Wall materials selection...consistent with floor slab edge.


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Hi all.

My model;

I have built walls as balustrades and am struggling to get my understanding of how to have it cantilevered symmetrically - and change materials for the wall and slab it sits on as part of the cantilever?

I have successfully built what is working ok for me - but struggle with materials - even with eyedropper and spray can/roller.


I've got this far thru working with the information base via the forum - but can't understand yet logically what it is I'm attempting to change here - is it the floor, is it the wall? Is it the structure?

I thought I knew - but I don't.


All I want is to have the wall/balustrade - wall top, wall external face and side with the slab/floor to be the same material. (See attached)


Can anyone offer guidance here please?


I've attached some images here of the model on my query.


Many thanks in anticipation.






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In order to get exactly what you want relative to appearances,you often times have to abandon reasonable solutions (like you have that do not work) and try something out of the box that does.


It is reasonable to use walls as you have but they have limitations relative to materials as you are complaining of. If you were to use solid railing walls you would then have additional materials tab settings to help control the bottom and edges of walls via the wall's materials tab.


Or you could use invisible walls to mark the space and visually use cabinet soffits that carry only one material all the way through their boundaries.  Either of those choices would get you around your current problem.


The Materials eye dropper and painter are handy but far over used by new users without any study of their four tool modes, an object's materials tab should be the first choice for controlling materials.



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Ok  - Thank you DJP. ( and Eric )


Yes - I did try the materials tab first prior to then using the eyedropper etc - however both not working for me.

And sure its not 'proper' perhaps - but I'm trying to hasten the learning curve.


It's also more a case for me of learning to understand the relevance and interoperability between other objects, for the objects I have built.

In other words - working with rooms as diferentiated to working with walls. Two different processes.

I'm sure the work around of using a soffit as a wall substitute is workable - but its a case for me of understanding why the 'wall' does what it does.

(and doesn't do)


I am posting the .plan file for Eric - if you can have a look for me -  that would be a buzz to have your experience at my desk -  Thankyou.


DJP - I'm not complaining by the way - far from that as I am a novice,  and I ask these questions in curiosity.



Trevellyan Riad 2016.planFetching info...

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There are different ways of doing this, but here is what I did.


Changed the wall to a railing, made the top rail 1mm thick, and painted it with the material from the side. If you want the pattern to be correct, you will need to make a new one turned 90 degrees.


Once this section of wall is correct, use the same wall type handle to drag it around, replacing the existing walls.


The wall on the left is incorrectly set as a foundation wall, and does not have Go Through Floor Below checked.



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  • Solution
  On 4/13/2016 at 4:14 AM, LawB10 said:

Try editing the floor structure for the 2nd floor slab


For what exactly? To change the top of the wall material?

I'm not with you...sorry.


And Eric,

The old Go Through Wall Below button - it makes sense when someone tells you - Thank you.

How did I miss that....

Yep I worked around  that and now all good.


What I did for the top of the wall  - is layed a 40mm capping atop it using - yep ye old soffit.

Thanks DJPotter for that tip.


Cool bananas.

Thank to all.


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To fix the problems you were having with the lower part of the wall.


The whole building is concrete and blocks, why you built it that way is beyond me.


If you would have use Brick instead of Concrete stem walls, you would not have had those issues. On the 1st floor you used concrete wall for columns

Go to the library and use the columns there.


Last, Did you try it?

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You did not say you wanted the top to have a cap, or that the inside should be the same as the outside.


I would have recommended you create a new wall type using your choice of block instead of concrete, and changing the size and material of the top rail to serve as the cap. Far easier than placing a soffit.



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  On 4/13/2016 at 2:24 PM, LawB10 said:

To fix the problems you were having with the lower part of the wall.


The whole building is concrete and blocks, why you built it that way is beyond me.


If you would have use Brick instead of Concrete stem walls, you would not have had those issues. On the 1st floor you used concrete wall for columns

Go to the library and use the columns there.


Last, Did you try it?


But again - what relevance does the wall have  - brick or block? whats the difference. And in my local area.....core filled blockwork is not uncommon. If thats strange to you - then that is just strange to you. Still not with you on what it is you are suggesting...sorry.

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  On 4/13/2016 at 2:52 PM, solver said:

You did not say you wanted the top to have a cap, or that the inside should be the same as the outside.


I would have recommended you create a new wall type using your choice of block instead of concrete, and changing the size and material of the top rail to serve as the cap. Far easier than placing a soffit.


attachicon.gifrob 2.jpg

You are right I did not say that about the capping  - did't want to cloud the issues - I decided that myself after I read your first reply - Thank you. So - this new wall you created - was it built as a railing or something else? And so the granite capping is a handrail is it - with adjusted dimensions to match a capping I guess? So there was another solution after all that. Well thanks Eric. Appreciate you taking the time to reply again.

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I made a copy of the existing wall -- so it would still be a railing. Changed the material from concrete to block and adjusted the dimension and material of the rail. 


New wall types are a powerful option in Pro for many things.

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