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  1. Vikki_WA

    Scroll bars

    My horizontal and vertical scroll bars have suddenly disappeared. Help! How do I get them back?
  2. 1. I have found no evidence that I can download an older version of the core library without overwriting my current version. If someone knows of a way, please tell me. 2. I need kitchen cabinets with basic profiled, recessed panel doors and flat face, profiled drawers. These used to be included in the core library cabinet doors & drawers but have disappeared with version updates. Style needed shown below. I want something that I can import into the library that can be edited as part of the standard cabinet dialog. I have no desire to import each door and drawer front as a separate 3d object. I don't understand why this style would be eliminated as it is found in just a few million kitchens across the world???
  3. As the core libraries are updated with each new upgrade version of my HD Pro 2023, it seems that I lose a number of items that existed in those libraries in prior versions. Is it possible to download the core library from say HD Pro 2016 as a file that I can then rename and add to my collection? I just want to be sure that I don't mess up the current core library.
  4. 3d Warehouse might be your new best friend. All manner of things can be downloaded, saved to your computer, then imported into your drawing. Once you place it in your drawing you can adjust size and colors.
  5. My enormous user library has become hopelessly (maybe not?) corrupt over time. Items have moved to weird spots or lost their names, etc. I have reinstalled HDPro 2021 and re-downloaded the core libraries. Is there any way to restore my user library without rebuilding the whole thing from scratch?
  6. Vikki_WA

    Libraries corrupt

    My libraries are continually being corrupted. It's not that they're unusable, but odd items will show up in a core, bonus, or manufacturer library (those that can't be edited by the user). The attached screenshot shows an example of how random appliances from my user library have suddenly copied themselves into one of the core libraries. This sort of thing has been happening for quite some time and with previous versions as well. Running the library update doesn't fix the problem. How do I fix this and can I prevent it from continuing to happen?
  7. No matter what wall or railing type I choose I don't have a "wall cap" panel. According to the "Creating a Stair Rake Wall" article, this should be an option when editing a railing. Any ideas?
  8. Thank you! After watching your video I realized that I had inadvertently dragged my edit toolbar behind the child toolbar so it was just hidden, not missing. All is better now.
  9. Thank you for getting back to me This picture shows the vertical toolbar at the far left that used to always open automatically whenever I selected an object. The behavior now is that the vertical toolbar stays on whatever the last child toolbar was so now I have to go to the VIEW menu and click Tool Palette to get this to open. Also, once I do have everything looking and working the way I want it once again, can I save the profile somewhere so I can easily restore it when I manage to mess it up again? Thanks
  10. A couple of days ago I somehow accidentally changed my toolbars and now when I select an object the Tool Palette doesn't open automatically. I can go up to the view menu and click on the Tool Palette there to get it to open, but it used to be automatic whenever an object was selected.
  11. Vikki_WA

    Edit library item

    Is there a way to extract an item from the core library so that it can be edited by Sketchup?
  12. Is there any way to flip a light fixture vertically? I want to turn a bathroom sconce upside down so shades point down instead of up. I have tried the transform/replicate-flip vertically, but that doesn't work. (Fixture is part of a bonus library so I don't think there's a way to extract it for editing with sketchup).
  13. How do I stop a cabinet from adding a filler strip when it's close to a wall?
  14. Is there a way to flip a light fixture over (top to bottom)? Using the transform/replicate reflect vertical does nothing.