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Everything posted by katalyst777

  1. katalyst777

    Center Plot

    Turn on Print Preview, select one of the page edges (it'll show Sheet Boundary selected on the Status Bar), use the center Move edit handle to move the page to wherever you want it to be relative to the design.
  2. You can also convert all layout files pages as their own PDF files, and then merge the PDFs together using another program to combine them.
  3. You've modified your wall type and I think this Knowledge Base article explains how to fix it. KB-00038: Resolving a Gap Between Floors in Camera Views
  4. https://www.homedesignersoftware.com/support/article/KB-00147/selecting-a-sink-after-it-is-placed-in-a-cabinet.html From the article: In Home Designer Essentials, Suite and Interiors, sinks, dishwashers and other library items cannot be selected independently once they have been placed in a cabinet.
  5. A tip for the future, you'll want to avoid "hijacking" someone else's thread like this and instead create a new post of your own in the Q&A section. In short, your layout file can only have one page, but you can have a bunch of single page layout files. HOWEVER, if you try opening any old layout files created in your old Chief version 9, there's no way to see those additional pages in Pro. You'd have to upgrade to the current version of Premier.
  6. katalyst777


    As far as I can tell from the website, you'd need to upgrade to Premier to get the Pella catalog. https://3dlibrary.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?r=site/detail/856 You can probably create the same look though, just by modifying windows placed using the normal "Window" tool.
  7. If you're having issues with your camera views, like it coming up totally blank/white or black, only showing the floor plan in the window that says the camera is active, or giving an error message, first check to make sure that your video even meets the software's System Requirements. If it does, follow these instructions in the Knowledge Base to update the video card or chipset's driver to the most recent version compatible with your operating system. KB-00897: Troubleshooting 3D Display Problems If updating the driver still doesn't work, there's also instructions in the article above to make some changes to your Render Preferences, and if even that doesn't work, then there's info on sending relevant files to the company's Support folks for advanced troubleshooting. If you're not having a problem and are just looking for tips to make your 3D camera views look better, see this other thread. https://hometalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/topic/2468-tip-best-3d-views/
  8. That was just totally unnecessary. OP explained what they wanted to accomplish and attached an image, the attitude back lately I'm seeing in some of these posts is just completely unwarranted. To quote Bambi, "If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all."
  9. I would suspect that the person who "helped" with the file was using Premier and used a Polyline Solid (which we don't have in any of the Home Designer programs), so you won't be able to modify it.
  10. KB-00516: Sharing a Plan File With a Home Designer User
  11. This sounds like a screen resolution problem to me, as opposed to something in the software itself.
  12. Creating custom layers and placing objects on them is still not available in Pro (this definitely seems intentional on the company's part to limit the program so I wouldn't really count on it changing any time soon), although the Chief Premier version does have a monthly rental option now that may work for you (it looks like Lite was discontinued in X7). http://www.chiefarchitect.com/software-rental/
  13. You might also be able to find a similar door in the 3D Warehouse and place it in to a "Doorway" opening in the wall to create the same look.
  14. There's a bonus catalog for that! https://3dlibrary.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?r=site/detail/895
  15. Example: Positive Bow depth 5" bows out (convex), -5" bows in (concave). I'd suggest downloading the trial version to see how it works. http://www.chiefarchitect.com/products/trial.html
  16. Chief Architect Premier allows you to create "Bow Front" style cabinets which can have the front be curved in or out, but the feature isn't in any of the Home Designer versions.
  17. I think you mean "edit handles." You can use the Break Line edit tool to add extra ones and create pretty much any 2D shape you want with a Terrain Feature. This article explains more: https://www.homedesignersoftware.com/support/article/KB-00864/creating-road-markings.html
  18. . . . That doesn't sound like a Home Designer problem, that sounds like an operating system problem. Did you have an older version of Windows on the same system and upgrade it to 10? Seems like that has been known to cause all sorts of permission issues. http://www.tenforums.com/general-discussion/11394-windows-10-says-i-dont-have-permission-save-anything.html
  19. katalyst777

    "Sinking" Home

    The instructions in KB-00322 that David references should still be correct for version 8 programs, although I think the name of this field changed so it may look a bit different in the older version. (. . . 2000 AD, really?)
  20. Click on Help> Launch Help, go to the Contents tab to view the entire Reference Manual and User's Guide by chapter. (New to the software? Please please please go through the User's Guide to get familiar with the program!) Go to the Index tab to search by indexed keywords or the Search tab to search for other keywords or phrases. Knowledge Base, click on a particular heading, like Roofs, if you aren't totally certain what you're looking for or if you've searched the website but not come up with the specific result you're looking for. Online tutorial Training Videos. Search and pay attention to whether or not a video has a dot in the column for your program! Training Webinars. Most of these are recorded now so you don't even have to wait for a particular time to view them! Chief Architect YouTube Videos. Many of these show stuff relevant to Home Designer even if we don't have all the fancy tools and features of the Premier version. Library Browser empty or can't find what you need? Select Library> Install Core Content to get the basics, and check here for bonus and manufacturer catalogs that the company provides. Make sure to use the filters so you don't end up trying to get content that will only work with the Premier version that has SSA. Searched the Library and Bonus/Manufacturer content downloads, but STILL can't find a particular symbol/object you want? Look in the 3D Warehouse and follow the instructions in this Knowledge Base article to import it! Don't know what a particular item in a dialog means? There's a Help button at the bottom of the dialog. Click on it to launch the software's Help file already open to the info on that dialog and read what it has to say. Searched everything else but still can't find an answer on how to do something? Post a new thread in the Q&A section here on HomeTalk! Give as much detail as you can, post photos similar to what you want, screenshots of what you currently have, and if possible, attach the plan! Technical Support - Think the software just isn't behaving right or getting an error message? These are the guys to contact. Get Training! Paid service, and I'm not sure if they offer it to all the Home Designer versions or not, but I know I've seen folks with Pro post up here before who've been very happy with it.
  21. For future reference, this Knowledge Base article lists all of the System Requirements for the Home Designer programs all the way back to version 6.0 KB-01095: Home Designer Minimum System Requirements
  22. If you have Chief Architect Premier X7, then you could model everything and convert it in to a symbol in your User Library. With Home Designer, you'd need to use SketchUp and then import the symbols (just keep in mind that they won't insert in to cabinets and whatnot like they would in Chief). KB-00888: Importing 3D Symbols Actually creating the items from scratch might be a lot of work though, so it depends on how committed you are to modeling the exact same thing that you actually have, when you might be able to find something "close enough" in the software already, or by searching the 3D Warehouse. https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/search.html?q=Miele
  23. Only the Chief Premier version lets you import a symbol and make changes like "Inserts in to a cabinet" but you can use these instructions to do pretty much the same thing in Home Designer. KB-02020: Importing and Using a Custom Bathtub Symbol
  24. You can basically use the instructions in this article for glass walls, but just use the screen material from the Library Browser instead of textured glass. https://www.homedesignersoftware.com/support/article/KB-02263/creating-glass-walls.html
  25. Oooo, just saw special upgrade on going from Pro to Chief promotion under Announcements. Now might be the time to upgrade! https://hometalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/topic/1769-upgrade-to-chief-architect-save/