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Everything posted by solver

  1. No program that I know of will input those things for you. How could it know what is needed? You would normally build up your own library of details and notes and use them as required.
  2. Not something anyone can answer without knowing exactly the steps taken. Attaching the plan file (close Pro first) will give someone something to experiment with.
  3. This gap is caused by the default post/newel spacing. Increasing it to more than the length of the railing should eliminate it. Otherwise, looks good.
  4. Did you Join (with the Join tool) those 2 roof planes?
  5. solver

    Materials List

    Open Help, search for export materials.
  6. You won't find any of the large home plan sites selling Chief file format plans. There are a few people using Chief that do sell plans, but they do not advertise as doing so, and often will not sell the plan file, only a PDF. Have you looked at the cost of buying plans? Drawing plans with the software is trivial, so why the desire to start with a stock plan? A plan should take into account your needs, building site etc. Something a stock plan cannot do.
  7. Something changed going from 2020 to 2021. In 2020 you could easily turn off their display, not so in 2021. Suggest if that's the case for you, send in a report.
  8. It's helpful to ask a question making it clear what you need help with. Why do you want to manually frame the roof?
  9. Only you can decide that.
  10. Yes they are. The key is learning and understanding the software, which takes study and practice. With Pro, you do have manual tools that will often fill in when the auto tools are not working.
  11. That's an attic wall, so it needs to be drawn on the attic level.
  12. This video may help. If not, ask again.
  13. Then what do you want? Don't you want a wall all across the gable?
  14. If there is no framing, I assume there is no wall there. Have you drawn one in to fill the gap?
  15. It's not clear from your drawing if the roofs are shown sloped. You might attach your plan file (close Suite first) for the best help.
  16. Reverse the layers on every other wall segment.
  17. What is displayed is a view is controlled by layers. If you want to see framing, you need to build framing and set the framing layer to display.
  18. Open Help, search for cross section.
  19. solver

    roof over porch

    It depends. The simple answer is roofs build over rooms and you control roof height via ceiling height, so if you want a lowered roof, lower the ceiling in the room(s) below. Showing us a picture of the house is often helpful.
  20. solver

    Layout Pages

    You don't -- Layout files can only contain one page.