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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Version 10 is pretty old but I think this advice should help........ also are you aware you are on the HomeTalk Forum not the Chief Architect Forum? 1. you don't need to Draw the foundation (but can if desired) it will auto build with the Build>Floor>Foundation menu item , this dialog box is where you set the height for the basement ie in pic above make the 37 1/2 inches , 100 1/2" to get a 96" basement height ( it will tell you in the DBX what the basement height is . or at least it does in newer versions). I would use the same menu as above except delete the current basement and then rebuild it assuming you haven't already added rooms etc down there...ie no work is lost. 1a. you may have use the "floor Camera" instead of the "Full Camera" so you wouldn't see the floor above etc in that case. 2. I would rebuild the base as mentioned above but you could set the Floor height as in Level 0 in the Floor Defaults DBX via Edit>Defaults>Floor 3. See above post if Ver.10 has that setting ?, but try Edit>Delete>DeleteObjects> in that DBX (dialog box) turn on Auto Dimensions only, for ALL Floors and hit ok ,if you have manual Dims you want gone too, check that box as well. try a 2nd time if it doesn't work 1st time around. M.
  2. make sure your print setup for the layout sheet is done 1st at the correct size you want ,Pro defaults to 12x18 ,it needs to be setup separately from the Print setup of the Plan file. I believe the error message is actually incorrect in Pro ,perhaps not in the latest version? you can't rescale in layout like you can in Chief, but I think if you send to layout at say 1/4" scale and you get that message , you just need to delete the layout box and resend at say 1/8" scale to make it fit on your page. If you resize the layout box with the edit handles it will no longer be at the correct scale ,hence the need to resend. Not sure if this has changed in Pro 2015 , but it's what you used to need to do. M.
  3. Once you have your plan done Bill , I would suggest downloading some trial versions of Takeoff software and do comparisons ,most have a 15 or 30 day free trial ( why I suggest doing it once finished your plan) though in the end it maybe cheaper to just pay a good QS to do a takeoff for you ,especially if this is a one off Build. Plan Swift is one company others like but there are quite a few ,some even online, not sure which ones can import .plan files directly ,though most can do .dxf or PDF https://www.google.ca/search?q=take-off+software+free+download&ei=CGEQVZyvCIfzoAS6jYDwBg there are also several online vendors selling Excel Workbooks which likely work better for estimating vs a strict ML takeoff only, like HD Pro does. no affiliation and I have not tried it myself though the sample PDF's look like what I would expect , http://thetakeoffdoctor.com/ he also do more in-depth Take offs if needed for you. http://thetakeoffdoctor.com/takeoffs.html other excel links https://www.google.ca/#q=excel+takeoff+template
  4. Yes unfortunately the ML is nothing like a normal Estimating program , it only calculate square footages etc with no waste allowances or correct calculation on things like bricks and blocks which aren't calculated by the sqft in the real world. because you must model EXACTLY what you want in the ML it is very time comsuming , you want primer and two top coats of paint on a wall you must add them, via the walls definition tab , don't ask why the ceiling gets one coat of paint in the ML automatigically and the walls not, as nobody seems to know. It also does not account for all the "little things" you NEED , like nails,screws ,hangers,glue etc etc... Chief is "working on it" ,but it could be 2-3 versions before good improvements are seen. ( even Chief Premier has these issues ,it's not a limitation of Pro. a thread that will give you more insight too https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/topic/4082-add-disclaimer-to-material-list/
  5. Oh wow , I assumed if you could drawings landings in Suite, that you could set their height too...... I guess not..... in versions older that 2015 anyway. PS with the current design in the OP , I don't believe those Stairs would meet Code. ( not,at least in my area) M.
  6. They have Suite David.... you are probably close ....landings must be the same width as the stairs and to each other or they wont auto join at the correct height. The fix is to "break" the edge of the landing with the "break-line tool" , assuming Suite has it? So the joining edge is the same length. There will be info in the REF.Manual about both if Suite has this capability, if not you will likely need to manually set the landing heights on each one in it's DBX. Do it this way you shouldn't need walls enclosing the stairwell ,which is a necessity to use the Winder Tool if you have it. The KB and Ref. Manuals are well worth looking at too. M,
  7. Don't have Pro on my Netbook but this is the line I added to the top off the file called Home Styles Templates.dat in Wordpad. note these are the names of MY files in the Template Folder , you need to use your plan name and image file name. ie my .plan file is called _HD Basic House.plan ( the _ causes this file to be listed 1st) My .jpg is called _HD Basic House_p.jpg so the line in the .dat file is : _HD Basic House.plan;My Template;_HD Basic House_p.jpg;My Template Plan and Defaults. ie Plan name:Template Name(you want to see in DBX);Image name for DBX;Brief description Hope this helps, Mick
  8. interesting , nice catch Jo_Ann , I would not of guessed that a low ceiling height would effect the Open Below Setting somehow...
  9. I have posted on this before , not sure if this forum or the Legacy one, not at my computer now but basically if you open a file called Home Style Templates.dat in the Templates folder and observe the formatting carefully you will see how to add your Own Template to the File along with a default image for the preview window. the file does not use Word wrapping ,so be careful not to alter it ... make a backup of the file before playing around ,so you don't need to reinstall HD if it gets messed up. M.
  10. Kbird1

