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Everything posted by solver

  1. Did you search the Home Designer site for plants?
  2. Think of the Remove Material tool as a way to temporally make a surface invisible. It's not really removing anything. In the rooms where you do not want a ceiling surface, you can set it to 0" thick.
  3. Change the material. You probably painted them, and the door, with a material with a Texture and Pattern that is showing.
  4. You can lock its layer, but that will lock everything on that layer. Change the colors in HD -- make walls red, for example.
  5. You can download the trial for Architectural and Pro and experiment with their options. The videos are always done in Pro.
  6. Search for ledge in Help. You only have control over the depth, not the height. Your exterior walls are marked as Foundation Wall -- why?
  7. There is no way. The article you referenced shows this at the top The information in this article applies to: If you will try a search for trace, you will find a different article that applies to Architectural. Consider to scale. Scale could be anything the creator of the plan chose. We are accustomed to 1/4" = 1', but it could be anything. Tracing a plan in PDF, or some image format is simply a quick way to get the walls in place. You will need to manually verify your dimensions against the plan. You have the tools to experiment for yourself. Draw a plan, send to Layout and print to PDF. Import the PDF into a new plan and see how drawing walls on top works. You know your PDF is to scale, provided you created it correctly.
  8. Open a window and review the settings.
  9. What is a "metal ledge"?
  10. Something wrong with your plan attachment. Try again.
  11. Do you have Auto Rebuild Foundation checked?
  12. Change the layer color. Change to black and white. Set Color is Grayscale. You will need to experiment to see what works best for you.
  13. Use Transform/Replicate to move it if you do not want to see it. Imported images are on the CAD, Default layer which you can set to not display, and/or lock, but that will affect all items on that layer. And no, you cannot change an items layer.
  14. Not automatic, but easily done.
  15. Go to the Attic level. Build>Floor>Delete Current Floor
  16. Why do you want to? What are you wanting to accomplish?
  17. That's because you are in plan view.
  18. It's helpful to have an image (screen capture - .jpg or .png) posted to the forum and not included in an attachment showing the issue as often it will be enough to provide a suggestion, and eliminate the need to download and review a plan.
  19. No attached photo, and you will need to communicate what a correct roof looks like.