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Everything posted by Rookie65

  1. What program are you using? Do you have pony walls as an option?
  2. If you are using Home Designer Pro, then this is where you belong, yet Pro does not have editable layers. If you are using Chief Architect Premier or Interiors, then you belong on the Chief Architect forum. Same company, 2 different levels of programs.
  3. It will work in cross section views.
  4. You can use the "wall covering" option on your exterior wall tab. Select the material and the size, location. Just be sure to apply it to the exterior, as the default is usually for the interior. I find the "James Hardie" bonus catalog is great for this. Use the 4/4 trim in Arctic white. Install it on one wall, then paint it "color-white." Then when you apply it to the other walls, you can select the painted material to use.
  5. Look at wall covering. Also, post your questions under "Q&A". More people are likely to see it there
  6. You select the material from the "plan materials" drop down box. Then edit it. Read the reference manual if you don’t know how
  7. Play around with the textures and properties of the screen to get it to what you want
  8. Create a master plan to start your designs from. Then when you create a wall type in a new plan, you can also add it to the master. Or you can create a bunch of wall type variations in your master.
  9. Read up on the wall specification tab>structure>wall intersections and which end of the walls you want to carry through
  10. After all of this, you'd probably find that the "White Lacquer" displays just like the "Color-White" core program material
  11. Did you try doing it as a "Post with footing" from the framing drop down box?
  12. See my reply above. Change the vertical light number under "Craftsman" style, and you will see the upper lights get smaller.
  13. Have you tried setting the ceiling thickness to "0""? That should eliminate the materials and leave the framing showing.
  14. Look at the options under "type" and experiment with them. You won't have an option for "movable" in a fixed window.
  15. Double check the detail and make sure the right items are on the right layer. Please change your signature also so it includes which program and version you are using.
  16. Is it possible that the wall only showing framing does not have an exterior layer of siding, etc?
  17. Depending on which version of Home Designer you have, you should be able to. Yet keep in mind that when you Auto rebuild the foundation, whatever you have drawn in the basement will disappear. If you're only going to make minimal possible changes to the main floor, just align the basement wall to the revised main floor wall manually with the align wall tool.
  18. You use "pony walls", which I don't know if Suite has.
  19. Did you check the bonus catalogs?
  20. Post your. Plan file and maybe someone will take a look at it
  21. Do you have auto-rebuild walls turned on?
  22. Which program are you using, Home Designer Architectural 2024, or Chief Architect X15? There are different forums for each program. This is the Home Designer user forum.
  23. Can't you just draw a cad line to show it?