    Materials List

    you dont say what version you have? (you didn't fill in your signature in your profile -- see mine) and the answer likely depends on the version you have and what is editable, if anything.
  11. Try place the cooktop outside the island ,ignoring warning message , then hold the CTRL key and drag the cooktop into the Island as needed. you may need to reset the height of the cooktop ,doing it this was as it wont automatically "sense" the countertop is all. PS you can use the same trick to put two sinks into a bathroom cabinet too M
  12. Did you previously add anything extra to the second floor at that end? , those are ceiling joists showing not floor joists for some reason. as DJP said , post the plan its the easiest way.... M.
  13. Try editing the wall in a 2D camera view , you can drag the bottom or top up or down and angle as needed , there was a post a while back on the same thing and it does work https://hometalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/topic/425-wall-above-stairs-only/?hl=%2Bstairs+%2Bwall+%2Bunder
  14. Kbird1

    Split Slabs

    Hi, I use CAD lines too for layout where needed , then delete them, but find the Crosshairs get most things pretty close if not perfect since things "snap" to each other. Drawing a full length wall and cutting out the unwanted sections is the easiest way to align long walls with multiple breaks or bumpouts etc in it ,just remember to draw in a clockwise fashion so the exterior of the wall is to the out side. Sorry if my Signature is unclear I mean your Software Title ie HD Pro not whether you are Mr, Mrs or Ms Harrbru Your Version is the Year it was Released ie 2015 for you . It is a good idea to go to your member profile and add this information in the Signature area and anything else you want to , as the Title you have along with the year is helpful in answering many questions , and in this way you don't need to type it into the question each time. ( the software has been around for 15 years ? and there are perhaps 5 "versions" each year ,so the more info the better for answers) Another good tip for questions is adding pictures and the Plan file to your post , so we can actually look at the problem. You have the latest and greatest ,HD Pro 2015, so all is well.
  15. There are sample plans on the website , though not sure if there is one for a Split level here http://www.homedesignersoftware.com/samples.html and there are sample plans in your Tmmplates Folder , which is usually in your Home Designer Data Folder in My Documants. The KB articles DJP pointed to a good though... M
  16. yes , you have to draw Trusses manually ( pretty easy).....they don't auto generate like Rafters, though they auto eliminate Rafters if drawn near the same location check your reference manual or this KB Article http://www.homedesignersoftware.com/support/article/KB-00417/169/Home-Designer/Framing/Trusses/Creating-Exposed-Trusses-in-Home-Designer-Pro.html
  17. This issue came up last year but I am unsure if in Suite you can modify/Copy Wall definitions ? , if not the Window and Pass through on the inside is the only way ( use a Doorway for a Door) but here are the threads from last year, on altering the Wall definition way.... https://hometalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/topic/430-basement-windows/#entry2310 https://hometalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/topic/419-framing-not-showing-in-self-defined-wall/#entry2311
  18. So in Suite you can't change the casing of a Door in the Door's DBX ? or suppress the Lintel if on? I have Pro and can change the style , size etc , (or set it up in the Plan Defaults too.) You can copy and paste between Plans ( can use "hold Position" on paste), however I don't think Suite has Edit>Edit Area>All Floors to simplify this. might want to check your reference manual (on the help menu) and see
  19. Exactly what title and year do you have ? Home Designer is different from Chief Architect Premier and depending on which Home Designer Title you have purchased you have different limitations ( all home designer programs are made by Chief Architect but CA Premier is a $2700 program) You apparently have changed the Wall stud material to something other than the default since the default in new versions is a 24" on centre Fir Material , you can also make it 16" on Centre material , I however think you have changed it so no framing is shown in the ML. If you have HD Pro or CA Premier you need go to Build>Framing 1st , then calculate the ML. Other HD Titles Auto do the framing build for you....
  20. search the forum for columns or posts , I uploaded a library of some I made last year. Not sure if Pro libraries are different from Suite but don't think so, but yes you can make your own from shapes etc as you will see if you find my library. M
  21. @Kat thanks I wasn't sure , but wasn't sure why there was no lineal footage of 2x4 at all since any of the type should give a length of some sort.... Material maybe set incorrectly ? ie Fir (stud) , needs to be Fir Stud @16 or 24" centres perhaps
  22. sounds like you may not have built the framing yet possibly? M.
  23. Columns are symbols from the library , you don't actually build them , and yes they are in the library. You cant do Rafter Tails in Pro you can do exposed rafters by turning off the soffit and exposing the framing..... I would highly suggest you download the Pro Trial and play with it , same for the CA X7 trial , open a copy of your plan in either and try stuff. neither can save anything you do , so don't close the Program (minimise it) till you finish playing. You would need Pro I think at a minimum to do ConDocs for permitting etc, assuming your City allows HomeOwners to do there own permits , ie here you must be an Architect or Registered Designer. You will likely need a licensed Engineer for structural Drawings too and possible Air movement. A lot of City's have this information on the Building Dept Website. M.
  24. You can also play with the Material's definition and alter how shiny it is (emissive) , how transparent etc if needed. M.
  25. Shower Stalls with or without the Tray are easy to make out of Cabinet Partitions or Soffits , changing the Size and material as needed, once you make the Glass Panel you can then easily save it to your Library and reuse it for each panel resizing as needed , and use it in future Projects too. I used soffits here I think if you do a forum search on Glass showers you will find other threads about this with Pics I have posted etc too in the past. M.