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Everything posted by DavidJPotter

  1. DavidJPotter

    Above ground

    Terrain was added as a feature to this software in 2,000 AD and has always been treated as an "add on". The terrain has a dialog box and part of that dialog box is an input box called "Building Pad". This input box controls the overall height of the terrain plane as an object relative to the "Zero Inches of the first floor's surface". Using trial and error changing the input box values will raise or lower the terrain relative to the structure's height. Take a look and practice with that dialog box-input box. DJP
  2. The features you wish do not exist in any Home Designer title; they do exist in Chief Architect Premier, sorry. DJP
  3. Main Toolbar " View - Scrollbars-on or off" DJP
  4. When you get symbols made by others, they are not made for use in Home Designer software. It works but as you have seen, not precisely as you desire. You can learn to use Sketch Up and when mastered create complicated symbols, sorry... DJP
  5. Personally, I do not have a clue. I always buy what supports what I do. DJP
  6. DavidJPotter

    Roof Design

    Links to your .plan files not working. DJP
  7. https://www.homedesignersoftware.com/support/article/KB-01095/home-designer-minimum-system-requirements.html check this out please. DJP
  8. Ask Customer Service DJP
  9. Each active camera type while engaged has its own"DisplayOptions" dialog similar in appearance to the default on seen while working on a .plan file while in planview mode. Everything visible in a .plan file can be made to be actively visible or invisible at your choice. Cross sections fit in this category as well, in that great detail can be added using 2D CAD overlays over the surfaces along with annotations of the 3D model camera view. AutoCAD the grand-daddy CAD program still operates and does most of what it does using only 2D CAD. It is an easy way to make your elevations and cross sections look more professional and detailed. DJP
  10. Watch this please: The thing to remember is to draw the terrain or site plan TO the North-South of the plan view .plan file . Do not draw the structure so it aligns to the site plan; the site plan orientates to Home Designer structure. DJP
  11. That is the "Ceiling side of the roof in a vault situation. You can not really turn that layer on or off but you can make it invisible to reveal what is behind. DJP
  12. Sharing a copy of your problem plan will help. Also like y-g-m-n stated, what are you doing, why are you trying to do it and with what have you so far applied to do it that isn't working. DJP
  13. Download the libraries in the catalog section of the website, especially Bonus Building finishes. DJP
  14. The only controls available to you for that are resident in the Railing Specification Box for each railing wall, take a careful look, please. DJP
  15. Interior ceilings and roof base line heights are controlled in mainly two places : Edit - Default Settings - Floors and Rooms - by floor - 1 - 2 - ect and more locally by way of the Room Specification Dialog box - Ceiling Height input box on the "Structure" tab. What you have to get used to is learning when to and what to set, and where they are the various settings that, once set becoming "automatic" . They are only "automatic" correct only IF you make sure those settings are correct for the outcomes. A great source of beginning help can be found on he "Build Roof" tab "roof styles tab". There you will see articles that communicate how to properly set for each Roof type geometry. Especially with Home Designer Suite the settings are all you have reach to solve all roof probably
  16. The dimension tools have not changed or added to in HD or Chief since at least the year 2,000 AD. You do have to make them work from time to time. There several measurement tools to use so when one works or another automatic tool fails you just use one you can make work. DJP
  17. The software does not do anything on its own, rather it is programmed to follow programmed orders-commands or settings that exist or changed and set or not by its end user per session. So if the settings are wrong that is what you then get. Mastering this datum is key to mastering this software: find the improper settings, correct them and have success. I have also observed that it takes longer to straighten out a missed up plan compared to one that was done properly and insequence. Learn all of the settings for roofs that are to be found in the "Build Roof Dialog - Roof Styles" tab for most common settings for auto-building roofs. Ceiling heights and also an important settings so they match your roof plate heights and your room ceiling heights. DJP
  18. The only Home Designer app that would come close to what you want to do is HD Pro. is that what you have? DJP
  19. I deliver this sort of help to people like you. I charge $75.00 per hour. Once I see your .plan file I can offer an estimate. DJP
  20. Your deck room is probably following "Edit - Defaults - Floors and Rooms - Second Floor - Floor Height". The probable reason that caused its floor to be higher than the house's floor is you did not change the ceiling height of the first floor in "Edit - Defaults - Floors and Rooms - Second Floor - Floor Height" but just changed the first floor's ceiling height in your Room Specification Dialog Box - Structure - Ceiling height of the rooms of the first floor. The software can be counted upon to robotacilly follow its settings, right or wrong. When wrong you get results like yours. Carefully find and set the intended defaults for each floor and only then will all be well. DJP
  21. Your edited plan file is attached below. DJP DJP.zip
  22. Materials are assigned via the wall's Specification dialog box - Materials Tab, past that there are lots of other tools to make changes with. DJP
  23. Importing a symbol (.skp) file requires you to give the symbol a name and it is then locatable via that name in the "User Catalog" section of the Library Browser. I can be assigned in "Edit - Default Settings - Cabinet - Door/Drawer tab" if you have Pro, not so sure about Architectural or Suite, take a look. DJP