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Everything posted by DavidJPotter

  1. The correct procedure is to set the ceiling height BEFORE you draw the first floor in "Edit - Default Settings -Floors and Rooms - Current Floor - Ceiling Height". The same is true for the second and third floors, you set their defaults before creating them as above. But when you do not, as probably you have done, then you set the first floor as above, then the second floor, then the third floor, over and over until you settings "stick" (are complied wtih) by the software. When its pre-programmed-expected procedures are flaunted, it seems to resist further change by acting as if it is an opponent (it is not stubborn or an opponent it just works smoother when used as intended by its makers). DJP
  2. Each download has a version of it to download, some are ONLY for X10, and if downloaded will not install on an older version. It is a fact of computer technology. You may have simply downloaded the wrong catalog files that do not match your legacy version X6, it pays to make sure you select the correct version for your software. DJP
  3. Take a look at "Tools, Display Options, Dimensions". Anything can be made to be visible or not in plan view or camera views by way of that dialog per instance. DJP
  4. Without reservation, I recommend Home Designer Pro Only. This will require some dedicated study to learn, sufficiently its tools and settings to obtain results but is worth the effort. Once competence is achieved, it is an enjoyable, creative tool indeed! DJP
  5. DavidJPotter

    Log Home

    You can emulate 45d beams using soffits (cabinet tools) and using their dialog box slope them (they cannot be made round like logs). I am not sure but there is a custom library at the Chief Architect website that contains "log truss" symbols, you can check if you like: Sorry, I just checked and there is no such library for Pro. DJP
  6. I do not often do this (I do not need to) but what worked for me is to have both plans open in the same Home Designer or Chief Architect application, then select-copy the target object in one plan (that copies the data of that object to the Windows Clipboard), then select the target plan file you want to place the intended object to. Then go to, in your Home Designer application to the "Edit" menu and select "Paste" to complete the transfer. The keyboard commands "CTRL - C" works to copy and then "CTRL-V" to paste. DJP
  7. Commonly SIP panel companies have their own engineers who can take your design and use it to make the exact calculations for their SIP panels. I have designed a couple of SIP homes. You set up your default Exterior Wall to emulate a SIP exterior wall, communicate your conceptual design to the SIP company and let them divide up your plans into a workable SIP layout. No need to over complicate the cycle of action, your work with trained professionals to obtain a result. DJP
  8. Hi Kevin, You understand that any foundation you draw is purely conceptual, you should, when your plan is finished share it in .dxf file format with a State Licensed Structural Engineer who is licensed to actually design the foundation and other purely structural concerns. That said, you can just go to the foundation level (Floor Zero or <0>) and using the foundation wall tool to manually draw in the foundation under any porches you add on. The program software is smartly created by itself is not "smart" you have to add the additional guidance and actions to make everything right. DJP
  9. DavidJPotter


    If it is really important enough you can just take some digital photos with your phone from various vantage points (views) then import those photos as custom backdrops which you can use for camera views and renderings. DJP
  10. Such objects can be obtained at the Home Designer Website - Catalog Downloads Page and also by search-download and importing into Home Designer of Sketch Up symbols. DJP
  11. Please watch these Training Videos that address dimensions and dimension tools: https://www.homedesignersoftware.com/search/?default_tab=video&amp;q=dimensions Software does not, by itself DO anything, except what you guide it to do, so the better you understand how to control it to desired results the better. It is YOU, not the software that does or creates anything. DJP
  12. I would not recommend using "Edit Area" for such a small change. Just click on the wall you do not mind moving "a couple of inches" and then move it. No need to make this more complicated that is required. DJP
  13. Daisy, What software did you use to create the attached plan? What version (2019, 2018, etc) and what title? (Home Designer Pro, Architectural, Suite, Interiors or Essentials). Once you share that vital data, then someone can then help you. DJP
  14. Yes, depending upon what actual software you actually have (what is that, please? Chief Architect creates Chief Architect Premier, Chief Architect Interiors, Home Designer Pro, Home Designer Architectural, Home Designer Suite, Home Designer Interiors, Home Designer Essentials, which one do you have?) DJP
  15. Part of learning to use this software is learning what it can and cannot do, what works well and what to avoid. Retaining walls is a buggy tool which I avoid using a lot, as a substitute I prefer slabs as they are easier to work with and do not interact with terrain (they stay where and as you place them with no interaction with terrain). Hope this helps. DJP
  16. I have Chief Architect Premier Versions 7-20 and all Home Designer current titles (Pro, Architectural, Interiors, Suite and Essentials 2019) on my PC, all work well and I have never received the error messages you have. You should be able to run Architectural and Pro on the same computer with no trouble. I am sorry you are having difficulty but I have no idea what is wrong on your computer. Tech Support will be able to assist you whatever is wrong. You may wish to try fully uninstalling Architectural (after you deactivate the license) and then install Pro until you can talk to Tech Support. DJP
  17. You deactivate the license BEFORE uninstalling it, otherwise the Chief Architect Server Software lock assumes it is still installed. Now you will have to contact Chief Architect Sales for assistance to get up and running again, sorry. DJP
  18. Read this please: https://cloud-hd.chiefarchitect.com/1/pdf/sales/home-designer-software-rental-terms-and-conditions.pdf?__utma=244573340.1631896876.1539628647.1544953202.1545517971.10&amp;__utmb=244573340.13.10.1545517971&amp;__utmc=244573340&amp;__utmx=-&amp;__utmz=244573340.1541018596.3.2.utmcsr=Home Designer Pro x64|utmccn=Resource: home|utmcmd=software&amp;__utmv=-&amp;__utmk=188376235 For clarifications please contact Chief Architect Sales. DJP
  19. DavidJPotter


    Some of these videos should help: https://www.homedesignersoftware.com/search/?default_tab=video&amp;q=site+plan+and+north+pointer DJP
  20. Post a copy of your .plan file please, otherwise we, who would help you, are left to guess what is the matter. DJP
  21. Contact Chief Architect Tech Support for specific help with this kind of issue, please. DJP