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Everything posted by DavidJPotter

  1. Only Home Designer Pro actually has a "Build Framing" menu, Suite does NOT have one to find. All suite has is an ability to view conceptual framing with the framing overview camera, sorry. DJP
  2. Upgrade to Chief Premier and then learn its custom object tools or download and learn Sketchup so you can then make such things to import into HD Pro as custom symbols or search for premade objects at 3D Warehouse that others made using Sketch Up: https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/search/?q=arched cabinets&searchTab=model DJP
  3. Go to "Tools - Checks - Plan Check". Running through Plan Check" will also restore your "Living Area" display. Then "Living Area" can then be turned on (visible) or turned off (invisible) as you choose by way of General Plan Defaults dialog. DJP
  4. In the meantime you should create a "Terrain plane" to establish a virtual grade, adjusting the terrain plane object to the plan file structure. Then you can raise or lower the garage floor via its Structure Tab of the Room Specification Dialog and its footings relative to the virtual grade and the "Zero" of the first-floor level to obtain the relationships you desire. I would not put much attention upon the footing height as that is the Provence of State Licensed Structural Engineers to adjudicate and assign IMHO. DJP
  5. Your plan file did NOT attach. Commonly you MUST close Home Designer BEFORE attaching the target plan to share with others, this is the most common cause of "no attachment" here. DJP
  6. Thank you but all you have done is to restate, almost in the same words what you have already said. A basement has a slab, period otherwise it is not a basement but just a crawl space, that is the confusing words you choose. Do you want a basement, which has a concrete floor or do you want a crawl space that has no floor? Is this to be a "Walk Out" basement where part is underground and part is not? In order for anyone to help you in some detail, they would have to have more data and understanding than you have, so far delivered, sorry. I have been designing custom homes and remodeling across the USA for over twenty years professionally, I can and will help you if you can help me understand what you want to do. A sketch image would help a lot as well as more and different words that do not seem to conflict one with the other. DJP
  7. Read these articles on the Home Designer Website please: https://www.homedesignersoftware.com/search/?default_tab=support&q=Home+Designer+on+two+PC's+or+Mac's DJP
  8. Just from your description, I have no idea what you are trying to do or why. I would like to help but you also need to be a little more forthcoming in terms of sharing exactly what you are trying to do, please. DJP
  9. You can use custom made slabs in HD Pro and then manually place these to represent trims and other simple Architectural applications, After obtaining the shape and dimensions intended you then manually set the custom objects material. It is true that Chief Architect Premier offers more and easier choices in this area but Home Designer Pro does have custom tools for some of these types of constructs and appliques, you just know your tools and what you can make them do to accomplish your purposes. DJP
  10. Home Designer Suite 2019's price hovers around $100.00 US and is well worth the money one pays to obtain it, however, the presence of unwanted lines is mainly a "report card" on your understanding and adherence to preprogrammed procedures that are designed into the software by its makers. Home Designer Architectural costs around $200.00 and offers more built-in tools to edit and correct such unwanted behavior. Then Home Designer Pro at just under $500.00 delivers more to make 3D modeling easier and faster. Then lastly Chief Architect Premier allows for an absolute zero of unwanted lines but it costs around $2,800.00 dollars and of course all software, in order to get the predesigned results must be diligently learned and used. Suite, once thoroughly learned and used can obtain a near zero of unwanted appearances by well-studied users. Architectural and Home Designer Pro offer even closer to zero ability to minimize, closer to zero such unwanted appearances. Only Chief Architect Premier offers zero unwanted lines and supply's specific tools to edit the final results to a 100% clean and intended appearance for printed, scaled plans and renderings. That said, without an example to view of what you are complaining of, helpers can only offer sympathy and generalized explanations as to what MIGHT be occurring and why. Please post some imagery, screen captures of what you are seeing that you do not want so others can actually help and advise you. Help us, help you to the degree we can. DJP
  11. DavidJPotter

    Bold blue X

    Those are called "Current Points", you can find their definition in your Reference Manual located under the "Help" menu. You can remove them simply by depressing your "Delete" key, just make sure NOTHING is selected before you depress the delete key before pressing it. DJP
  12. No, you will need to use two elevitation objects DJP
  13. Sorry, my hair has been on fire all day, till now... DJP Schluersburg PLAN C OCT '18.plan
  14. In order to manually build trusses, using the manual Truss tool you MUST have a "flat ceiling" in place by way of the room specification dialog (no ceiling equals no trusses possible). When the ceiling and roofs are in place only then can you, using the manual truss tool, create and place roof trusses. The truss tool is pre-programmed to use the void between the ceiling and the roof planes to use to fill that void with trusses (it will not work if there is no flat ceiling). If you do not need or want the roof rake (end) walls, then mark them "Invisible" and in Display Options for camera views turn ON framing, otherwise it is by Default, not visible unless you manually turn its layers on. DJP
  15. I hope this helps a little DJP Stafford8.plan
  16. DavidJPotter


    Here is a link to some help articles located on the Home Designer Website that address "Stepped Foundations" https://www.homedesignersoftware.com/search/?default_tab=support&q=stepped+foundation DJP
  17. It may be that your PC or Mac has insufficient hardware resources to run this software as designed. See "Minimum Requirements" published on the Home Designer Website:https://www.homedesignersoftware.com/products/system-requirements.html and if you actually do meet those stated requirements then perhaps there is a problem of some kind with your hardware that needs addressing. DJP
  18. Turn "Off" the "Cabinets, Soffits" layer while in plan view in Display Options dialog for plan views and draw a dashed polyline in the place of the soffit generated lines which are easily controlled by you, unlike soffits-generated lines. DJP PS: Mental "disorders" like OCD get named and promoted by the APA (American Psychiatric Association) and WPA (World Psychiatric Association) Not by ANY actual physical, Scientific medical evidence but just by observing normal and not so normal Human Behavior, giving it a Name so they can then "treat" it in concert with Pharmaceutical companies that "create" drugs to "treat" those phony, made up "disorders". Mental disorders come into being by majority vote at APA & WPA conventions where such disorders are then added to their DSMV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders ) Not a single Mental Disorder has any Scientific Medical Evidence to support its existence other than age-old, observed Human Behavior. It is the biggest scam of the last 150 years!
  19. Here is a link to a discussion of this problem at Chief Talk:https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/14862-why-does-chiefs-own-print-driver-create-such-large-files/?tab=comments#comment-126018 Here is a link to a web search for info about large PDF files: https://www.bing.com/search?q=Adobe+PDF+files+are+too+large%2C+what+can+I+do%3F&PC=U316&FORM=CHROMN You should also submit a Tech Support Ticket to see if they can suggest something useful for you. It is factual that the more vector (lines and fills) material that you add to a plan file and layout file does directly affect the weight of it in Mb's and that alone may be the case. DJP
  20. In my personal experience since I started using this software in 1995, this has never happened to me. I am a professional Designer, Draftsperson and Teacher. That said, it has apparently happened to you. What kind of printed results do you need to have, how many pages? What paper size? What version of Home Designer Pro do you have, please? How do you intend to print the files, I mean do you have a printer that prints the maximum paper size for Home Designer Pro (which is 18" x 24" paper) or do you wish to print to some other size? When you say "Printer File", what exactly do you mean, please? DJP
  21. This is how 99.999% of us users of Chief Architect Premier or Home Designer software share their plans as a PDF or a PDF printed to paper: DJP
  22. Post a copy of your plan please, your question can't be properly addressed without it, since this is a practical problem and not just a setting. DJP