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Everything posted by solver

  1. Probably a lighting issue. What do they look like in a Dollhouse view? Post the plan file and someone will have a look.
  2. I don't know what the issue is with your plan, but I deleted your foundation, then built a new blank one and drew in the walls using a Pony Wall. Seems to work as it should. You may be able to just delete 1 wall at a time and redraw.
  3. What is "as it should"? Will the insulation be covered? Looking at the plan I noticed this ...
  4. Use a Backclipped Cross Section camera. Here I used a Point to Point dimension which snapped to the peak and terrain. Sometimes, depending on the plan, it helps to draw a CAD line from the peak out over the terrain and then measure between it and the terrain. You can also place points and then measure between them.
  5. You have the plat and the location of the house on it. Enter this information into the software in a new plan -- a single CAD line representing one front wall on the house, and one corner is all you need for the house. Select that line, get its angle, then select everything and rotate so that that line is now parallel with the bottom of the screen. Select everything and copy into the the file with your plan.Use Point to Point Move from the house corner located on the plat to the same corner on the drawn house. I did not see where the article said you could assign vertical up in Pro.
  6. I'm not clear about you have but will assume the terrain has been adjusted to represent your plat and the house is on the terrain in its correct position. The house walls are not square with the screen (drawing sheet). I would get the angle of a house wall, then rotate the entire plan so that the front house wall is square with the screen. Posting your plan file, or a screen capture of what you have drawn will help.
  7. solver

    Unique Foundation

    That doesn't look like a foundation, maybe just slats between concrete piers. What do you think?
  8. Is your house located on your plat -- the paper version? Is the house already drawn on the terrain?
  9. All I care about is seeing Pro 2018 in the signature. As far as workflow, this looks good to me. Your problem will be the terrain and creating an accurate model. I would start with as few data points as possible. More tends to confuse the software. Contour lines the same. Without seeing the existing house I can't comment on any potential problems with modeling it. Draw the terrain and house in the same plan. Draw the house square with the screen and rotate the terrain as needed.
  10. The dashed red lines are Room Divider walls. The dashed darker lines show a soffit. The shorter room dividers work to keep the connections square. You will need to experiment a bit to get what you want.
  11. I did this in an older trial version of Suite, so it should work for you. The blue is a soffit. The gray above is a Wedge Shape from the library. Place them in plan, take an elevation and use the edit handles to shape. I used a Pass Through for the opening -- see the Shape settings. Make a copy of the stair. Open it and set its width to 3". Center it over the wedge and change the number of treads -- make it shorter. Change the baluster material on the main stair to Opening No Material, and turn off the right side railing. Change the newel on the skinny stair and you should be close.
  12. Thanks. Can you post an image of what you want to do -- or what you have and a bit better description? There are multiple conditions that might be described as "Trying to make triangular shape under the stairs", and they all require doing something different.
  13. solver


    Forgot to add this one. You have the Stem Wall for this room at 50". Set it back to default.
  14. solver


    You deleted the garage walls, but not the foundation. Check Rebuild Foundation and leave it checked until the foundation is correct. You must tell the program to apply your settings in many cases. These settings are from your plan and show the out of box defaults for the foundation, not your changes. Delete the garage and its foundation and the wall fills in. If you look, you will see the roof that is building over the garage foundation is intruding into the house. Roof planes cut walls, so the program built that wall until if found a roof plane. I assure you there are many Mac users using the software without issue. ----- You should set the room types too. Especially the garage as it's treated differently. I noticed you created a Slab room under the garage, which is not the way to build a garage. I linked some videos on YouTube above, and it might help you to watch some of the 1 hour quick start ones. They go through, step by step creating a house. You seem to be fighting the software and are clearly frustrated. Suite will do a lot, but it's far from perfect and requires out of the box solutions to many problems.
  15. solver


    Can you tell us specifically what you want? People tend to talk about the problems they are having and leave out what they are trying to accomplish . Do you have images of an existing house?
  16. If you are asking about the .calibz files you downloaded, they would probably be in your default Downloads folder. I would download from the website as there are changes and fixes that are incorporated into the catalogs, and the ones for Pro may be different that the ones for Suite.
  17. They can be group selected and dragged into Pro, so no need to do them one at a time.
  18. It's just the way the program works. When you export, it becomes a User Catalog, and gets imported into the User Catalog. If you have the individual .calibz files that were downloaded, they may be imported and will go into the correct spot.
  19. This is from Chief using a standard brick wall. I'm unsure about Pro. Do you have this setting?