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Everything posted by solver

  1. Just like you make it slope -- using the terrain tools Have you watched the terrain videos? Not many, and they are simplistic. Terrains take practice and seem to be more art than science.
  2. I see no problem with doing a typical 1st floor and foundation as a basement. I did this really quickly. There are limitations in Suite, but they don't preclude building the structure this way. If you are serious about doing this design, I'd think about an upgrade to Pro.
  3. It looks like you need to raise the floor of the balcony -- is this correct? Your goal is to have a flat uninterrupted ceiling in the room below? If you will attach the plan file, I'll have a look. Close Suite and zip the file.
  4. Showing us an image of the problem helps us help you. Try Edit>Delete Objects
  5. Have you considered checking the box to ignore the message?
  6. No idea what you want to do. Give it your best effort, then post a couple of screen captures so we have something to discuss.
  7. What happens when you start a new plan with a single room? Make a copy of your plan and delete everything but the 4 walls. Can you change things? If so, add a few random things and try to change. If it works at first, but you have problems as more objects are added, it's almost surely a problem with the computer. Given adequate resources, the software will work, and the image you show above is a classic video problem. You can try this.
  8. Post the plan and I'll have a look. Use the File>Backup Entire Plan tool, then attach the file it creates.
  9. So you checked the minimum requirements against your new computer? There are plenty that do not meet them, or fall at the low end. You might contact Home Designer support too. They are experienced in helping with this type of problem.
  10. Display problems are often the result of a video card that does not meet minimum requirements, or has an out of date driver. Minimum requirements may be found on the website.
  11. Could you explain why you are trying to get materials for a select wall or walls?
  12. Don't think of it as a landing -- it's just part of the structure that happens to be used as part of a landing. Here is a video that may help.
  13. Read about Framing Reference Marker
  14. solver

    Thru Wall Vent

    Have you checked the bonus catalogs, or google 3D Warehouse.
  15. Did this just happen? Did anything else change at the same time?
  16. solver

    Lost tool bar

    Make sure the Pro window is maximized and the bottom is not simply off the screen. Check that View>Status Bar is checked.
  17. Reverse the wall. Select it, look in the Edit Toolbar. Or drag the diamond handle to the other side.
  18. I don't understand what you are wanting to do, or what the problem is. Do you have a picture of the actual house?
  19. A picture showing the existing condition will help explain.