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Everything posted by DavidJPotter

  1. Your existing walls, structurally, do NOT match in any way the addition walls and THAT is what is causing the unwanted artifacts is all I am saying. DJP
  2. I am confused why you did what you did with the wall types (one wall type that shows brick in plan view and the other that does not show brick in plan view but DOES show in camera views). You could use the "Custom Backsplash Tool" found under "Cabinet Tools" to cover up the unwanted brick spillover but if you were to set up your wall types so the "brick layers of each wall type match in depth you then might not then get the unwanted results you currently are getting. Generally speaking, your wall types should follow what exists in the "real world". a brick layer that is a fraction of a inch thick is not very "Real" IMHO. DJP
  3. I downloaded your plan file, opened it on my PC desktop, and carefully looked it over, inside and out. I found no unsightly wall connections at all, what so ever. Si you may have a problem with your own machine or video card. DJP
  4. The wall over which you wish to have a gable instead of the hip is to "temporarily" draw that wall from one side of your floor plan to the other. Build roofs again and then turn OFF "Auto Build Roofs" thereafter. Then remove the "temporary" wall you used to bet the gable to build. The "Temporary" wall is for the purpose of communicating your intention to the software. DJP
  5. They are probably in your "Downloads" folder. Open Pro, Go to the Main toolbar "Library", then select Install Library files, then navigate to your downloads folder, select them and then click "OK". Only then will they install. DJP
  6. You manually use the dimension tools and draw the dimensions if your version supplies them. If you create them manually you can then "see" them, that is how that works. DJP
  7. I am sorry to report that you are as we say "SOL", no Home Designer software has the capability to do anything other than to sketch over AutoCAD 2D drawings. The 2D AutoCAD stuff can only be sketched over using HD's 3D tools like walls, windows, doors, dimensions. Only Chief Architect Premier has the abilities to import and then convert 2D AutoCAD lines to walls directly through a "tedious" process of setting up Chief Premier's "CAD to Walls" tool. I have Chief Premier and I rarely use that tool because it is not that good OMHO. What I do is to import the 2D AutoCAD stuff and then trace over it ala Home Designer. DJP
  8. Open any Cabinet dialog box - Door or Drawer -input boxes where you can raise/lower more left/right door hinges and knobs-pulls DJP
  9. See if this helps in your quest: DJP
  10. You import the .dwg using the "File - Import - DWG command" dialog. Once imported, I recommend you move the import away from your structure and terrain plane. Then you rotate the imported dwg so it properly is orientated to your existing structure. Once that is done you can then you can sketch over the imported contour lines with HD Pro elevation objects (lines, splines) then once created you assign a value relative to the stated values, one at a time until you are finished bottom to top with in the area of your HD Pro Terrain Plane. It is a process of transference from the imported dwg as a guide that you trace over within HD Pro to eventually obtain the desired 3D product. I do not believe such a tutorial exists just for Home Designer Pro use (only Chief Architect Premier which has many more abilities and tools than does HD Pro.) DJP
  11. If such items have a "Dialog Box", look and see if that Dialog Box has a "Fill Tab". If it does you should be able to use the Fill Tab of the object's to apply a fill, if no fill tab then no object fill is then possible. Take a look please. DJP
  12. Go to "Display Options" and make sure that the "Elevation Data" layer is not "Locked" (if it is locked you cannot select it or edit objects on "locked" layers). DJP
  13. Personally, I never use GPS imports because they are harder to control and are often too complex for most home computers to handle. That said, you did what you did and have what you have. You should remove any remaining elevation objects within the permeameter of your Flat Region (they will cause bizarre-o world results). It is not true that elevation objects cannot be edited and that IS what you must do to lessen the slope between the edge of the flat region and surrounding elevation objects, one at a time, manually. "Automatic" results are more work than they have actual value in this software. DJP
  14. DavidJPotter


    That particular icon indicates that you currently have one or more walls that are not properly connected in your plan view. Find the bad wall connection manually and then repair it and the icon should then disappear. DJP
  15. DavidJPotter

    3D Views

    That behavior tends to indicate that your video support is insufficient to support this software. Minimum Requirements are stated on the Home Designer Website. Go there and see how that compares to what you currently have. Updating the software drivers is a good idea either way but may or may not solve your visual problems. Upgrading your computer will. DJP
  16. In order to obtain symmetry in a roof design, especially a gambrel roof system, each pair of roof planes side to side, must match in terms of their pitch and baseline heights. This is also true for the other two roof planes that are opposing pairs. Until they are made symmetrically on both sides you will not have a useable product. The roof plane baselines must also be laid out in plan view symmetrically as well as having matching pitches and baseline heights. The easiest way to get a gambrel roof is to properly set up your structure in plan view and then follow unerringly the steps and settings described in the Build Roof Dialog - Roof Types Tab - Gambrel Roof settings placed by you in the opposing walls on the wall's Roof Tab, the opposing walls set to "Full Gable Wall". Only if the geometry of your floor plan and its pre-settings being correct will you then get a product. It can be done manually but whatever method used must be precisely and methodically laid out. DJP
  17. In Home Designer Pro you create One layout file PER printed page, so 20 pages = 20.layout files. In Chief Premier that is NOT true, a Chief Premier .layout file contains a potential of 1,000 blank pages. That is one of the major differences between Chief Premier and Home Designer Pro. DJP
  18. In a cross section camera ninety degrees to the wall you manually edit the block wall so it steps as you wish downward using the "Break Line" tool of the wall polyline, take a look! DJP
  19. Print quality is controlled by how you send your images to layout before printing. Vector View plan and camera views produce the sharpest images and lines. All the other camera types use Pixels and are thus the tend to "pixelate" when printed depending upon the resolution that you choose to send them to layout. For Cabinet Elevations, Exterior Elevations and details, I always use Vector view or Plot Lines settings before sending to layout for printing. Anything else, in terms of Construction Documentation is a waste of time. I use 3D view ONLY for design clients and NEVER or almost never for CD's as 3D views can and are often misunderstood by building professionals who are used to crisp-clear-easy to read 2D views and dimensions. DJP
  20. In Premier you have the "Detail View", which added some fills automatically but in Pro it is all done manually by you ala AutoCAD procedure with 2D overlays. DJP
  21. DavidJPotter

    Layout Pages

    You create a layout file for EACH printed-scaled page you require. 10 pages = 10 layout files named so you can keep them organized. The major difference between Chief Premier's .layout file and HD Pro's layout file is just that. In Pro requires a single layout file per printed page and in Premier its layout file by default can contain up to 1,000 different pages in a single file. DJP
  22. You can always move a light by way of its dialog box. You can, sometimes with greater difficulty, select a light source in an elevation camera view but light sources/fixtures can be rather small so it requires one to zoom in to gain finer control. All such edits require patience and determination. Keep trying, keeping in mind my advice please. DJP
  23. IT is a mechanical tool, IT doesn't do or keep YOU from doing anything, unless it contains pre-programmed limitations. You, currently are the only sources of any limitations. DJP
  24. In HD Pro, Architectural and Suite 2021 all paper size restrictions have been removed. In past versions the max size was 18x24. What do you have? DJP