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Everything posted by solver

  1. solver

    Terrain Perimeter

    Multiple ways. Copy/Paste Hold Position is the easiest.
  2. Watch a video or 2 on dimensions.
  3. Remove it then. You can remove or add to a dimension string.
  4. Think about using auto roofs -- what causes the program to build a roof? Or maybe think of the difference between where an auto roof builds and where it does not. You have identified the problem in that sentence.
  5. Yes. Think about what you are telling the program when you change ceiling heights with auto rebuild on.
  6. What do you want your dimensions to look like?
  7. Chief has mulled windows, Home Designer does not. ??? Look in the Library, or place a door and 2 windows. What are you wanting that that does not do?
  8. An image showing the space would be helpful and probably negate the need to download your plan. Home Designer is limited to making changes to the front of a cabinet only. Build it with parts.
  9. If you are auto building the roof, research these settings. If manually building, or you have turned off auto rebuild, select all the roof planes and Transform/Replicate.
  10. Not sure what you want to align, but you can center, and use Point to Point move. If you are sending as Plot Lines, Point to Point will pick up snaps. If you are having a problem, or not sure how to do something, start a new thread and ask.
  11. You think I just make stuff up
  12. @jasonN Did you experiment with the behavior I describe above? Have you called Chief and asked for an explination?
  13. Draw a wall, or take the wall on the left and drag it across.
  14. solver

    Very thick walls

    People in places like the UK have this problem. Play with your wall definition. Doors and windows go in the main layer.
  15. Probably related to your video chipset. Is all your system software up to date? Have you reviewed the minimum requirements listed on the website?
  16. Then draw a simple plan that demonstrates the problem. Maybe take one of the problem plans and downsize it?
  17. Chief has removed the Floor Camera from the toolbar in newer versions as a way of discouraging its use.
  18. Questions like this need to be directed to Chief.
  19. There are no rails on a Half Wall, but there is a Wall Cap which is fixed in size. Maybe this will give you some ideas.
  20. Send your plan and problem description and system specs to Chief. They are in the best position to help with this problem.