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  1. Thank you. I missed the radius adjustment so thought it needed to be curved. Much appreciated.
  2. Kristine

    Custom Door Angle

    This seems like a straight-froward thing to achieve but I can not work it out. I am trying to mimic this door though the only way I can see to do it is choose a Dogear arch. But to create the full top angle I need to set the arch height the same width as the door, which is much too steep (as per the attached screenshot). I know this is achievable with windows but I can't see any further options to manipulate the door to get the shape right. Any help much appreciated. Thanks.
  3. Hi all. I appreciate certain functionalities that the 3D Viewer Models offer, however as most of my plans are decoration based I find the restricted file size limiting - and the general Room View Mode a little too flat. I know there are video walk-through options, but again I find the quality lacking and execution difficult, on top of this I love the idea that my clients can direct their own exploration. For these reasons I would like to use a series of my own 360° Panoramas to create walk-throughs instead (similar to virtual real-estate tours). I have been playing around with some third party software options which do what I need, but they're all subscription based and too expensive for me as a hobbyist. So I just wanted to ask if this is a capability I have missed? Or if anyone has some great suggestions? Thank you.
  4. Thank you so, so much. That was really helpful. Some tips using the auto rebuild function, and an interesting lateral thinking approach. Very much appreciated.
  5. Thank you. I have watched multiple tutorials and I still struggle to get them right for my particular applications. That said, it does help to rewatch the instructional videos as my understanding improves. Cheers.
  6. Thank you. I have posted to your forum. More than happy to receive any advice and feedback.
  7. I can't attach the file. I keep getting this error: "1 file was larger than the maximum file size of 14MB, and was skipped". It's a very basic plan at this stage (barely any custom materials or models) so I'm a bit unsure how to make it smaller.
  8. I tried but it said it was too big. I will try again.
  9. Hi all. I usually focus on interior decoration concepts so in general roofs aren't a huge factor for me. That said, interiors with custom ceiling planes, etc. do hold importance to some of my plans. But, due to the fact I don't practice working with roofs often I always find getting them right a very frustrating practice! At the moment I am trying to create a windowed gable over this kitchen as per the plans. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks so much. 23020-TP-2-1_merged (7).pdf
  10. Thank you. I missed that little checkbox at the bottom of the spec screen. Cheers.
  11. Thanks. Yes, I'm very familiar with the spray can tool and have already done that though it's conflicting with another material which is why in the screenshot it has this hazy look which jumps between colours. My thought is simply to add a backsplash right up to the ceiling though I wondered if there was a more appropriate way to make it work.
  12. Quick question, I can't see a way to change the colour of an interior door from one side to another (and its casing too for that matter)? I know this can easily be achieved with exterior doors, but what about interior doors? Is this possible or is there a workaround? Thank you.
  13. Hi there. I am trying to make the walls in this room with a vaulted ceiling all the same colour, but I can't get the area in the vault (above standard ceiling height) to show the colour correctly. There is a material clash which is causing it to glitch and look patchy. I've tried to select the areas individually though can't. Any ideas much appreciated thanks.