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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. There is also a Suggestions Forum here , which we can place "Wishes" in for the next update and future versions ,which is what Eric was suggesting I think. It is also helpful Robyn to know the Year of the version of HD Pro you use , in you Sig. is it 2015? eg Pro 2015 has more features than Pro 10, that I have.
  2. check this new KB Article Robyn , it may be about you issue : Resolving a Gap Between Floors in Camera Viewshttp://www.homedesignersoftware.com/support/article/KB-00038/
  3. perhaps not available in Suite ? DJP may know think he has it , if he reads this thread. no mention of it in your Reference Manual ? (see the help menu for download) M.
  4. Hi Robyn , yes my Signature wasn't directed at you in particular , it is supposed to help others find the knowledgebase and Reference Manual ( more indepth than the online help) that most don't seem to know about. The reason for the version no# and Title is that there are 5 or 6 Titles for Home Designer current at one time as well as all the past years so there maybe 20-30 versions of software being talked about here and they all have different capabilities eg Pro 2015 yours? have more capabilities than mine, Pro 10. you can add you name to you Sig. too so you don't have to type it in each time too , handy when you have a user name like yours Mick
  5. Kbird1

    3D views

    Too true Kat, I normally have them all set to "notify" rather than auto install , and I usually wait a while for new drivers to be "beta tested" by others then upgrade if I see all is well.
  6. Before you delete them Ross send the Plan to TSupport so they can figure out WHY it happened , might help us all in the future... M.
  7. Nice tip Kat777 , have you tried this with a Dishwasher ? as I can't get it into a 18" cabinet after resizing it even down to 16" , tried adding to library after resizing but still wont insert in either Pro 10 or Pro 2015. M.
  8. it has always been that way and is probably because the background is 2D and the model is 3D ,which is why they brought in the spherical backgrounds in newer versions though I think you need a specialize photo for those? M.
  9. Kbird1

    3D views

    This is true for Intel Drivers in particular, they don't autoupdate, and don't expect Windows Update to have the latest Drivers for your videocard either , NVidia and AMD drivers now have their own auto update notification feature ...if you turn it on, but intel's latest drivers fix many problems especially on older Laptops and computers with intergrated video chipsets. Also note if you use a laptop with dual videocards , that Home Designer may not automatically switch to the better card , you may need to set that up in the Nvidia/AMDControl Panel.
  10. you need to fill in your Signature in your Profile with your version and title , we are just guessing otherwise and it would probably help to post the plan file in this case too M.
  11. Try setting the Home Designer Pro 8.exe file to run in compatibility mode for WinXp SP3 see if that helps but I suspect something else.
  12. Kbird1

    HD pro 2015 lag

    I have seen what David mentions happen and in that case it was a bad model of a sink due to its round shape ,changing it to a rectangular one fixed that issue , so if you have imported items from 3D Warehouse (before the Toto Plate) i'd look at items with curves , 3d Warehouse usually has a polygon count on it's models these days ,so if you have an option always go with a lower count model as a lot of stuff on there is done by Students/beginners.
  13. Kbird1

    3D views

    If you are on a laptop , the videocard is the mostly likely problem as indicated above , the latest drivers may help.
  14. Kbird1

    HD pro 2015 lag

    did you do the Yosemite Update? did it happen after that? you might want to contact TS (Tech Support) if so , but perhaps your videocard driver needs reloading or updating for Yosemite? http://www.homedesignersoftware.com/support/article/KB-00897 not a Mac person sorry, M.
  15. wasn't saying you didn't find it yourself , just that I had found the thread I referred to earlier , and thought you may want to check it out since you couldn't find it.... I am sure there are other bugs in Pro 2015 but I don't have it.....
  16. actually same fix it seems as the thread I thought I had seen on ChiefTalk ,might be worth checking the rest of the thread out? you on the latest version? thought they fixed this issue https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/topic/325-losing-library-browser-again/page-2#entry7303
  17. I think I saw several people post about issues like this on ChiefTalk but this is the 1st I've seen here , do a search over on Chieftalk (same login) , but I think they called TS and TS sorted it for them , it would be good in that case if you can post back here in case other's run into the same issue, thx. https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/forum/7-general-q-a/
  18. One other thought and something to check is that the main layer of your exterior walls is defined correctly ie not as a Gap Material. Edit this material to make it Framing, and the walls will build down to the foundation.
  19. Kbird1

    Wall Covering

    Wall Covering will do the 1/2 and 1/2 wall no problem but you may need to copy a material and rotate it 45°deg if the tile you want at a diagonal isn't already in the Library. the Process for adding it to the wall is the same though . At least it works in Pro which Eric and I both have, your sig doesn't state your Title or version and they all have different features
  20. EVR you should start ur own thread about this...and if you do a forum search on how to post pics there is some good ones but use File>Export>Picture (Jpg) to take "snapshots" of your plan view and 3d camera views too , then attach them to a post by going to the "more Reply Options" after you click post and there is a button on the bottom left to Choose/attach files. once the file is uploaded make sure to "add it to the post" on the right hand side. ( you will see a link added to the post only then which shows up once you submit the post) you can also use the Window's Snipit Tool in Accessories to take screen grabs and post as above https://hometalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/topic/8-how-to-get-good-answers-when-you-ask-questions/ https://hometalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/topic/221-how-to-take-pics-of-your-plan-to-post-here/?hl=%2Bpost+%2Bpics
  21. this was the other post/thread on Edit Object Parts https://hometalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/topic/429-multiple-heights-for-terrain-wall/?hl=%2Bedit+%2Bobject+%2Bparts#entry2289
  22. you may need to find and import a 18" dishwasher on 3D Warehouse if the library symbols can't be resized to 18". An alternative would be to use the library 18" Trash Compactor and just label it DW instead. Mick.
  23. Check your Manual or do a search of the Forum on my other Posts On the "Edit Object Parts" Tool
  24. strange looks like the Rim joist or entire floor structure is missing ......the display Options for Floors/Framing etc are on are they? also check this Go to the floor level 1. Open Default Settings...Floor. Structure tab...Floor Structure (L). Move the arrow to what should be your framing layer is it set to something like 11 7/8" thick not 0" or just the subfloor layer eg 3/4" ie do You have a Sheet of Plywood assigned to this layer and the subfloor layer above?. This is no good - it needs to be a Framing Material like Fir Framing or CA-B Pressure treated Lumber, otherwise Chief can't build framing. M.
  25. your pic shows you are in a perspective overview and Dimension tools don't work in Overviews, use the Elevation Cross section or backclipped view to do that. As Davis mentioned it is not uncommon to have to add a few CAD lines to measure too. Make sure to Save the camera View or you will lose your text and detailing when exiting.