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Everything posted by DavidJPotter

  1. These Help articles and videos may be of some additional help: https://www.homedesignersoftware.com/search/?default_tab=all&q=terrain DJP
  2. Ken for years and many versions I create the terrain in the plan that contains the structures. I see NO REASON to make it more difficult that it is natively. Terrain was added as a feature in the year 2,000 AD (Version 7, not X7 but 7), and so since then Terrain is modulated relative to itself and then aligned, using the ""Building Pad" input box for that specific purpose. Of course, raw terrain does not take into account any altering of terrain required by the structure, that you must figure out yourself. DJP
  3. I would do this manually on the first floor, create a blank second floor and manually draw in the stacked bay window. The bay window tool is pre-programmed to be only on a single floor. I suppose you might try using the bay window tool on the first floor but it WILL NOT work in the "Attic", you must create a second floor. "Automatic" (preset) roofs cannot easily be used to create this as it is beyond the programming of this tool. DJP
  4. Use the Edit - Edit Area Area All Floors command along with the Transform-Replicate tool command to make the precise move of all objects and then clean up the mess it creates. Were I you, I would make a copy of your plan as insurance of a total chaos using unfamiliar tools for the first time. DJP
  5. Andrea, This software is great but never has been, nor will be "Perfect" in terms of always creating perfection. Straightening out Wall Polylines is just part of the job of using this software. I consider being able to directly manipulate wall polylines in an elevation camera view sufficient as a fix. "Easy", is the designation of a competent, experienced user which you will become as long as you persist in using it. I have been a user/teacher for 27 years so to me it all seems "easy" not to say that some of its shortcomings are not sometimes annoying, this is not one of them to me. DJP
  6. DavidJPotter

    Wall Heights

    Ceiling heights for the majority of rooms, spaces enclosed with walls are controlled by Edit [ Default Settings - Floors and Rooms - Ceiling Height by you. Exceptions to that are set in individual Room Specification Dialog boxes - Structure Tab - Ceiling Height input box. The same is true for floor heights where the first floor is set by default to zero inches but floors can be raised ior lowered by way of the Structure Tab of each Room Specification dialog, take a look. DJP
  7. https://www.homedesignersoftware.com/videos/watch/2291/custom-textures.html and https://cloud-hd.chiefarchitect.com/1/pdf/documentation/home-designer-pro-2014-users-guide-materials-tutorial.pdf DJP
  8. Just select the wall segment that is visible and drag its edge over the invisible one is what I would probably do. DJP
  9. Check out these Help Videos at the Home Designer Website. DJP
  10. No in your saved elevation camera view. Your shared layout file did not down load at all, tried a dozen times to download it. it looks like a video card problem to me. DJP
  11. Looks fine on my PC. I would guess that either your video card is weak or it needs an updated driver. DJP
  12. 2D images that emulate plants do not cast shadows. Only 3D plants and trees cast shadows in renderings. DJP
  13. .bak fileextention A symbol imported into HD Pro is only editable as to size and materials limited to how the symbol was originally created by others... My advice is to just create, manually the kitchen in PRO as editing a symbol made in a program you are unfamiliar with is not a job I would saddle anyone with. Symbols are best edited in the program in which they were created. DJP
  14. Create in Sketch-Up and then import the pool made in Sketch-Up into Architectural as a symbol. DJP
  15. Due to limitations inherent in Architectural, I would suggest that you name the room "Balcony" and then add the support posts manually to suit your purposes. In HD Pro you can manually edit or delete any unwanted footings and posts but not in Architectural or Suite. DJP
  16. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/3d-library/index.php?r=site/library&search=&x=0&y=0&x=true&soft_family_2=2&hid_soft_family_2=2& DJP
  17. Click on the Window you wish to edit or delete, then press your "Tab" key or "Next" icon to then select only the intended window, then edit or delete as you wish. DJP
  18. No, just turn off (uncheck) the framing layer to not see or see it as you wish. DJP
  19. Precisely create in Sketch Up and then import into HD Pro. DJP
  20. Link t0 HELP https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=basic+roofs+in+Home+Designer+Pro That is a natural and expected part of the learning process. DJP PS I worked nine straight hours yesterday, it is now 421 AM here, this is the best I can do right now
  21. What I commonly do for remodeling work is to make copies of wall types using the "Copy" command in the "Wall Specification Dialog - Define Dialog" taking "Interior 4" and making a copy of it called Interior 4, New and designating "Interior 4" default wall as "Existing". The same actions could create your default wall type as "Non-Load bearing" and the copy with a different fill type to represent your "Load Bearing" walls. If I had so little confidence that my carpenters need that elementary level of guidance, I would fire them and hire someone who knows how to carpenter. DJP