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Everything posted by solver

  2. Are you asking a generic question about building, or about modeling something in the software?
  3. Do everything in one file. Site plans are often called a plot plan, and searching here and via the links above should turn up more info. Suggest you create a practice plan where you learn and work through any issues first before spending lots of time on the real thing.
  4. Yes, the toe kick can be deleted -- I should have finished my thought. Pro has the ability to delete/change it from the General panel, or the Front panel. With Suite you must use the Front panel in the dialog.
  5. Your foundation forms a room just like the rooms above. Select it, open it, Structure panel, uncheck Roof Over This Room. I'll suggest yo send this problem plan to Chief/Home Designer. It may be a bug that they will need to see to be able to fix.
  6. Dormer videos on my YouTube channel. For your return, use the dormer tool instead of creating your own dormer.
  7. Because HD lacks the ability to define layers in the roof structure, you will need to experiment with the tools it does have. You could use 2 roof planes, one on top of the other, for example. Knowing what it should look like -- not so much how it will be built will help with the best suggestions. How will it be trimmed, for example.
  8. What sort of roof structure? What will it look like? How will it be built?
  9. solver

    Sloped Wall

    Where is the roof? Are those parapet walls?
  10. Multiple Copy is a tool in Chief Premier. Make sure you are looking at the Home Designer website -- it's blue themed like HomeTalk.
  11. All we need are the walls. With one of the wall tools active -- any one will work, hold Shift and marquee around the 1st floor. Copy and paste into a new plan. If it's still too big, zip it.
  12. You have 2 roof planes where you only need one. With manual roofs, it's up to you to fix funky details. Videos on the HD site, the Chief YouTube channel, and my YouTube channel.
  13. Open your stripped down plan. Select a wall tool -- any will work. Hold Shift, and marquee (group) select all the walls. Start a new plan. Paste/Hold Position to put the walls into the new plan. Save the plan and check its size. Also check if the roof is still a problem. If the plan is still too large, try zipping it.
  14. Like most, maybe all applications, you need to identify (select) the text you want to change.
  15. Open Default Settings. Take another look. It's there.
  16. Did you look in default settings?
  17. Like the picture? Yes, those are parapeted gables. The program will do the gable but you will need to do the parapet and other details manually.
  18. This wall seems to be missing from the attached plan. It looks like it is forward of the wall to the right. I assume this is the "front section".
  19. Probably time to learn the manual roof tools.