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Everything posted by solver

  1. solver


    See this thread on ChiefTalk. I'm using the latest Nvidia drivers without issue.
  2. That's just what you do. Grab the wall with the mouse and move it, or select it and move it with dimensions, or use Transform/Replicate. That's the easiest part of what you want to do.
  3. Image of what you want to model? Real post an beam -- mortises and tenons?
  4. Please post images directly, no need to make a PDF of an image. Trusses are different. Forum search should provide the info. Roof>Options Boxed eave
  5. Why don't you post on ChiefTalk in Q&A I'm guessing someone there will be able to help, and doubt anyone here will. Be sure to post an image showing the problem, and a DXF so other A CAD users can test. Also state you are a Pro 2016 user sent over from HomeTalk.
  6. Why are you exporting as a DXF?
  7. Chief is discussed on ChiefTalk
  8. Try Point to Point Move, Transform/Replicate (move in X an or Y), hold the Control (or Command key on Mac) and drag the cabinet into the opening. The Attic works differently than other floors. It has no room definition. Have you looked at an elevation? With Pro, you can select both roof planes and use Transform/Replicate in the Z axis to raise or lower them. Walls below will adjust automatically up or down as needed.
  9. Please post images directly. No need to make a PDF of an image. To fill in the hole, go to the attic level and draw in your own wall.
  10. Right front corner. 2 small extra walls. Delete them. To the left -- note the wall misalignment, and the left side wall is reversed.
  11. When you select a wall, look in the Edit Tool Bar. If the wall is misaligned, there will be an icon that looks like a bar with an arrow above or below. Click it to align with the floor above or floor below. Post your current plan, and screen captures showing the problems.
  12. Providing an image of your model helps. Often it's a simple setting change. This keeps others from needing to supply step by step, start to finish instructions. I've made the outer room ceiling 0". The outside walls flanking the entry are set to Gable.
  13. Are you comfortable with the manual roof tools? This is a very simple roof to build using them.
  14. Try drawing your countertop over the top of the CAD drawing. Objects sometimes will snap to line work. Here I've drawn lines, like the one across the bottom, and the countertop curve snapped to it.
  15. I'd use 3 walls, one in front of the other. Place a doorway in each of the 2 outer walls adjusting the size and arch as needed. Place a door in the innermost wall.
  16. I bet you are correct. I was thinking this.
  17. The setting is located in the Window Defaults, but it works for windows and doors.
  18. Change Minimum Separation to 0.
  19. This will be challenging -- maybe impossible in Suite using the available tools. Curved roofs look really nice, but are costly to build. If you have a contractor for this project, I'd run your ideas by them.
  20. If you are asking about modeling the cabinet, one upgrade in newer versions is this. Makes doing this type of modification easy. You may need 3 cabinets to do the same.
  21. When you say "section" are you referring to creating a single cabinet with that configuration and not like "cross section"?
  22. I encourage you to learn the manual roof tools, but this may easily done with the auto roof. The software does not handle the lower pitch roof correctly using its default settings, so you need to change these. I lowered the pitch to 2.75 so the intersection of the lower roof and upper roof would be about even with the ridge running over the front door. This was an educated guess. I then adjusted the In From Baseline setting until the junction looked correct. Suggest you experiment a bit, entering different combinations so you understand what each does and how it affects the roof. If I were manually doing this, I would auto build the roof without the porch roof. Delete unneeded planes and reshape the main roof. Draw in the porch roof manually so it reaches to the main roof, then adjust the ridge height to match the height of the main roof where they join, letting the pitch float. Easier to do than to describe.
  23. solver

    unwanted lines

    The basement wall on the right side just has painted brick on it. Redefine it, adding an actual layer of brick on the exterior, and it looks better. Also pay attention to Interior/Exterior orientation on walls. Make sure the exterior side is facing out. This foundation wall was reversed. I deleted the attic gable wall -- the program rebuilt it, and that cleaned up more lines. Sometimes Balloon Through Ceiling Above may be used, but be sure to check that the program removes the wall above -- often it does not and you end up with 2 walls in the same space. Note on the front corner the 1st floor and basement walls are not aligned, resulting in a line. Read up on how walls automatically align floor to floor, and especially how basement walls align. It's difficult to give clear instructions on eliminating these lines because there are many causes. Sometimes I will use Delete Current Floor on the Attic level to clean up artifacts -- walls that the program auto built but are no longer needed. The program will automatically rebuild attic walls, so if you try this, select windows etc that are on the attic level and copy them, then Paste/Hold Position to put them back after the program rebuilds the walls.