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Everything posted by solver

  1. You can use different wall types. Define a new type that does not use a framing material for the main layer, and other layers are using materials that do not report to the materials list. Draw the house using the new wall types, save a copy, then make your changes using normal walls that will go into the materials list. You can do the same for all materials, just takes some work to define the new materials, and remembering to use them.
  2. Move the front wall out 2'. Build roof/trusses. Move front wall back 2'.
  3. What are you getting that's not correct -- screen capture of a cross section? Are you using trusses?
  4. Please post images directly -- no need to make a PDF of an image. This makes it easier for others as an image shows in the forum.
  5. You can automatically build a foundation choosing Monolithic Slab or Walls with Footings. Will one of these work, or do you need something different? Maybe post a picture of what you do need if not.
  6. Not that it matters, but Pro has a setting that lets you specify 2 wall types in a single wall, and specify that the lower wall type is to be used where a roof butts a wall.
  7. Thanks for the signature and test plan. With Architectural, your best option is a Custom Backsplash. Make it 1/2" (or whatever thickness you are using) drywall, set to Cut Finish Layers. Draw it to cover the exposed siding. It will automatically cut around the door.
  8. Don't know. Attach a plan and I'll have a look.
  9. Thanks. Keep in mind that most content is for Chief, some of it works for Pro, and a subset of that works for Architectural and Suite.
  10. Search my YouTube channel (link in my signature) for template. Added 4/24/2023 This is in reply to the comment by Rookie65 below. If you follow the instructions in my video, you will create an actual Template plan that works like any of the ones supplied by Home Designer. There is no need to Save As.
  11. solver

    Bonus Catalogs

    @alieidizadeh Your question might be best addressed to Chief directly.
  12. You can check for program updated via the Help menu. But I don't believe that's the problem. And you don't need to use a Pony Wall. That's just one way to cover the bottom of the wall. You could use a Sloped Soffit, or just use a wall that's solid drywall like I show.
  13. What's visible in each view is controlled by Layer Display. In a Full, or Perspective Overview camera, for example, you will need to set the layer the trusses are on to display.
  14. solver

    dfx file type??

    I was referring to using the command prompt, which seems to work, at least on my system.
  15. solver

    dfx file type??

    I don't think so. The problem with the architect using the file is probably the way Suite exports it. I'd suggest creating a PDF and letting them us that to recreate your plan. If you want to fix the when I look at the file type in the Windows 10 directory it has "pCon.planner Drawing Interchange File". problem, you can follow these instructions.
  16. Attach a one room plan that demonstrates the problem.
  17. Another way to do the layout letting the program do the math.
  18. Read about Roof Cuts Wall At Bottom.
  19. Yes it does -- you watched me do it in the same software.
  20. You can fix that with the Adjust Material Definition tool. Just rotate the pattern 90 degrees.