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Everything posted by solver

  1. Please do, and I'm not clear on what you are looking for. Do you have an image you could show? Like this?
  2. solver

    Room Divider

    Do you have this issue in a new (or every) plan? Attach a plan file that demonstrates the problem and someone will take a look.
  3. All walls -- no sofffits. Just depends on how accurate you want the model.
  4. You may need a 2018 version. I'd find one, not necessarily the symbol you need, and try it. Did you search the forum? Probably more specific info in previous similar threads.
  5. When windows or doors do this, it's usually because there are two walls in the same space -- something that sometimes happens with multi story structures. You should be able to select the walls in a 3D view and see this. Did you try zipping the file? You can also use Edit Area (All Floors) to cut out a section of the plan.
  6. Manual or auto roof? If auto, Auto Rebuild needs to be checked, if manual, then move them manually -- select them all and use Transform/Replicate.
  7. @JenniAK Almost always best to start a new Topic with your question. *** Some or all of what follows may not work in versions prior to 2020 (or maybe 2021) *** Here is a list of available values, and an example of using them. May or may not all be available in Architectural. You can do math within the label as I've shown subtracting bottom from top.
  8. @scottharris I'm guessing David is asking about this, and being able to change from one to another.
  9. You need to change the materials and thickness. Try changing the Balcony to Porch, close the dialog, then set it back to Balcony.
  10. Questions like this are best directed to Chief Architect. Ask about Pro 2021 instead of 2022.
  11. Open the Balcony room, look at the floor structure.
  12. You cannot. Suppress the label and replace with text.
  13. Open an Archive file. Copy/Paste Hold Position from it to your most recent plan. See the Knowledge Base for more info.