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Everything posted by DavidJPotter

  1. You are right in that Suite does not export to any 3D file formats. Architectural and Pro can export to only .stl 3D format. Whereas Chief Architect Premier can export to collada, 3DS, 3D.dwg and .dxf and .wrl formats. DJP
  2. Unlike 2D CAD applications, 3D object-orientated programs like Home Designer and Chief Architect have constraints imposed by its 3D nature. Home Designer titles other than Pro have built-in limitations in this regard (customizing wall types, their 3D layering etc). A 3D object like a wall or symbol is defined along 3 axises by default whereas AutoCAD and other such programs are just 2D lines in a 2D plane. DJP
  3. There are the "Materials" settings on the "Build Roof" Dialog - "Materials" tab, and there is in "Edit - Default Settings - Materials - Roof", both of these settings must be in agreement for you to get what you want, see to it. DJP
  4. https://www.homedesignersoftware.com/support/article/KB-00131/using-the-blend-colors-with-materials-tool.html DJP
  5. The tricky part is making sure that all objects on the "CAD Default" layer are what you want to be turned on and off because unlike in Chief Architect Premier you cannot create objects on custom layers or move objects to other existing layers. It is just one of the many reasons Home Designer Pro costs what it costs and Premier costs what it costs. DJP
  6. Look in your own software program in the "Build Roof" Dialog "Roof Styles" tab of that dialog. Where you will find basic instructions on how to pre-setup for auto-building most common roof styles in ANY Home Designer title or version. The instruction you will be looking for is for a "Shed Roof", in order to get a flat roof you simply order the "Roof Pitch" for the "Shed" roof to be "zero inches" in pitch. Another simple way to create, automatically a "flat" roof is to set the "Roof Pitch" input box to "Zero inches in pitch" or some value like "1/16" in 12" as the pitch, this will then give you a reasonable looking flat roof as a result. You might also want to change the surface material to something more appropriate for such a roof, like asphalt or some such material. DJP
  7. You can import your images in either .jpg, .jpeg or .bmp image formats into Home Designer. Not as "symbols" as Eric said. They should be resizable once imported. I suggest you place them in a single folder on your Library Browser for easier access and use. Let us know how that works for you please. DJP
  8. Home Designer Architectural and Home Designer Pro (all HD titles really) have NO sand alone ability to do as you wish. This can be done easily in Chief Architect Premier. You can by learning and using Sketch Up to make such custom objects for import as symbols into HD titles but that is an additional if free program you must download, learn and use for that. Even the inherent tools within Premier must be learned first to be at all useful. DJP
  9. If your client is computer/software savvy they can download a trial version of your software free to view as you do your file, with the trial they can only view and edit the file but not save those edits. DJP
  10. Please do not try to use the "Dormer Tool" for this, rather set up for the dormer manually (draw the walls and set the dormer room ceiling height), then draw the dormer roof plane manually. The dormer tool is too limited for use on this type of dormer in this case. DJP
  11. For new users, I recommend using wall Dialog box-Materials Tab for gross changes. You can also add a strip of color by using the "Wall Covering" tool to color part of a wall. Using the "Material Painter or Material Eye-dropper without FIRST carefully studying how to use each of those tools "modes" is VERY STUPIDLY DANGEROUS!!!!!. Please do not do that without first intensive study and practice using the tools and its modes on simple test plans. I have seen new-person plans utterly destroyed by misuse of those tools. Once learned, all the tools are useful, guessing at how to use something is like Russian Roulette. DJP
  12. "Home Designer 9" does not communicate much since there are at least six different titles within version 9, which one do you have? You cannot attach a plan file on a Windows PC while it is actively open in the application you created it with. You might try again, just make sure Home Designer is closed when you do. Yes, I agree something simple has been passed. Roof planes are programmed to cut off the tops of walls by default so something is "rotten in Denmark". It is anyone's guess as to what. DJP
  13. Depending upon What Home Designer Title you have this can be done: https://accounts.chiefarchitect.com/360/407920893553555?__utma=244573340.636621244.1502896009.1506256943.1508277517.9&__utmb=244573340.2.10.1508277517&__utmc=244573340&__utmx=-&__utmz=244573340.1506256943.8.4.utmcsr=hometalk.chiefarchitect.com|utmccn=(referral)|utmcmd=referral|utmcct=/topic/3623-importing-from-sketch-up/&__utmv=-&__utmk=220832923 (click on the above hyper link) DJP
  14. You would be better off with Home Designer Pro as it has more professional features for drafting and printing scaled plans than suite (Suite is for doodle-dawdlers and other amateurs). It costs more but supports more professional grade activity. I use Chief Architect Premier mainly as I am a professional designer and drafter, the tools should fit the job. DJP
  15. You say you need help, I understand that but you do not say what help it is that you need. I can only guess what you are trying to do which is NOT very useful to anyone. I do see that you have a clerestory room for the Dining Room, I do not not see what is "Wrong", you must tell us what is right and wrong. DJP
  16. What trouble are you having, please? Post a copy of your plan and layout files for others to look at, please. DJP
  17. "Edit (main Menu) - Default Settings - Walls- Exterior Wall" . You should also set the same exterior wall material here after setting your exterior wall default here:Edit- Default Settings - Materials - Exterior Wall". DJP
  18. LawB10 is a lot of things to a lot of people. He is not a genius, what he is, is a guy who has bothered to study the Reference Manual and Users Guide to a degree that he knows how to get a result with this software. He is competent, not a genius. I hope you are willing to become competent too, it is more fun than guessing and being incompetent. DJP
  19. Creating a shed dormer starts with Edit Default Settings Dormer, where you set up the 3D geometry settings of the intended object. When that is done you then have to place the dormer object on a section of roof where there is enough 3D space to allow the new dormer to exist or to be created. Once you have properly done those things, then and only then will you be able to have a shed dormer. Posting a copy of your plan and filling out your signature will help others understand the limitations of the software you are using and exactly what your problem or problems are. You know what you want to do but WE do not, help us, help you. DJP
  20. You should not buy anything but Home Designer Pro in my opinion. No software draws itself, you have to be willing to spend the time to really learn how to create specific effects using the software and its tools. If you are unwilling to dedicate yourself to competence, then keep your money. I have been using this software since 1994 and I love the creative work I can make with it, it is not work for me, rather it is fun! DJP
  21. I defer to LawB10 in that he and some others here seem to be more facile with non-Home Designer Pro titles than myself. He has obviously figured out how to do what you need done in Suite. I have been spoiled for years by Chief Premier's manual roof tools. DJP