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Everything posted by DavidJPotter

  1. I disagree with Eric, as a new user you have done quite well. There are less than a dozen minor errors that can be corrected in a few minutes. DJP
  2. It matters a lot IF you wish to create a roof system very much like the photo. One also needs to know the existing ceiling heights per floor and per room. To merely look like the photo generally, then "no". It matters more what you want than what the photo shows. DJP
  3. Sloped soffits reshaped to look like beams is the best simple solution to emulate beams that match the slope of the roof, take a look. DJP
  4. The image is from my trial copy of Home Designer Pro 2021, Edit - Preferences (it is the same in Chief Premier but not available in Suite). I live in Austin, Texas so the lat. and long.settings as well as the time zone are set for where I live. The "North Arrow" is for orientating those settings to your "North-South" of your plan view, You always set such things to the orientation of the model in plan view, you NEVER rotate the structure to get the right orientation relative to sun angle and shadows. DJP
  5. Since you already know how, I wonder, why did you ask? DJP
  6. For this I set a custom onsite backdrop from a digital photo and then made the terrain plane material "water" and edited the water color to match the photo. I created the model in Chief Premier for a floating hotel near Melbourne, Australia. Restricted to only three floors, in Suite, Architectural and Pro one can still do exactly the same as I did (except for the additional floors). DJP
  7. There is a setting in "Edit - Default Settings - Windows - Minimum Spacing" that may help you. It is set "out of the box" to "Two Inches". If you reset the default to "Zero Inches" it is then easier to place windows frame to frame without any "spacing" in between. That setting also effects door spacing as well when you need doors and doors and windows frame to frame.. Take a look please. DJP
  8. I am sorry if this does not help, relative to Suite 2018 but perhaps Jo_Ann can figure out how to get there in Suite/Architectural DJP Untitled 2.plan
  9. Architectural Blocks are a group of symbols that have been "Blocked" into an Architectural Block for convenience of control. Such blocks cannot be resized but one can unblock the group and then resize individual symbols that made up the block one at a time. DJP
  10. I am sorry to report having looked in HD Pro 2021 and also in Chief Architect Premier X12 that the input boxes you need do not exist in Pro but they do exist in Premier. In Chief you have individual material settings and input boxes for roof layers, this does not exist in any Home Designer title presently. You might make that a "Feature Request" for future versions of HD Pro. DJP
  11. I agree with Jo_Ann in that in order for ANYONE to help you, you must clearly and openly state what the precise problem is and what you are specifically trying to do. Other than "Control Key-Drag" and "Point to Point Move" and "Transform-Replicate" dialog, there ARE no other methods for locating object precisely other than one's on intention to obtain the exact effect one wishes. Best of success to you but, due to your unwillingness to be forthright, you ARE on you OWN. Your stating that "we just don't understand" is true but it is also irresponsible of you to withhold pertenint information from those who are willing to help. It is YOUR choice, always. DJP
  12. Information for understanding what SEH Errors mean Windows Apple - Mac DJP
  13. There are no computer Geeks here, or Tech Guru's, I guess you can communicate with Chief Tech Support but I doubt there is any laser precision help available here among mere users. My advice still stands as the most common cause end users can reach as a solution. Otherwise you would need to be a Microsoft or Apple Software Architect in order to inspect the cause of such errors to any sort of usefulness. I see these error messages from time to time (not often) and mainly just ignore them and continue working. At the most, I just reboot the software, save and go on. You can pick nits if you insist, your choice. DJP
  14. Check this out to see if it does not help (you really need to post a screen capture image to better communicate your distress please!) DJP
  15. That ability comes from years of comparing photos and the need to convert them into data for plans. Most builders, Architects and Engineers develop this "Mind's eye" ability but it takes lots of exercise, successes and failures to develop it. At any rate thank you for the validation! DJP
  16. Never mind, I see now that the stairs are for the bonus room above the garage DJP
  17. It is a lot easier to place posts (AKA Newels) by way of the "Wall Specification Dialog - Rail Style Tab - Post to Beam" setting. then you vary the spacing of the Posts (aka Newels) by way of the "Input Box" for "Newel Spacing" to add or subtract newels and their spacing one newel to the other. Eric, above, suggested you share WHAT software and its Version you are using which helps us help you better, since different apps have different capabilities from version to version. DJP
  18. Looks like you also want a loft room over the great room. It is a little confusing to me that you want a vaulted ceiling and then intend to cover half of it with a small, not very useful in terms of head room loft room, is that part of what you are trying to do? When you look at the floor plan and ceiling heights compared to the elevation views of the house, they DO NOT AGREE WITH REALITY in that the Great Room area is at least two or three feet higher than the ceiling heights would create if you followed them slavishly (not workable). it can be done but the plans need to not lie to their reader like these obviously do. These are my preliminary thoughts on looking at your plan file and the online plans and images. I haven't had breakfast yet so I am loath to start making a video just right now, maybe others will have some input while I have my morning coffee and eggs. DJP
  19. Here is a group of European type plugs and switches created by a Chief Architect User in Norway that you might try to import using "Library - Import .calibz" from within HD Pro. You will just have to try and see if your Pro will import these symbols. It may or may not work. DJP EuroPlugs.calibz
  20. I doubt that you will find any "Max" users here, good luck in any case. DJP
  21. What file format are they currently in, please? You can find out what file formats can be imported as "Symbols" under the "File Menu - Import 3D symbols" for a complete list, take a look. DJP