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Everything posted by solver

  1. Delete the doorway. Break the wall where you want the railing and change it to railing follow stairs. Use Transform/Replicate to move that railing out into the room away from the stair. Mark it No Room Definition. Draw in a regular wall to fill the gap, and replace the doorway. Use transform/Replicate to move the railing back into the opening.
  2. Read about: Roof Cuts Wall at Bottom and Lower Wall Type When Split by Butting Roof
  3. I believe the default layout is C. Have you created and saved a new D sized layout?
  4. What did you want? Done in Architectural because I had it open. 1/2" thick soffit with a lattice material rotated 45 degrees.
  5. solver

    Roof Question

    Your drawing did not show the other side. What does it look like?
  6. You should have at least 1 lattice material in the library, and you may have a lattice object.
  7. solver

    Roof Question

    Something did not work. Make sure Suite is closed.
  8. solver

    Roof Question

    Drawing is perfect Close Suite and attach your plan file so someone has something to work with.
  9. Auto build is easy. Probably does not matter in this case, but that's not the correct way to fix the problem.
  10. Do you have Auto Rebuild Roofs on, or have you built the roof?
  11. Not that I know of, but I've never used the import GPS function. Home Designer in general lacks the ability to assign layers -- you take what the program gives. Are you able to select and move things?
  12. I'm guessing you imported everything you are referring to as terrain.
  13. That's not needed and just creates a large file. Just the plan file is all that's needed. Make a copy and delete all the extras. Zip and upload. I'm on a slow internet connection and have a couple of videos uploading now which really slows things down.
  14. I doubt it's a bug. If you will attach the plan file, someone will look. Close Pro first, and zip.
  15. Close Suite and attach the plan file.
  16. It does, but it's not better, just different with its own problems.
  17. Clear materials like glass and Opening No Material render correctly in Standard views, but not in Vector views. I would just edit the framing after everything else is correct. Delete the short piece and one of the other pieces, then select the remaining one and extend it across.
  18. Think about how a Pony Wall might be used.