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Everything posted by solver

  1. Auto attic walls are created above a wall below. Have you tried deleting the wall?
  2. It's all just CAD. There is no magic rebar tool. People looking at plans are accustomed to seeing details like this. And try not to over detail. The more you show, the more there is for someone to find fault with or question.
  3. How do you want to show it? Do you see the steel in the detail I showed above?
  4. See Through Wall at Start and Through Wall at End. And turn on Start and End Indicators.
  5. I believe there are articles/videos. Have you searched the Home Designer site?
  6. You create details like this, and yes, Pro can do these.
  7. solver

    using 2 computers

    Suggest you experiment to find out. I don't use this type of service as I have no need. I imagine there is info on the Dropbox site. Microsoft (and I think google) both offer similar services. I know many Chief users use these services to do just what you want to do.
  8. Make a simple plan -- 4 exterior walls and 1 interior. Place a doorway. If the problem is still there, attach that plan file.
  9. Post here:
  10. Difficult to see what's going on looking at your images. Probably a Doll House view would be better.
  11. You need to build the dormers manually to have control. Manual dormer on the right in plan view.
  12. And you can report the problem to Chief -- that's how it might get corrected.
  13. Place a hinged door, open it and look at the options in the dialog. You can change the door type.
  14. solver

    using 2 computers

    There are multiple ways. Depends on your setup. Many people use a service like Dropbox where files are replicated to the cloud and accessible from any computer anywhere. There are solutions that existed pre internet. You don't say what type of system -- Mac or Windows you have, but there are solutions specific to both.
  15. That's the problem. Remove that layer and create a new drywall material in the color of your choice.
  16. Did you add a paint layer to your wall definition?
  17. Concept I did for someone recently.
  18. Cannot be changed directly. Each of the Template Plans you may choose when starting a new plan use different casings and other trim/settings that cannot be changed directly in the program. Suggest you open a new plan using the various templates to see the differences. You can copy/paste between plans.
  19. Is that how you want the roof? I avoid 2 gables coming together like that and would make the wall marked in green a Hip wall. No idea why the walls disappear.
  20. This sounds like a problem with your video card drivers. Maybe the drivers were updated recently? You might need to go back to an older version. At any rate see if this tech article helps: If not, then you might want to contact tech support during normal business hours.
  21. This image shows the problem clearly, better than words, and eliminates the need to download the plan. A soffit should have no effect on these items and is the standard way of dealing with this problem. Here is another way.
  22. One of the biggest shortcomings is no support for face mounted components. There are ways around this, but they are a pain. This is well discussed on ChiefTalk. Feel free to browse over there, but please remember, that's the forum for Chief Interiors and Premier users, not Home Designer. Here is one to get you started -- don't know of it applies to Pro as well.