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Everything posted by solver

  1. solver


    Your "drawing" isn't on a specific layer. The objects the make up your model all have an associated layer. Open Display Options and take a look.
  2. I do not know, but just guessing, you probably cannot.
  3. You cannot simply delete a break point. Instead, drag it to the next break.
  4. solver

    Roof issue

    Attach the plan file and more pictures of the actual house -- details are critical when working with roofs in Architectural and Suite. A picture taken from here looking up at the corner, and one from in front of the house maybe standing in front of the blue car would be a good start. And what is the pitch? Is it the same for all roof planes? Sometimes it is, sometimes not.
  5. I looked and still have no idea. Works as expected in a new plan. I'd contact support and send them the file.
  6. You have the ability to define walls. For the wall where the blue siding shows, define a new wall type if there is not one that will work. Change that wall to use your new or existing wall type. The program works best when you set defaults first, then begin drawing. Give it your best effort, and if you still have problems, attach the plan file (close Pro first). And here is a architectural suggestion. If you have room, consider this detail. A roof plane that dies into a sidewall like you show just doesn't look correct.
  7. I've never seen this or know how to make this happen, or know how to correct it. When you started this plan did you use the Default Style, or one of the other templates? Attach the plan file (close Suite first) and someone will take a look.
  8. Layer Display Options controls the visibility of things and there is one for each camera type.
  9. Check Layer Display Settings.
  10. Depends on how accurate you want to be. For the side panels, you can place a door from the library and convert it to a fixture, then resize it. Or build it from parts -- like soffits. No way to place a molding so everything will be square edged. You could use a cabinet like this. No one wants to hear this, but Premier has the features to model this accurately, and to do things like route plumbing (although not really easily, but it can be done. See this video for an idea). The library is full of things -- search for valance.
  11. Each camera type has an associated set of layers that you can set to display or not display. If you do not want to see cabinets, then turn off the display of cabinets. If you want to see framing, then set the framing layers to display.
  12. Looks like the pitch is off and maybe the overhang.
  13. Make the triangle room created by the Room Divider walls Open Below.
  14. You need to trick the program into doing what you want. Add room divider walls to fill in the triangle formed by the angled bay wall. Set the front wall to Full Gable.
  15. Don't know why the program is doing that, but think about how you could correct it. What dimension could you change to make the ridge align?
  16. You are, I think, doing this the hard way. If you build a foundation with walls, those walls will automatically get a footing. If you simply draw a wall, you can mark it as a foundation wall and it will get a footing. The software does many things automatically -- sometimes it's not what you want, but generally it is. You want to do a little manual building as possible and learn/allow the program to do it for you. A search in Help for ledger will give you some ideas on how to have the program automatically generate a ledger.
  17. None of the Home Designer titles allow you to put holes in things. You need to draw the slab so it forms the opening.
  18. You should not need to do anything.
  19. @codylv7 Research Textures and Patterns, and how to create a new Material.
  20. Did you choose a template other than the Default Style when you started your plan? You might want to go over the resources I linked above.
  21. Copy windows and doors, replace wall, Paste/Hold Position to put the windows back.
  22. Open the object and review the available settings. What is "lose the tool"? There are lots of videos on the Chief YouTube channel. Watching the recent hour long Home Designer webinar will help you get up to speed with the new version.
  23. I believe you will need to redraw the wall as a Pony Wall, and not simply change it.