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Everything posted by solver

  1. solver


    No idea what you are asking about. Is this a wall that's thicker on the lower part? And how does it relate to storage?
  2. Have you tried saving to a new file? Did you click Show Details?
  3. Attach the plan file -- close Suite first, and I'll have a look.
  4. You may need to delete, then rebuild the foundation. Build>Floor
  5. The version is key too as the program changes year to year. Edit>Delete Objects Choose Deck Framing
  6. Did you try selecting a line and changing its color?
  7. Tell your designer you do not have this option and they need to clear it before sending you the file.
  8. Try using a Room Divider wall to square off the outside corner.
  9. I see you have two walls at the top of the image that are back to back. Move the blue wall away and see if the label changes. If that does not work, I would start by making a copy of the plan, then turning off the display of everything in the plan but walls. Then select a wall tool -- any one, it does not matter which. Hold Shift and marquee select walls in the area. With the selection still active, hold Ctrl and click individual walls to deselect them. Once you have deselected the obvious walls, and still have something selected, press Delete.
  10. Open the Terrain. Uncheck Hide Terrain Intersected by Building Look in the Edit Toolbar for the Make Terrain Hole tool. It creates a polyline you may reshape as required.
  11. When the program auto builds walls, it marks them as No Room Definition. I would check each wall surrounding the problem room, and clear this setting if it is set. Attaching a screen capture or two is usually helpful too so we see what you see. A 3D overview using Vector View is usually best.
  12. Open Help, search Pointer Icons.
  13. I see it's missing from the opening left of the sink too. Have you made changes to your wall definitions? If you will attach the plan, I'll have a look. A layer of paint added to your wall definition is the usual cause.
  14. Has to be done manually.
  15. A couple of suggestions. Since you have Pro, searching ChiefTalk will often find a solution to problems like this, but please don't start asking questions there. I have a How To Search video on YouTube that works for both HomeTalk and ChiefTalk. I would make this change to your template file. See my YouTube channel for a video. And good job on describing the problem and providing a simple test plan.
  16. It's not clear what you want to do -- how the shelf unit is located in relation to the sloped ceiling. A screen capture (usually Vector View works best) of the area and maybe one showing the area on the plan would be helpful. You will need to model this from parts -- partitions, shelves, and probably a sloped soffit for the top. You can also make a thick wall -- here I used 24", insert a Wall Niche, change the shape and add cabinets/cabinet parts inside.
  17. Read about Roof Cuts Wall at Bottom and Lower Wall Type When Split By Butting Roof. Use one or the other depending on your needs.
  18. Open the stair and and look at the Fill options. Since you are looking for an architect, I'd focus more on the ideas and less on the details. Architects are trained to design and many will prefer to do so and not take a plan, draft it and stamp it as it does not represent their work. They will understand codes related to stair railings, for example. And I have not seen your plan, but it's very rare that I see a good DIY plan. If you want some honest but usually brutal feedback, post over on houzz