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Everything posted by DavidJPotter

  1. If you wish something other than guesses, please post a copy of your plan file and describe clearly what each problem is using a screen capture image to show what is wrong please. DJP
  2. Wall poly-lines are how walls are portrayed since Chief/Home Designer started. That is what makes up walls in 3D, they are that way by default, take a look. DJP
  3. Pony wall wall poly lines are adjustable in an elevation camera view perpendicular to the wall you wish to edit. You can also use the "Custom Back splash" tool for adding material surfaces as well as using pony walls. DJP
  4. Framing follows what you created and conforms to how you set your room specification dialogs, where and how you placed windows, doors and roof planes at the time you built framing. If you then make changes as to location, type, size or windows, doors, roof planes and walls then the framing does not "automatically" update unless you have manually set the framing to automatically update. The framing merely follows, robot like, how you set your default settings and what you order it or fail to order it to do. Your posted example just shows that you have failed to manually ordered framing to be built after makeing changes of location and size of your wall penetrations since it was first built by you. Nothing more or less. DJP
  5. Open a wall's dialog box. Go to its Wall Types tab. Click on "Define" and then define the wall as you wish. DJP
  6. The default Road tool just creates straight roads by default, Use the "Polyline Road, Driveway, Sidewalk" tool, it can be altered with the Break Line tool and other editing tools, the straight road, sidewalk and driveway tools cannot. DJP
  7. Looks like a base cabinet for the base, the countertop for the top of the base and then a custom slab for the wood center post, you can make it yourself in about two minutes, give it a try. You remove the drawers, toe kick and make all four sides of the base cabinet smooth and place a stone material on the surface. You set the countertop thickness to 3". Then create a custom slab the thickness of the wood post so it connects with the roof soffit, set its material to wood and you are DONE! DJP
  8. Whether "auto" or manual, the roof plane tool sets the height of roof plans BY the ceiling height settings in your room specification dialog and Default Settings - Floors and Rooms - Level One - Finished Ceiling Height". DJP
  9. Before roof planes are built you set the "Framing, Roof" to match what and how you intend to build the roofs structurally. Once the roof planes are built if they had not been properly set in terms of their structure then you would have to manually adjust the existing roof planes by way of their structure tabs per roof plane to their intended structural settings. It is manifestly easier to get the settings correct BEFORE creating the roof system. This software delivers on the basis of correct settings by YOU and not otherwise. DJP
  10. All your post indicates is that you are learning how to effectively use the terrain tools. Everyone mounts that same curve from inability to ability. You are not "special" or "unusual" at all what so ever. DJP
  11. This makes answers guesses always based only upon scanty evidence. I would redraw the foundation walls manually in the areas where you are having visual problems. Another solution is to delete the stem walls and replace with a polyline slab with footings. Polyline slabs are simpler and easier to control than foundation walls. how those foundation walls are aligned with the first floor is often a reason for such unwanted artifacts as well. DJP
  12. A solution is an upgrade to HD Pro. or Chief Premier. DJP
  13. I did this video a LONG time ago but it is still relevant in terms of printing from Architectural and Suite. You also have to create your "Title Block" and other data in plan view to pint your view window at scale. DJP
  14. If the "Point" markers have a dialog box in Pro then you can change the size and line color of the points to make them less visible. DJP
  15. Welcome, you did not say which software title you are using to do your home virtual model with. That is a vitally important fact to state when asking for help. The reason is that the different titles sold by Chief Architect Inc have differing abilities, tools and features. What software do you have (Year bought and the Name of the software like: Professional, Architectural, Suite...). Lots of good people here wish to help learners but you must help them with the above information AND a clear communication verbally and graphically so the question can be clearly understood and addressed by others. DJP
  16. Home Designer Suite has no "Layout" only Home Designer Pro has that feature and file type. What software do you actually have? Whenever something exists but does not show, its layer i.e. "Plants, Labels" is turned off in "Display Options", take a look. DJP
  17. Intuitive or not, they programmed the software to work as it does. One person's "intuitive" is another's conundrum. Learning a tool is just part of one's competence and that is all. DJP