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Everything posted by solver

  1. solver


    Did you follow the instructions in the KB article I linked above? Here is one I just made. Pro produces the same quality as Chief, just does not have the larger sheet sizes. X9 - p 108 2 Floor B - 2 a.pdf
  2. solver


    I searched for layout on the Home Designer site. This was the first result.
  3. solver


    If you are looking at a website, make sure it's for Home Designer (blue themed), and not Chief (green themed).
  4. solver


    Have you checked the Help, Knowledge Base and searched the forum?
  5. See in Help: Roof Cuts Wall At Bottom
  6. With Pro, you can draw in the roof manually. Don't use a dormer -- make a room and raise the ceiling. Explode the dormer and then edit the roof.
  7. You will need to turn off auto rebuild roofs.
  8. Did you see my response in your other thread? Raise the ceiling height.
  9. Did you delete a thread this morning? I replied to one showing how to make the truss display. For the end trusses, select one of the end walls, set it to No Room Definition. Select the end trusses and force rebuild. They should build correctly. Uncheck No Room Def on the wall.
  10. If this is what you want to see, I turned on the display of trusses as I said above. I do not know why the end truss is building with the large gap. I do notice the the bottom cord of the attic trusses is above instead of below the floor.
  11. You will need to post your plan file so someone can look at it. Close Pro first.
  12. You can use a Custom Backsplash to do this too. Draw the shape against a wall, then move into position. It helps to draw CAD lines in elevation, then snap the edges of the Backsplash to them for exact size/shape.
  13. Select the wall and reverse it. There is an icon in the Edit Toolbar.
  14. Your roof looks simple and should easily auto build, along with the porch roof. You will loose the dormers if you used one of the auto dormer tools, but they can be added back once the rest of the roof is correct -- including the addition. Can you post pictures of the actual house? Sometimes an areal view from google can show the roof if needed. Not trying to discourage you from using manual roofs, but using auto is usually best -- until auto no longer works.
  15. It helps if you ask a question -- How do I ...? If you are not auto building the roof, then you need to manually draw the porch roof.
  16. I have no info on how others do this, but see nothing wrong with it, if it works for you. I suspect making multiple copies of the plan is more common because you have a record of each page instead of having to recreate one if ever needed. Pro allows 1 layout page per plan file, so you must do some sort of workaround to create multiple pages.
  17. The other common way is to copy the plan file for each layout page needed. Advantage is layers don't need to change after the first setting, but plan changes need to be propagated manually. House Plan Electrical House Plan Framing etc
  18. You will need to create an Open Below room on the 2nd floor above the great room. Make sure all walls have No Room Def unchecked. There will be some other changes needed -- post back with questions.
  19. Pro needs to be closed prior to zipping. And a tip for next time -- use Vector View for images as it shows details better than standard.
  20. Plan and images are needed. You can zip the plan, or make a copy and delete all the fluff -- cars, furniture etc.
  21. solver


    It really helps if you post images of what you see. Windows has the Snipping Tool, Mac has similar. Here is what I see. What's wrong with this?
  22. solver


    A forum search/Home Designer website search should find details, but you don't -- you create a 1/2 size PDF, then double the size when printing.
  23. solver


    Your plan shows no bridge structure, and since the buildings are different colors, it will help to refer to them that way.