, and draw in walls under the porch.
  20. HDA 2018 and Pro 2018 build that section of the roof as expected (with pitch set at 4"). Pro 2017 refuses to build that section of roof correctly. Odd. Might be a question for tech support.
  21. Make it a pony wall (bottom half interior6). Select the wall, then drag diagonally.
  22. Use a custom countertop or a slab, sized correctly.
  23. 'Dust' floor tile is one of 'those' materials that comes with the software template, but does not appear to have been added to the library. It resides in the folder: Chief Architect / Templates / Textures. It is possible to add it to your user library.
  24. It is here: Library Materials / Home Designer Core Catalogs / Materials / Flooring / Wood / Maple / Cherry-MP Plank. If it's not there, then maybe you haven't downloaded the complete Core Catalog.