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Everything posted by y-g-m-n

  1. check material file and see what pic is used for tiel in Texture tab or insert your plan so others can see it on and maybe find what is happening.
  2. yes open item Click on material tab click on particular material and hit select you have issues with (some items have more then one material) then on right side hit PLAN Materials then on right side next to search bar hit EDIT. Then go in and edit it as you deam works for you. PATTERN tab sets how it looks in vector views TEXTURE tab sets how it looks in standard but effects Physical based views too. The above 2 are where you can change using a picture from internet on how an object looks. Where I make and dd to my libary my own tile based on Home depot picturs of large tile areas. PLay with that too to see what works best for yo. Then you have PROPERTIES tab which is how light reacts to surface - Fun to play with as well. Maybe for your material the picture changed in the TEXTURE tab??
  3. Custom backsplash or use cabinet shelves and partitions and redimension them to suit and change material to what you want. Many ways... Heck try windows and remove or make dims 0 for everything except maybe lights? Have to play
  4. should be tool bar thingy a bottom of page once you select spray can. Roller is a feature that combines materials.. hover mouse pointer over icon for roller at bottom and it will pop up some text description of what it does. Or it help.
  5. go to the specific tile material and edit it. I think on second tab is where you can set surface from Matte to shiny and other things to adjust how it looks in real world.
  6. pretty sure KOHLER library has one.
  7. finishes would be shown in 3D views or at least elevations and cross sections not a plan view. Cannot see wall surface in plan view.
  8. pretty sure what you have will. insert your door. Click on it to highlight and then open DOOR edit DIALOGUE. On left side, click on ARCH tab. many choices in there for you to get creative. In fact when you get to that edit page click the help button to open up the help screen for door arches. Tons of info there to describe how to make an arched door. Most of this stuff is covered in help manual and by playing around with item you are interested in "Tweaking" it is about playing with software and looking at everything i nthose edit screens to see what you can do
  9. Open up window Edit Dialogue box thingy. Could be FRAME. PLay wth it to see. Seems HD PRo thinks all windows are made from Wood As it is difficult to model aluminum or Vinyl windows very easy
  10. use spray paint can thingy. or best way would be to make a new wall definition as you have to attach stone veneer to something. SO keep the exterior to the studs and then decide; sheetrock or a durarock backer board to attach to studs. Then add a scratch coat from library materials underlayment. Then add metal lath Then top with thinset mortar and finaly the stone veneer of your choice. Make sur eyo uenter proper thickness of everything so walls drawn properly in plan view and things fit when built.
  11. I have it I guess from many years ago?? but way too large to attach something like 70MB. So here are the T-series T files.calibz
  12. proper drafting would be section lines on plan to show where section view is. Try using cross section elevation under 3D orthographic views Then in plan view turn go to TOOLS - DISPLAY OPTIONS and turn on Section lines. See if that does not help - I have never really used it much but might do what you want.
  13. need to create a PORCH type room with roof.
  14. stud height is based on ceiling height and number of bottom and upper plates and the size of the lumber you chose. So if you want 92.625" studs, 1.5" plates (1 bottom & 2 on top), 5/8" Ceiling sheetrock Ceiling height = 92.625+4.5-.625 = 96.5" WHich is great as the wall sheet rock installed tight to CEiling leaves a 1/2" gap to floor to help prevent it from soaking up moisture. All tis should be set up in the DEFAULT SETTINGS first and then you can tweak less things as you create plan. And there are a lot of choices in Defaults and the first time I set it up how I like took hours as so many things to look at and set.
  15. would require a much taller wall so a little geometry calcs to figure out top plate elevation which will set the ridge... Or maybe copy the roof plane on right and mirror over the other sort side. Then manual extend walls up. Roof cannot sit out in space hovering over nothing... needs a wall to rest on just like a real house.
  16. y-g-m-n


    TURN BUMPING off....that might be what is preventing you from shoving it into wall.
  17. y-g-m-n


    If part of a railing wall and you use these columns for the posts then you can select HALF POST at ends.
  18. MAybe play with the 3d Shapes in library and slap against wall and then "PAINT" with look you want be it brick or siding.
  19. draw in sketchup and then import as library item.