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Everything posted by y-g-m-n

  1. HD creates backups of plans maybe you still have that hidden somewhere and can recover?
  2. It thinks the wall in question is an exterior wall so maybe room is not closed in yet? IT warns you when youhave exterior wall snot to have DRYWALL on outside since well that is not a good thing when it rains. Now there is a button thingy that when you have wall highlighted it will swap interior and exterior wall surfaces. PS why do you have plaster under the drywall? Is this an old plaster wall where they have studs and then put on horizontal lathe boards for plaster to "KEY" into? or something newer with a hardi-board on studs for plaster to be applied to? I have never seen plaster applied to studs is all.
  3. another way is to create a "RAILING" wall and choose solid wall since then it will insert a cap on top. Or go to Pony wall and select normal wall for bottom and glass shower wall for top. Many ways to do things and I hate to tell ya as I read your other thread when someone mentioned it: much of these basics are covered in the HD website videos and support and answers are there already. Chief Architect Training Videos (homedesignersoftware.com) Knowledge Base | Home Designer (homedesignersoftware.com) Getting Started Resources | Home Designer (homedesignersoftware.com) Online Seminars and Training | Home Designer (homedesignersoftware.com)
  4. where are you when you first select rug? 2d or 3d world? Ned to set something down on floor first torepresent rug in 3d and then "PAINT" rug you want onto it. I have used shelves and 3d boxes and set dims to whatever rug is say 48"wide x 72" long x 3/8" thick and then set bottom elevation to 0" above floor.
  5. put 2 singles next 2 each other. as I have yet to find dual outlets in 2 gang j-box setup.
  6. I doubt you will be able to since not setup as a Home Designer Door but more likely just a 3d object no different than a piece of furniture or 3d box shape. Maybe install a normal HD garage door and then try to PAINTwhat this one looks like onto it? but make sur eyou get one that is a single panel and not made from multiple panels
  7. yes I forgot about that check box was the way to do it. Been a while since I messed with Doors as I jusgt set my default an go withit.
  8. y-g-m-n

