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Everything posted by solver

  1. Read up on materials. You need to make a copy of an existing one, or make a new one with the grain running in the correct direction.
  2. solver

    Stair offset tweak

    I'm able to select the 3" on the right. That dimension is for the wall partly under the stair. Select the wall, move it to the right, then back to the left so it bumps into the stair. You will see that the 3" goes away. Sometimes you need to zoom in close to a dimension to be able to open it.
  3. solver

    Stair offset tweak

    Selected fine here. What are you trying to do? If wanting to move the stairs over to the wall, select them and drag over. They will snap to the wall.
  4. solver

    Stair offset tweak

    This is a standard stair. No 3" gaps. Have you changed any of your dimension defaults? Posting your plan file will help us understand better. Make sure it's not open in Home Designer. Where did you find this setting? I know of no way to change it.
  5. solver

    DXF to .plan

    What can you do to it? What changes and additions can you make?
  6. You are trying to make the wall thing more complex than it is. Where is the wall located -- the 2nd floor level. Go to the 2nd floor, turn on reference display so you see the walls below, draw a wall where it needs to be. Adjust as needed. If there was an interior wall directly below, the program would probably fill this in automatically.
  7. No need to post the same question multiple times. You might delete this one -- under options at the bottom of your post.
  8. solver

    groups of windows

    How is it supposed to look? Telling us what's wrong is important, but we need to understand what is correct too. Posting the plan is good too, but an image or 2 helps as well. Here I've turned off all casings, and used the Custom Backsplash tool to draw in the casing, guessing that this is the look you want.
  9. I used Chief Premier, but could have used Pro. Just wanted to confirm what you wanted to do, so others like Law could work in it.
  10. There is a slab tool on the toolbar. Click it, then draw a square on your plan. You have just drawn a slab. Take a 3D camera (perspective overview) and see. The entire program works basically the same way. You select what you want to draw, or an action to perform, then you draw or perform the action. Spend a few hours watching the videos linked above to get a feel for how the software works.
  11. To answer your question, you draw them in using a slab, soffit, or other shape, and select an appropriate material for them. What are you having trouble with? Are you able to draw a slab, for example? Do you understand how to open its specification dialog and change its parameters, and/or reshape it in plan and camera views? I'll suggest the following resources for self help. The built in Help System (always a good place to start) Getting Started Knowledge Base YouTube
  12. Did you notice my answer to your question on ChiefTalk? Posting an image of what you want to model usually helps too.
  13. I don't know a way to do this is Pro, and think David's suggestion of SketchUp is your best bet.
  14. Do you need something to show in a 3D view, or just something to use for hole alignment? If only for alignment, draw a CAD square where the corners are the center of the hole.
  15. Always post the .plan file. Layouts don't help. If there is a wall there, it looks like an interior wall. Read up on Lower Wall Type When Split by Butting Roof. This gives you the ability to have one wall type above the roof, and one below.
  16. I imagine you need to pull the roof plane back from the wall. If that does not work, post the plan file and someone will have a look.
  17. On the signature, try following the instructions posted above, again. On the shower, we need to know exactly what you want to model.
  18. I don't believe Suite has the tools to make this look correct. I will suggest you consider how the brick in these areas will be supported.
  19. Here is one idea. I've reduced the bathroom ceiling to 90", and made the ceiling/floor structure thinner using 2x6 material. This lets you use fewer steps to reach the floor above, and they are not so steep. Also rearranged the bath a bit, moving the washer outside. Space for water heater under the stairs with access from the exterior. You could also extend the bath along the back wall towards the outdoor shower.
  20. I see you have 5 dormers, but only one showing. Not sure what connecting problems you are having.
  21. I needs to be closed when you upload and/or zip it. You will need to do the upload again with the plan closed.
  22. No way to tell without the plan. You don't. You raise the roof off the top plate so when you build the truss, it fills in.