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Everything posted by katalyst777

  1. After all, your video card and/or printer may not even have Windows 10 compatible drivers available (not that Microsoft will bother to warn you) and that will break almost everything, and then you have to figure out how to downgrade back to the earlier version of Windows your hardware was designed to run. Also, for quick reference, Home Designer 2015 and earlier versions are NOT supported on Windows 10. Only Home Designer 2016 and 2017. KB-01095: Home Designer Minimum System Requirements
  2. An imported DXF is just lines, it doesn't have anything 3D. You'll have to trace over the lines with walls, place windows, doors, cabinets etc to create an actual 3D plan in Pro.
  3. katalyst777

    Deck Railings

    I'm confused on your description. Typically you form a deck using the Deck Railings tool, specified as a Deck room type, let the software auto generate framing, then turn off the deck framing generation and make modifications to the deck framing as needed, so I'm not sure I follow doing it backwards like it seems you've described.
  4. Not sure why a video would reference even needing to use keyboard shortcuts for that. Drawing Sheet Setup is just a dialog, so you can just press the OK button to close out of it and apply any desired changes.
  5. I would suggest starting with going through the User's Guide and videos, rather than just trying random things and getting frustrated with limitations before you even get to start your real project. That being said though, you might want to go ahead and send this in to the company's support people, they might have some further insight.
  6. The article on importing objects explains that everything comes in on that layer. You have to upgrade to the Premier version to have more control over objects on import (or create new layers, and place objects on those layers). If I knew what you were trying to accomplish by importing the "L-shaped wall" then myself or others here might be able to offer some suggestions on what to do instead that would work better in your current version.
  7. I think the difference being here may be that the Knowledge Base article example shows an "Open Below" area between the two floors where the windows extend. I cannot think of a real-world scenario that would be like what your pass through example shows?
  8. You had most of the terrain layers turned off in the version of the plan I pulled from the other thread, however I don't recall whether Terrain, Primary Contours was one of them that I had to enable, but that would be my guess for as to why you didn't see them after using Build Terrain. The plan I attached earlier has a couple of other modifications I made after taking the screenshot, like doing a manual terrain hole so that there wouldn't be the blank space around the back of the building that was auto cut out by the first floor.
  9. Found your plan in another thread. I didn't have a ton of time to modify so there's still some funky terrain edges extending in to the area, but it should give you a good idea on one method to do it by extending out the Terrain Perimeter, use an Elevation Region and some Elevation Lines. 1241 BARKSDALE ROAD - sloped driveway.zip
  10. Make your actual terrain sloped, and use a driveway to change the material from grass to concrete or asphalt.
  11. I had forgotten this about railings! Don't forget to mark this thread as "Answered" with your post so that others in the future will be more likely to come across this information when they search. (And maybe add it as its own post in the "Tips & Techniques" section!)
  12. Use Edit Area to drag a marquee around the room, then Edit> Copy from one plan, activate the other, then Edit> Paste.
  13. Did you modify that Wall Type? If you don't have a Framing Layer, or if it isn't set up right with regards to the Main Layer, it won't generate framing. (You'll need to rebuild the framing after fixing the wall type, if that's the cause of the problem.)
  14. Yep, that's the way it is in all of the Home Designer programs. I believe you'd need to upgrade to the Chief Architect Premier version to have control over creating new layers or placing particular objects on them. You might be able to use File> Save As to create a copy of your plan with all the little object details in it and only use it as needed and delete all the extras in the other version to have simpler plan without all the fancy stuff.
  15. Does it meet the System Requirements for running the software? For example, what type of video card is on the system and when was its driver last updated? (Check in the software in Preferences under Video Card Status.)
  16. I think most just model terrain in the software itself using the terrain tools, rather than try to import from another program, so I'm not sure if you'll get any specific feedback here for a particular iPhone app. I would guess though that you should just make sure that it supports exporting one of the file formats that Home Designer Suite can import.
  17. KB-00399: Adjusting Render Camera Quality
  18. If you mark a wall as "No Room Def" it will not pick up the moldings applied to the room. You might have to add a room divider to make room definition if you do this though, depending on the situation.
  19. Maybe add a thread in Suggestions asking that the company consider making this capability available in Pro or the other less advanced Home Designer versions.
  20. KB-00210: Using Open Below Rooms to Define an Opening to a Lower Floor
  21. KB-00877: Creating a Flat Roof on a Structure KB-00120: Creating a Parapet Roof
  22. There's a setting in the Roof Plane Specification dialog on the General panel called "No Special Snapping" - Try checking that, then make your change. According to the Help: Check No Special Snapping to prevent the selected roof plane from snapping to the outer surface of any walls that it may butt against. When this box is unchecked, the roof plane’s edges will automatically snap to the outside of any nearby parallel walls. Edit: Added screenshot for clarification.
  23. katalyst777

    Trap Door

    I can't say that I've ever seen how a trap door is typically represented on a floor plan, but for camera views, you can create an Open Below room, use a Soffit the same Height as the hole in the floor and with the same material as the flooring in the room, and place a handle separately from the Library Browser and throw in a ladder or add some stairs.
  24. Glad that you were able to fix it up, even if it does mean you will need to manually align the walls using the Reference Display instead of the "Align with Above/Below" edit tools.