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Everything posted by solver

  1. solver

    Roof goofyness

    Something like this? Think about what this is. It's really a second floor room with no walls. This would also be easy to draw with the manual roof tools.
  2. I'm unclear on your exact issue, but you may do a File>Save As at any time. Simply give the new version a new name in the directory of your choice.
  3. This is a question much better suited to a forum like you will find on
  4. Set the pitch for the house in the build roof dialog, then set the pitch for the carport in one of its walls. Pitch set via a wall will override the default pitch. With Pro, you have the ability to draw manual roof planes too.
  5. I should have said "Search the Forum for Island Outlet". This was discussed and answered previously.
  6. I figured it was an Automatic Wall. Sometimes convincing the program they are not needed is not easy. Your correct 2nd floor wall is likely to still be there, it's just hidden. If you will post your plan file, I'll have a look. Make sure it's not open in Home Designer, and you may Zip it, if the file size is large.
  7. solver

    Roof goofyness

    Tom, did you get my private message? I did a couple of videos and sent you the links. Click the envelope icon at the top of the page so read it, if you haven't.
  8. Glad you got things going, and thanks for reporting back.
  9. solver

    Area of building

    The Living Area Label will show this. Preferences>Plan
  10. Click on the wall in a camera view and delete it. If that really removes the wall, just undo.
  11. Don't know what else might turn them on.
  12. Are there any Full Gable setting in place?
  13. I posted some links above. Go to the Knowledge Base, search for porch. A porch is just a room like any other room in the house. Give it a Room Type of Porch. After you have drawn the porch -- For the foundation, there is a foundation wall tool. On the foundation level, use this tool to draw in foundation walls under the porch. Use the Reference Display to see the walls above.
  14. Open the stairs, Railing panel, Transitions.
  15. @OddBall1958 If you are using windows, the Snipping Tool allows you to take screen captures so no need to print and scan. @DJP The OP wanted gables on the short sides of the house. I'm not sure this is doable in anything but Pro.
  16. There is no Bay or Boxed Window in your image. Just a curved wall with windows.
  17. solver

    Library Question

    Libraries are global -- they are there for all plans, so you should not need to reinstall. Normally, new libraries are available immediately.
  18. solver

    Roof goofyness

    I just noticed your sig says you have Pro. Did you upgrade? Some of the walls on the second floor are marked No Room Definition, probably because they are walls automatically generated by the program. You need to clear this checkbox on some of the walls in order to get a room definition. When you have anything selected, Ctrl-E opens the Specification Dialog Box. Double clicking on an item does the same, and so does selecting something, then opening it with the Open Object icon found in the Edit Toolbar. For each wall around an area that has no room definition, open it, and make sure No Room Definition is not checked. You will find this setting in the General panel. Shift-Select -- Lets say you want to select all the windows on the first floor to make a change to all of them at once. Click the Window Tool -- the icon you click to place a window. Now holding the Shift Key, marquee around the entire plan. You have now selected all the windows. Ctrl-E, or the Open Object tool will open the Window Specification Dialog, and you will be able to make changes to all the windows at once. You can do the same thing with cabinets, only you will need to select the type of cabinet. To select all the base cabinets, click the Base Cabinet icon as if you were going to place a base cabinet, then hold the shift key while marqueeing around the cabinets you wish to select. Walls are a bit of an exception, as you can only select all walls, not walls of specific type. I suspect you selected more than just walls by not holding the shift key down while drawing the marquee. Anyway, the idea is, no matter how you do it, is to clear the No Room Definition checkbox on some of the walls in order to get a room definition. I was giving you a shortcut to do all the walls at once, but one at a time gets you to the same place.
  19. solver

    Roof goofyness

    1) Wall Tool -- The Icon you click to choose a wall type. 2) You don't have room definitions on the 2nd floor where they are needed because some of the walls are marked No Room Definition. Click the Wall Tool, hold the Shift key and draw a selection marquee around all the 2nd floor to select all the walls. Ctrl-E to open and clear the checkbox for No Room Definition. 3) You can change the grid to be whatever you want in Default Settings>Plan. Also, when you select a wall, look in the Edit Toolbar. You may see an icon that looks like a bar with either an up or down pointing arrow. If you see this, then the wall is misaligned with the one above or below. Click the icon to move the wall into alignment.
  20. Pro cost $495.00 not $295.00. There is no Home Designer product that cost $295.00. If you in fact purchased and received Suite, I believe you can simply upgrade from Suite to Pro by paying the difference in price. That may be the simplest solution. Go to your Digital Locker. It will show what you purchased.
  21. There are plenty of good videos in the links below. David also has a bunch on his YouTube channel. Finding that Break Tool was a challenge for me too. Every video I watched just said "click the break tool", which I only knew as the Wall Break Tool. Finally someone said specifically "in the Edit Toolbar". It's stupid to have two Break Tools, and I have requested that they be combined. 3 on the keyboard is the same Break, and 2 on the keyboard is the Join Tool.
  22. solver

    Revit ADM

    All I could find on the Pella site were .rfa files. From Chieftalk: Toto only supplies *.rfa models, which are Revit native and not importable to CA. Try searching Trimble 3D Warehouse for an skp or dae file of the fixture you're looking for. You my also ask somebody here to open the rfa file in 3ds Max and export as 3ds or obj for import to CA. Marvin is good to supply Home Designer compatible files.
  23. solver

    Revit ADM

    Can't answer your question, but there is a Pella catalog available for Chief. Maybe they will someday make this type of catalog available to Home Designer users for a nominal fee. Are you looking for something unique that you can't simulate with a stock window?
  24. solver

    Match Properties

    You upgrade to Chief Premier This ability was only recently added. You can setup your defaults so that finishes, doors etc will be used when you place a new cabinet. Use the Material Eyedropper to copy finishes from one to another. Once one cabinet is as you want, you can copy and paste.