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Everything posted by solver

  1. Select the object and not an edge. How are you moving them?
  2. Review the Materials List.
  3. Make them from a slab, or soffit, or shape from the library, not a wall.
  4. The typical way of creating a gable is via a directive in a wall. Have you tried this? Sounds like video watching might be beneficial. Good getting started ones on YouTube plenty of more focused ones on the HD website.
  5. I've not looked at the plan. Why are you using the Gable/Roof Line tool? I believe the tool is exactly the same in Architectural and Pro.
  6. You can create a new Text Style -- I just used an already defined one to make the text larger. You will also change everything on the roof labels layer.
  7. I'll encourage you to find another plan. Lots of problems just looking as an outsider. If you want a review, you might post on Houzz.
  8. I know using North/South makes sense, but we have now way of knowing which is North. Use Edit Area (All Floors). Trace one of the roof planes with a Rectangular Polyline. Select the Polyline. Invoke Edit Area -- it will use the polyline as your selection. Use Transform/Replicate to move the selection.
  9. The answer is there. Have you searched Help? The answer is also there.
  10. Search the Home Designer website for insulation. Always a good place to start when you have a question.
  11. Check the library and bonus catalogs. Think about building something up from components -- a cabinet with a valance for the square part, a hood from the library for the top. Google 3D Warehouse for SketchUp symbols that may be imported.
  12. If you help us a bit, someone may be able to help you. Tell us what you are trying to dimension. Attach a simple plan for someone to work with.
  13. solver

    Shower Tile

    Check the links above, including the Home Designer website -- keywords tile material. You will need a new material (Texture) to represent your chosen tile, typically created in an image editing program like Photoshop.
  14. All of them, but specifically Floor Levels. It's easier on you to set up defaults before you start drawing. ---- Many questions have been asked and answered. The Home Designer website is a good place to start your search. Here is a video about searching the forum: Resources for self help: The built in Help System (always a good place to start) Getting Started Knowledge Base YouTube Home Designer - Getting Started - Setting Preferences and Defaults
  15. Walls are typically built using pre cut studs in lengths of 92.625, 104.625 and 116.625, for 8', 9' and 10' walls. Add 4.5" for a single bottom and double top plates and you have your ceiling height. Default 1st floor ceilings are 9' so just add or subtract in multiples of 12" for standard height walls. I'll adjust the Rough Ceiling, but you might experiment with changing other fields. Whatever you do, set up your floor defaults first, then change any odd rooms individually.
  16. I linked some Help resources in your shutter thread. Look for info on materials and tile.
  17. It's always helpful to have the plan file to work with. Others may see exactly what you are doing and make the best suggestions. Close Suite and attach as you would an image. The way you control floor and ceiling heights is by creating a room. From above -- see how the small closet is a room and how the default settings have been changed. Another way of doing this is to use a soffit to create the small closet so it looks good in 3D.
  18. I took a look at the article you are following and noticed it's from 2015. I'm guessing the program changed and the article was not updated.