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Everything posted by solver

  1. If you draw your walls in a clockwise direction, and then select each one, again going clockwise and change the dimension, you should not need the move start and move end arrows. Could you post a screen capture showing the problem and saying what you are trying to do?
  2. solver

    New Update.

    When you go to the website to download the update, there is a PDF on the same page that contains that list.
  3. I don't understand what you are asking. What difference does a preliminary plan or a temporary layout make? What are you trying to accomplish with a "temporary layout"?
  4. See if this helps -- and read up on Patterns vs Textures
  5. Isn't that how it would be built? You can always add a floor creating a room above.
  6. Moved entry over to align with living. Stairs to the right.
  7. I think the KB article is wrong.
  8. What are you trying to do with the terrain? Have you already created the plot plan using CAD tools?
  9. Close the program. Open a command window (see video) and paste this string. Press Return to execute. Reboot. Rundll32.exe fthsvc.dll,FthSysprepSpecialize Watch on YouTube:
  10. ship_it.1 (eric 1)
  11. Do not check Make Roof Baseline Polylines unless you understand what that does. Go to Edit>Delete Objects, select Roof Baseline Polylines and delete them.
  12. I did it manually. Using Auto Roofs, the garage roof fascia needs to be the same height as the house roof fascia. I would build a foundation too -- and turn on Auto Rebuild Foundation.
  13. I'd think about the stairs, especially the bottom. Adding a step and landing, and moving the door?
  14. It's a saved camera -- look in the laundry.
  15. Then it's probably not a CAD line, but something generated by the program. Post a screen capture showing the line and the plan file (close Pro first) for the best answer.
  16. Much easier. No need for the extra wall. You can create your own symbols like I did for the first image I show above, and place them independently of other objects/walls. You could create a Panel consisting of the railing and screen and apply it automatically as part of the railing wall. With Pro, you could also create the screen with frame from soffits or slabs for example, make an Architectural Block, and position them manually.
  17. Watch on YouTube:
  18. The screen panel I made in Chief Premier, and placed it manually between the columns. There is a glass door in the library that you could use. Just paint the glass with a screen material.
  19. Your Porch/Carport wall definition is unusual. What's the reason for it?
  20. See the ChiefSkills YouTube channel for a video or 2. They are for Chief Premier, but home designer has some of the same features. You can sometimes use windows. An image or 2 of what you want to model would be helpful.
  21. For the truss, you can often re-purpose a truss generated by the program. You will also get correct wood grain.