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Everything posted by solver

  1. Posting a simple plan demonstrating the problem might net a better answer.
  2. Modifying a generated truss is easy to do in Chief Architect -- do not think it can be done in Pro. Could you show us a detail showing what you want to model? You might create a truss, then add a framing member to the top. You could create the truss in SketchUp and import as a symbol.
  3. solver

    Material List IDs

    There is a new feature in the latest version -- not sure if Home Designer has it, that helps with locating materials. I'd contact sales directly and ask.
  4. If this is an existing home, do you have images to post? I'm curious about your use of railing walls that seem to be brick around the front. In a camera view, select the studs and delete. They are part of some unneeded walls. There are two walls on that side. You want to select the invisible one. Copy the 3 windows, delete the wall, go to plan and Paste/Hold Position to put them back.
  5. Draw the deck without railings. Draw railings inside the deck. Mark them No Room Definition. Change their settings as needed. Move the railing over to the edge of the deck.
  6. solver

    Placing Microwave

    Are you adding it via the cabinet dialog, or placing it after the cabinet is in place?
  7. Please post the plan file.
  8. I don't understand why you want to do this, but is it possible you are using the software like your drafting table, and not taking advantage of its capabilities. I sometimes see people wanting to lay out things using CAD, or other temporary objects, instead of just using the actual object. Drawing CAD for walls, then drawing in walls over the CAD, for example.
  9. Could you post a section (just a sketch is OK) showing what you want?
  10. No. That's why the trick with the invisible walls and 1/64" spacing. You are creating a tiny room with no moldings.
  11. Red line points to a Room Divider wall. Pull the glass wall back so it does not automatically connect. Draw the Room Divider, then snap the glass back. Draw 2 room dividers around the glass wall forming a room. Turn off the molding in this room. Move the walls 1/64" away from the glass.
  12. Home Designer has only 1 page layouts.
  13. You may need to contact Chief Architect Monday.
  14. Please spend some time reviewing the Home Designer videos available on YouTube and/or the Home Designer web site. I think you will find that many of your how do I questions will be answered. It's common for people to see answers to their questions as being simple, and sometimes they are, but more often the answer is it depends. Posting good images and your plan file is usually helpful as they save lots of back and fourth and unnecessary effort.
  15. Lights like to locate in a ceiling plane. Open it and change its location.
  16. I believe Pro automatically makes a copy of the active layer set when sending to Layout, and saves it with the Layout. I'd send in to support if possible. Your .plan file(s) and layout files.
  17. What function? Control drag is fairly universal for freely moving items.
  18. Try selecting the faucet and holding the control key (or command key) drag it into position.
  19. Roof Baseline Polylines
  20. You used walls shaped in elevation to create your beams? You can define a new wall type that is a single material. That may work better. You might consider sloped soffits for your beams too. A Custom Backsplash can be shaped into a beam as well.
  21. Manual roof video.