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Everything posted by Jo_Ann

  1. Jo_Ann


    I noticed when looking at another user's file, (using HDA2018) how terrible his brick texture looked. So, I started a new plan, and drew a brick wall. I changed the default brick texture to Red Brick 4 (library, HDA2018), and the pic on the right is what it looked like. Terrible! I then imported red brick 4 (as a new material) from the HDA10 library, and put it on a wall (pic on the left). It looks just like it is supposed to (library preview image). Most of the other brick textures in the HDA2018 library look just as bad. Any guesses why?
  2. Correction: I think that you took a shortcut and right clicked on the 'dormer' windows, and chose 'gable over window/door', (instead of building dormer 'rooms' with higher ceiling heights). What Eric is suggesting, is the way it should be done.
  3. You set lower ceiling heights for the 2nd floor. Then turned off 'auto build' roof. Then raised ceiling heights. When you rebuild the roof, it builds with the higher ceiling height. You most likely created individual 'rooms' for the 'dorms', with higher ceiling heights. After 'auto build roof' was turned off, you were able to delete the walls to those 'rooms'. You now have to recreate the 'rooms' to rebuild the roof correctly.
  4. The profile plan template says it is a 'read only' file and can not be written to. The plan can only be saved (with the new wall) by giving it a new name. And that makes it just another plan file, like all other saved plan files. If you draw a house on this plan, the 'new' wall will only appear on this plan. Starting a new plan, using the default profile plan template, the 'new' wall will not be present.
  5. How exactly did you get new walls added to the profile template without giving it a 'new' plan file name?
  6. ??? I could not get either of these methods to work?
  7. Jo_Ann

    Hole in wall

    Another take on the holey wall problem: Something is amiss with the wall alignments and their relationship with the nook roof plane. Turn the roof plane layer back on. Notice that the back plane of the nook looks normal, but the front nook plane is cutting into the house wall, and it won't allow adjustment. The invisible wall between the nook & kitchen needs to be aligned with the wall above. On floor 2, open the west wall and notice it is divided into 2 walls. Don't try to fix it...draw a new wall over it / align with floor below / set gable. On attic floor level...the west wall is divided into 3 sections. Drag one of the end sections clear across the other 2 sections, so that only 1 wall section now exists. If everything went right, all should now be good, and the front roof plane of the nook should now be snapped back to it's correct position (and the hole is GONE).
  8. UH OH! I see that you also altered the interior wall too!
  9. I just tried this, and it worked. Open a new plan, tiled vertically next to the Rieger plan. Draw a short exterior wall (new plan), highlighted, then (on the TOP toolbar) choose edit / copy. With the Rieger plan now the active plan / top toolbar / paste. The wall will be given a new name, because your version of siding 6 already exits. Copy this wall, open the copy, then wall types tab, and give the wall a new name. Edit all the fill colors to what you want. Both the structurally correct original wall, AND the NEW wall should now show up under 'wall types'.
  10. When you fix the wall structure, the 'gaps' that you are seeing will disappear.
  11. Is this what you want to see? You ruined your wall definition by the way you altered it. Instead, when opening the wall definition dialog, change the fill color (of each material) and save the wall with a new name (siding 6 poche, maybe?).
  12. Jo_Ann

    Need Gable Fixed

    FIRST: You have a rogue rail wall out in front right of house/zoom (3d) to find and delete. Your roof has big problems...because you moved the house. Back to basics: Open the build roof dialog, and check 'auto build roof', and set the pitch to 9". Your roof probably now appears next to the house. On the toolbar, 'edit area / all floors'. Draw the edit box around the roof planes and hit 'delete'. The roof should now be on the house, however all the pitches are set to 9". SO..hold down the ctrl key and select all 4 eave walls of the 'wings' (front left & right / back left & right). Hit ctrl + e to open the dialog, and then the 'roof' tab, and change the pitch to 5". Does the roof look more like you are wanting? Now you need to change the 'shape' and size of the big windows, to re-accommodate the roof. You will also need to 'right click' each wing window and re-add the 'gable over window' roof feature.
  13. It is unlikely that you will get the roof built right until you add the 2nd floor. You should also post pics of the front of the house, and the far side, too.
  14. Jo_Ann


    With the floor plan the active plan, up on the tool bar: Tools - Display Options - scroll down to 'roof planes' and uncheck it.
  15. This was done in Architectural, using only the basic tools that Suite provides. I tried to be accurate, based on the info you have given. It will open in the trial version of Architectural or Pro, and can be edited. Of course, you can't save your edits in the trial versions. The stucco jpg in the zip file is the exterior wall material that I used. I also added a box shape in the new living area 10' tall, to clarify the ceiling height. JamesSym3 .zip
  16. I could only do the porch gables using the Pro Trial, which supports manual roof tools. Sorry, but the trial version does not allow files to be saved.
  17. Have you considered lowering the deck off the master bedroom, so that it is less 'ominous' feeling as it leads down to the pergola area?
  18. It's time that you posted a pic of the existing structure. In the meantime, food for thought...
  19. I suspect that you moved the house by holding down Ctrl and selecting all the walls, and then moving the house with the edit handle? If that's what you did, reselect them and move the house back into position under the roof. THEN use the edit area tool to move all floors to the location that you want.
  20. Your master plan plot and each bldg. plot need to match. The building in each file should be moved to it's desired location on it's own plot before you copy/paste hold position onto the master plot. The bldg. will then be pasted into the master plan at the same location that it was in on it's own individual plot. This is what solver is explaining. And as DJP said, this might drive you batty...
  21. Architectural doesn't offer that feature, so you have to take a longer way around. Use the 'edit area' tool to copy and paste the 1st floor level into the master plan. THEN use the 'edit area' tool to select and copy the 2nd floor (ON the 2nd floor). In the master plan, (2nd floor level) use the paste/hold position function.
  22. Jo_Ann

    Elevation issues

    James, I hope that your meeting with the contractor went well. I think that you had a good enough visual representation to express to the contractor what you want. He will do the math/elevation specifics. BUT...if you want your model to be more correct (for yourself), you might have more corrections to do. You said that the house had crawl space below it, and the garage was built on a slab. In the plan file that you posted, both structures are built on a monolithic slab, but you never said that the house was built on a slab. In the pic below, left structure is a slab (floor structure (L) 4"); right structure is a normal built structure (floor structure (L) 12 5/8"). Notice the difference between the 2, especially the distance of the doors to the terrain. You have to have foundation showing above ground (siding should not disappear into the ground). So.. how is the house structure really built? Food for thought.