    Mikes question #2

    insert TALL CABINET and customize as you need to fit space and have doors, shelves etc as you desire
  9. grap eye dropper and select the color of the I am guessing grey walls you want to place in the catherdral ends. then you get a spray can - Select either componen or room to put spry can on portion you want with this new color and it will change. Check HLP on spray can to get more info on option...
  10. set them as exterior doors and modify ext casing,trim etc to be what the interior is and then color as you like.
  11. doing in computer model is one thing. But how will you do in real life? as upper window need structure to rest on and will have nailing flange etc maybe get an artist to just paint under the windows the look you desire?
  12. That drawing from county will not be to scale as it is just a sketch to give you an idea of dims of house. also when they measure house they tend to round it up. heck you could just draw walls at lenghths they show starting at one corner and working your way around until done. last wall might not connect to first wall due to their errors but then you can figure out how to correct. If you want to redraw your house - measure exterior at foundation and then interior rooms. from that you can figure out wall thickness and create a decent home plan of what you have.
  13. yeah slab foundations are a PIA here in MS we do pretty much same thing. Throw some red clay down and then put up some form boards and dig beams under load walls and where you want plumbing to be and electric if it ends up in floor somewhere. HD just does not have many tools for editing foundations. Once you add a garage and drop its floor down and/or have brick wall - ARggggggggggggg. Never draws brick ledge right in some tigh areas or where you end the brick wall on corner and have maybe siding or stucco on other side of corner. With garages it insists on adding the stem wall even though some people build the garage without them and just account for drop in framing or have a lower ceiling.... Or add a floor and program wants to make floor for second out of concrete argggg - just never gets the frming right once you do a slab foundation Sometims all this automation in the software is battle to make what you want. Like attic walls do not get me started on that. Hide one another pops up... no need for attic walls frames support roof how they need to etc.. Well I know I did not help much but I have had similar issues with slabs...
  14. I see recessed panels in library after many library updates. Under: CORE/ ARCHITECTURAL/ CABINET DOORS, DRAWERS, AND PANELS, DOORS: aT THE BOTTOM OF LIST. also I think it is under the cabinet dialog as an option: yes it is on mine: choices for cabinet doorsin editing cbinet dialog DEFAULT SLAB FRAMED Recessed Panel Pretty much same for drawer fronts.
  15. option when you add a floor to make it BLANK. Choose this and it has no walls just turns attic into a floor add walls if you want stairs can be added etc. PS when the dialog opens up for building this new floor I always click the HELP button as they have 3 options and I forget what they do and the help explains it all.
  16. thanks, that helps one more question. how can I make my own Template file which has all my own defaults? I have a few generic plans right now with nothing in it but everything pre-set how I like it. Including preferences and Defaults. So I open one and SAVE AS for new Plans. Question 1: how can I add my own custom templates to the DASHBOARD start up menu and make them an option? Question 2: Any way to bring in a new template into existing plan that will change everything to this new template? There are so many options in the Defaults one can spend hours setting it up. So show plan in 3d with one template. Then click button or something and change the template and show again in 3D but will all new cabinet doors, hardware, colors etc. without having to do it individually or changing defaults. Then you do that and you want to go back. ARGGGG Work around now is a bunch of plans for same project but each has different colors, flooring etc. I want this as it is easier to have 2-4 different generic starting plans for decision maker to look at for a starting point to where we can customize.
  17. I have some small structures or what not (house, car garage, garage, pool house etc etc) each drawn in their own plan to keep things from getting messed up while working on one. Now I want to combine them all so I can put them on the lot and have an overall drawing to show what it will look like. I do not see a command in HD2023 IMPORT menu. Import has every other file type on earth it seems but its own. yeah I can see why it may be Pain due to default settings different etc. but let me handle that just force what ever is imported as element that looks back on its own file. So to make changes I change the original file and then update the big one. OR not but I do not want to have to have 1 plan with 4 buildings on it as doing roofs and foundations can be dangerous as can mess up the other out buildings. HELP or make add to next update please
  18. Lots of states want the foundation stamped by an engineer so they would check soil and footings be it slab on grade or foundation walls dug down under frost line. States have very different permit requirements and inspection etc. Best bet might be to start talking to a contractor first as they will know people who can help and they may have a ood idea of what is possible or not. I mean just because you drew that roof and open concept does not mean it is practical to build as it could add costs you do not want to pay. Some lumber yards will help you with sizing framing members or LVL or PSL etc. My suggestion is to first find a GC and start talking and working out a deal on what he would require to build your house.
  19. y-g-m-n

    Fixed roof height

    seems like a geometry problem as I cannot see how you can get a gable roof with horizontal ridge since the rafters on the side that have the weird angles walls would end up being at different roof pitches to have ridge parallel to the other wall and horizontal. only way I could see this working is to have the 2 angle walls height gently increase so the roof pitch could be fixed and hence parallel and horizontal ridge beam. Gables have left & right symmetrical roof planes So one way I would do it is draw barn with SQUARE walls Have software make roof and ensure roof AUTO rebuild is off. Then move or redraw the funky angled walls and edit them to extend up to the roof plane. Ceiling joists would need to tie into wall and not sit on plate so BALLOON frame where walls extend past joists. IF this is real Project the framing crew cringe.
  20. More of comment/suggestion to HOME DESIGNER then a question: I hate how HD requires you to have some base cabinet first to put in dishwashers. In real world dish washer normal is between2 cabinets or 1 cabinet and an end panel of some sort. Having this not normal base cabinet messes up the look as it lifts DW to sit inside on bottom. toe kick of DW canbe hidden or messed up from cabinet Toe kick. Just not right! DW just slide in and under cab. For countertop you can extend ones from side or drop in a custom one which is way easier. IF you try and stick it in without cabinet then it will but it shoves it back in 3d mode due to some variable only CA people have access to. We with HD are have to pull it out in 2d to see it right in 3d... and then shove it back in 2d for proper drawings and cabinet elevations. Real PIA!!! and WHY WHY WHY? Somone tell me WHY? You can insert fridge and range between cabs without this issue. OK VENT OFF...
  21. THanks and I downloaded already. ANy more SSA that can come over to the designer side?
  22. Simpson door ibrary shows up for Home Designer products yet when yuo try and download it is set up for SSA only meaning Chief Architect only. If you rear fine print on simpson door it clearly says good for Home designer. See screen shot. Lots of librbaries that are SSA only I would like to have in Home DEsigner. Seems easy enough to make hem available to us DYI architects - so why not? Small fee for ear or free is always good. So how does one get it with home designer?