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Everything posted by Rookie65

  1. What version and year of the program are you using? Did you download your core catalogs?
  2. Your main living floor should be at "0". Then set your patio and porches at a negative number and that should drop them down. You can always check your reference manual or the help tab that is on every screen so you don't have to wait for someone to reply
  3. Try copy and paste the other floors individually maybe?
  4. Rookie65

    Terrain UGH!!!

    Set a bunch of elevation lines for the low height and call them "0". Then a bunch for the higher elevation. (+ how much the difference should be). Keep a space between the high and low for the distance you want to have sloped. Rebuild terrain and it should take care of it. The reasons for having a bunch at the same elevation on each side is to keep those areas flat. It's not too hard once you get an understanding of how it's programmed to work.
  5. Go to edit area>all floors. Copy and paste it. It's in your reference manual too
  6. Did you look at edit>default>camera tools>Perspective full overview>plan display? Or you could even try looking through your reference manual
  7. Try searching the core library for pools
  8. You'll be able to make those with manual roofs, yet Architectural currently does not have that feature
  9. Typically you want to keep dimensions to full feet measurements if possible, and to a 1/4" for your fractions for interior walls. Ideally you want to have no fractions for your exterior walls so it makes it easier to set foundation walls square. Likely framers will round off odd looking fractions anyway, yet to show them on the plan that way likely won't win you too many friends. That's my 2 cents anyway.
  10. You don't have to use exterior walls for everything. Just make a box to define an area, then use interior walls for the room you're drawing inside the box.
  11. When I design interior projects like kitchens or baths, I will draw a perimeter with exterior walls, then lay out the needed interior walls. This way, when you put in doors, doorways, etc, the program will default to your interior door specs, Plus if you do the 3D interior views, it will provide extra depth of an existing structure to them.
  12. Make sure that the roof touches the exterior wall in those locations
  13. Without a picture of what you're looking for, I'd ask if you have tried a valance?
  14. Pro will let you draw manual roof planes, which are very helpful. You can also see a comparison on the website to look at the other differences.
  15. Please fill out your signature with the program version and year. Not all of the versions have what you need to do this. A scissor truss will usually allow for the lower chord to be 1/2 the rise of the main truss. A 2/12 pitch is basically flat and a scissor chord of a 1/12 isn't worth even bothering with, in my opinion
  16. I have my labels defaulted to what Jo_Ann mentioned. Go to the window settings and in the label, hit the enter key once you put it before the text a couple of times and it will move the label down a bit. Keep in mind that whichever wall the window is on, the label will show up either inside or outside of the structure.
  17. Depends on the program you have, yet there is a bonus catalog that has those in it
  18. Is "Show on floor below" checked in the "rough opening" tab? Or is auto rebuild foundation turned off?
  19. Ask questions under the "Q&A" section so more people will see it. Try looking at the drop down box for the pony wall and look at the alignment options. Maybe even try the help tab or reference manual.
  20. Rookie65

    Fenced Area

    You can draw a polyline square/rectangle inside the fenced area and that will give you the area of the shape.
  21. What version of the software are you using? Have you gone to the room drop down box under "deck" and checked "automatically regenerate deck framing?" It seemed that in HD Pro 2023 and 2024 that decks developed this odd habit of losing framing with any change. It's very frustrating. Another option is to check the "keep framing after deleting deck" under the same tab. With that checked, I would often find that the decking boards would remain, and each one had to be deleted manually. Another nuisance with the changes that were made to decks over the last couple of years.Last thing would be to check that all of the deck framing items are turned on to display in the current camera view. As each camera view type allows you to pick what you want and don't want to display
  22. Section views are typically done as perpendicular to the wall, not orthogonally. Are the walls you're using a custom wall type? Might want to look at their structure, or post your ".plan" file so it can be looked at, rather than people having to guess.
  23. Try it for the basement wall to eliminate the same material all the way down the foundation