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Everything posted by solver

  1. Before you connect the switch and fan, open the switch and review the options on the General panel.
  2. Please take a minute and delete the thread on ChiefTalk. Make sure you are looking at Home Designer articles/videos and not Chief articles/videos. The Home Designer site is blue themed. Home Designer products lack the ability to create symbols. Depending on what your door needs to look like there may be ways to create it, but it would not be a door symbol, so you would place a doorway, then manually place the door in the opening.
  3. solver


    A forum search and a bit of reading will return your answer.
  4. solver


    That's true.
  5. Search the Home Designer website for trace.
  6. Using the Adjust Material Definition tool, select a material in a camera view and look at the settings on the Texture panel. You can copy materials from the program library into the user library and make changes creating a new material too.
  7. You need to add openings manually, just as you would when building the wall.
  8. Search the forum for "z fighting" (with the quotes).
  9. solver

    dormer bay window

    Did you try doing a room there? Connect those existing bay walls and raise the ceiling in the resulting room. Build the roof.
  10. solver

    dormer bay window

    The plan file, not a picture of the plan I see no room. You need a turret room to control the roof. Try that before attaching the plan.
  11. solver

    dormer bay window

    Is this 2nd floor space, or open to the 1st floor? Attach the plan file -- probably something simple.
  12. solver

    dormer bay window

    With auto roofs, create a room on the 2nd floor. Manual roofs, break the main roof and pull it back. Add walls.
  13. Make it 60 (just make it more) to see a difference.
  14. What does it need to look like? Use cabinets, soffits, shapes from the library ... There may be something in the Bonus Catalogs
  15. solver

    Roof Issues

    Try lowering the ceiling in the space between the gables, or raising the ceiling everywhere else. Roofs build over rooms and are generally controlled via ceiling heights. You may need to create rooms that do not match the plan to make the roof build, then turn off auto rebuild roofs. Or, learn the manual roof tools and make it look correct using them.
  16. Use 2 plans. Difficult to do with Suite. Often done by deleting all the existing structure leaving only the new work.
  17. Ask here:
  18. solver

    stair defaults

    I don't think you can build that stair with Suite. If you just need something to show a stair, try this. You will get a stair that fits in the same space, but will not be accurate.
  19. solver

    Shade sails

    Search the forum for sail.
  20. Then you need to raise it. You will need to adjust manually.
  21. Your "void" is called a stairwell. A search using the programs built in Help, or on will turn up instructions.
  22. I made a symbol which may work. Import it (Library>Import). It's not a window symbol, but it looks like one, and works in a thick wall. Paint the concrete to match your exterior finish. Untitled 14.calibz
  23. Don't know of any simple way to do the windows. You could use a standard thickness wall, then apply something on the exterior to make it look thicker. Soffits, or Shapes from the library.
  24. No Home Designer product has that ability.