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Everything posted by DavidJPotter

  1. I usually emulate EPDM type roofs by using Asphalt found in Roadways. In 3D modeling it is appearance that is important and not precise reality. In plans I specify what a material is using text and not necessarily what I actually used, it just needs to look like or similar to the actual material IMHO. DJP
  2. You can delete any terrain perimeter by selecting it on any edge of its perimeter and when selected then hit "Delete" in your Edit Toolbar or on your Keyboard. Here is a link articles on the Home Designer Website that will help you with creating a "Walk Out Basement terrain plane" : https://www.homedesignersoftware.com/search/?default_tab=all&q=Walk+out+basement DJP
  3. DavidJPotter


    Thank you. In Eric's example you can clearly see that he moved the first floor bearing roof plane up a floor to the <A> or attic level to then place the dormer which this action then separates by a floor the dormer walls and the first floor walls. I think that is the KEY to your problem. We all have to deal or figure out what is workable and not workable (not within the programming of the software and what within programming parameters), it IS part of everyone's learning curve. DJP
  4. If no wall, then draw one manually. DJP
  5. I would use the "Custom Backsplash tool" to create a custom shape like you need and once created, manually drag it to the edge of the eave while in plan view. DJP
  6. As you said, there "is not CAD to Walls" tool in Home Designer. What you CAN do is to make sure the imported PDF or .dwg is properly scaled once imported, orient that PDF or imported AutoCAD drawing to O-Y/0X in HD in plan view and then trace over the PDF or imported drawing using HD's 3D tools to start to obtain a 3D model in Home Designer, then add windows and doors etc and make perfect using dimension tools in HD. Then add roofs etc. DJP
  7. What is available within Home Designer is to be found in the Library Browser-Millwork and most of the items found are NOT alterable except as to their sizes. In order to get EXACTLY what you wish is to make it custom using Sketch Up software application and then importing the result as a symbol into HP as symbol for plan application. DJP
  8. It is not actually panels in terms of the visible pattern assigned, but in terms of the Materials List, you can assign "Panels" as a material from the Library Browser called "Wall Board". So for visuals you assign an 4'x8' pattern and for the materials list and visible, you assign a wall board - 4'x8' wall board material. and for either or both you can adjust how the pattern and material start and stop on the ceiling by adjusting the X and Y input boxes which controls how the pattern and material "paint" across a surface. DJP PS: you do this via the Room Specification Dialog - Materials Tab
  9. Go to Edit - Default Settings - Camera and in the Camera Specification dialog, turn on "Reflections" in all camera types that are applicable. DJP
  10. What can be done is to assign a material with a white background and black pattern lines that are set to a pattern of 4' x 8' or whatever pattern you need and then only in a Vector view camera type you can see your 4" x 8" pattern lines and count your panels visually. Or you can do this via the materials list by assigning 4'x8' panels to the ceiling and the materials list tool will count them for you. DJP
  11. The latest version of Home Designer Pro 2021 has no restrictions relative to paper size, it can print natively up to 36X48. You need to upgrade to 2021 and your "problem" is then solved! DJP
  12. I recommend that you hire a Licensed Structural Engineer to advise you relative to structural design and layout. Another LARGE factor is the quality and attributes of the geology of your building lot that directly affects the design of the foundation and structural considerations. Emulating the advice is then easy in HD Pro because you now know what it is supposed to look like from the Engineer. DJP
  13. I commonly do NOT design foundations without the advice of a licensed Structural Engineer. That said, I have emulated foundation caissons using calendars from the "Shapes" section of the Library Browser. DJP
  14. Edit - Default Settings - Floors and Rooms - (Pick your floor) then Structure tab Also Edit - Default Settings - Foundation Any software and especially Architectural Software get products by studied users managing the software's settings with confidence. They get that confidence and competence by hours of study and practice to just learn how the software works and does not work. DJP
  15. After looking at your plan, I saw that the custom wall types you made through out the plan are customized wrong which is causing the unwanted outcomes. Open the Wall Specification Dialog - Wall Types and properly place space, in the dialog between Interior layers and exterior layers. Comonly one assigns A SINGLE LAYER as your "Structural" layer unlike what you did. Read, carefully the Reference Manual section on Customizing Walls using the Wall Specification Dialog. DJP
  16. Wether Home Designer or Chief Premier, the software is pre-programmed to fill in automatically attic walls, which the divide themselves ceilings and roof planes automatically, if you will go to the second floor, turn on the "Reference Display", showing the first-floor walls in "red" you will clearly see that auto-generated attic walls were generated over the porch and inward towards the house, using exterior walls that match what you set in your Default Settings (Walls-Exterior Wall and Materials-Exterior Wall). DJP
  17. The software skips building a foundation under rooms named "Porch" so you just go to the foundation level (<0>), turn on the reference display (so you can see the porch walls above) and then draw or extend the foundation walls underneath the porch which should fill in under the porch above grade. DJP
  18. Just separate the remaining space with an invisible railing wall, set the higher portion to about 3" below the house (-3" the house should be a zero inches), draw your stairs and then you are done DJP
  19. Divide the Porch area into three spaces (one for each porch and the area that is lower than the porches. Program each area to have a "ceiling over this room and roof over this room" on the "Structure Tab", then build roofs. You then use the wall break tool to remove the railing where it is not needed, DJP
  20. There are NO tools in Home Designer Pro for that adjustment, sorry. DJP
  21. In an elevation camera when you click-select the object do you not see a rotate handle??? I do. DJP
  22. DavidJPotter

    Wall Piers

    There are NO wall piers shown in your posted images that I am familiar with. What I do see is a brick wall with the door set to framing, thus insetting it relative to the surface of the brick. In your image from HD Pro you are showing siding 6 walls which is completely different from your brick veneer image photo. After watching your video, I think rather than trying to make walls do what they are not programmed to do, I would use a custom slab to create "wall piers". This would at least emulate them in-camera views and in plan view, they can be given a similar appearance by using the "Fill Tab" so they look like walls in plan view as well. DJP
  23. Try this symbol made and shared at Chief Talk some years ago: DJP Viga.calibz
  24. In drafting generally whether in AutoCAD, Revit or Chief Premier and Home Designer Pro. One commonly shows a wall typical, elevation-cross section like your image using just 2D elements drawn in HD Pro in a separate plan in plan view. Another way in Chief or HD Pro is to create a back-clipped cross-section view and then add mere 2D filled polylines to represent your rafters and other detailed objects. This is MUCH easier to do that to 3D model all such objects whether in Chief Premier of Home Designer Pro. You need the elevations and exterior views to look correct (but not necessarily perfect to nine decimal points) and details, cross sections, elevations and especially wall details-framing details are done using a combination of 3D and 2D objects. DJP