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Everything posted by y-g-m-n

  1. Lots of states want the foundation stamped by an engineer so they would check soil and footings be it slab on grade or foundation walls dug down under frost line. States have very different permit requirements and inspection etc. Best bet might be to start talking to a contractor first as they will know people who can help and they may have a ood idea of what is possible or not. I mean just because you drew that roof and open concept does not mean it is practical to build as it could add costs you do not want to pay. Some lumber yards will help you with sizing framing members or LVL or PSL etc. My suggestion is to first find a GC and start talking and working out a deal on what he would require to build your house.
  2. y-g-m-n

    Fixed roof height

    seems like a geometry problem as I cannot see how you can get a gable roof with horizontal ridge since the rafters on the side that have the weird angles walls would end up being at different roof pitches to have ridge parallel to the other wall and horizontal. only way I could see this working is to have the 2 angle walls height gently increase so the roof pitch could be fixed and hence parallel and horizontal ridge beam. Gables have left & right symmetrical roof planes So one way I would do it is draw barn with SQUARE walls Have software make roof and ensure roof AUTO rebuild is off. Then move or redraw the funky angled walls and edit them to extend up to the roof plane. Ceiling joists would need to tie into wall and not sit on plate so BALLOON frame where walls extend past joists. IF this is real Project the framing crew cringe.
  3. More of comment/suggestion to HOME DESIGNER then a question: I hate how HD requires you to have some base cabinet first to put in dishwashers. In real world dish washer normal is between2 cabinets or 1 cabinet and an end panel of some sort. Having this not normal base cabinet messes up the look as it lifts DW to sit inside on bottom. toe kick of DW canbe hidden or messed up from cabinet Toe kick. Just not right! DW just slide in and under cab. For countertop you can extend ones from side or drop in a custom one which is way easier. IF you try and stick it in without cabinet then it will but it shoves it back in 3d mode due to some variable only CA people have access to. We with HD are have to pull it out in 2d to see it right in 3d... and then shove it back in 2d for proper drawings and cabinet elevations. Real PIA!!! and WHY WHY WHY? Somone tell me WHY? You can insert fridge and range between cabs without this issue. OK VENT OFF...
  4. THanks and I downloaded already. ANy more SSA that can come over to the designer side?
  5. Simpson door ibrary shows up for Home Designer products yet when yuo try and download it is set up for SSA only meaning Chief Architect only. If you rear fine print on simpson door it clearly says good for Home designer. See screen shot. Lots of librbaries that are SSA only I would like to have in Home DEsigner. Seems easy enough to make hem available to us DYI architects - so why not? Small fee for ear or free is always good. So how does one get it with home designer?