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Everything posted by DavidJPotter

  1. I can help you with your project, contact me, please. DJP
  2. Then start your own software company from scratch... It does what it is programmed to do and NOTHING else. So one has to get done what needs doing with the tools at hand. I assume you want to have exposed rafters; that can be done as you have seen. I looked at the model that Eric uploaded and noticed that the fascia has been removed, leaving an large air gap between the rafters and the roof decking. Were I to try to do this I would reset the settings in the effected roof planes. Out-of-the-box the rafters are interiorized and are behind the fascia. The fascia is still there between the perpendicular rafters but the fascia is against the house. I would also set Default Settings - Framing - Roof match what I am doing with the roof framing in terms of rafter sizing. Make these same changes in the Build Roof Dialog - Structure to make sure those new settings were applied. It would be great if the software was smart or AI er something but it IS not...YOU have to be smart to fill in via study-practice and only you makes anything good appear. DJP
  3. Post a copy of your plan so others can look at the missed or misassigned settings, please. DJP
  4. If you persist, you will find dozens of undermount sinks, the programming of the "Search" is programmed as it is and oft times you have to try several "search" terms to get something useful. DJP
  5. Start Here and see what is available. DJP
  6. Start here in your Library Browser - Core Content, the point being to inform yourself of what is available already on your PC. Your second resource will be found on the Home Designer web page here . There other sources but the above should keep you plenty busy. DJP
  7. The five-page layout file is only for the latest version of Home Designer Pro. Like I said in earlier versions of Pro, like yours, you get one printed page per .layout file. So you create a personalized template file and then "save-as " copies for new pages. DJP
  8. What software do you have (title and name)? How to share your signature with the forum. DJP
  9. Two ways: 1. make an image that graphically displays what you wish to be displayed then import that image into your Library Browser for application to a soffit that will then show in Standard camera views. 2. There is a downloadable 3D letter/number library browser file that can be used to spell out in 3D letter and number sequences in any camera type. DJP
  10. NO Older versions can only open their or earlier versions, only newer versions can open older files, this has always been so. DJP YES DJP
  11. In whatever camera mode or plan view, open their "Display Options" dialog for that view and then check or turn on the layer that says "Doors, Labels" and then you will begin to see your software's programmed abilities to display or not "Doors, Labels" which display like this: 36" x 80" = 3068, 48" x 48" = 4040 etc. Take a look! DJP
  12. Symbols can be slightly resized but otherwise not customized or cannibalized for parts. You can by manually locating multiple symbols relative to each other and then "block" them into a manually enforced new group object of symbols but individual symbols cannot be customized without exporting that symbol to a 3D editing program for symbols, like Sketch Up. DJP
  13. Call customer service tomorrow to find out. DJP
  14. If you had Chief Premier it has native tools to make such manual objects called "3D Solids". In Home Designer software you best friend will be Sketch Up online software. They have a free version you can sign for and use online to create custom objects for export , download and then import in to Pro as a symbol using the Sketch Up file name .skp which will import as a symbol into pro to be added to your Library Browser. They also have a library of symbols made by Sketch Up users for searching and download. Just make sure that the objects dimensions are accurately applied while making it so you will only then have to adjust it once imported, DJP
  15. I feel you but actually the software is merely a robot or a machine that only does what you tell it to do, otherwise it just creates as it was preset and used by new users. I suggest that you set about to read, bit by bit in small study sessions your "User's Manual" which contains most of what you need to know about the software and how to get it to a particular product. It has certain preprogrammed routines but the software is NOT smart, it has no judgement or intelligence. Through study, practice and perseverance over time your competence will grow to a point where you just create. DJP
  16. Procedure is the same in Pro as Premier. DJP
  17. Tips and Tricks is where you post smart stuff that helps others. Asking questions you post in "Questions and Anwsers" area. And DJP
  18. Strip or Rope lighting does not exist in Home Designer Products presently. It does exist in Chief Architect Premier software. I called Tech Support to verify this in case I had missed it with my own research. What one could do as a work-around is to create a custom slab with dimensions of 3/4" X 3/4" by the required length and then manually locate it and assign it "Electric Lighting White" so in camera views it appears to glow. One gets what one pays for. DJP
  19. Object behaviors are controlled by way of their settings within the Specification Dialogs, this includes the "3D spaces" of rooms: Structure Tab: Ceiling Height, Floor Height. The walls used form the exterior of such spaces. If all walls of a room are properly connected one can, while in a plan (2D) window select a room or space enclosed by walls and when you left-click-select such a space whether in plan view or a camera view should allow you to access its dialog box in either mode. DJP
  20. Zip it "plan files only" and see if that helps. DJP