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Everything posted by DavidJPotter

  1. To further clarify "Defai;t Settings" is .plan file significant whereas Preferences sets up tendencies that the program will then have from there on.One uses the software in a particular way and that way is in Preferences. One might be designing a remodel, so in such a case you would use different Dimension settings for a remodel and different settings for a new structure, those changes are made in the .plan file by way of Default Settings just for that plan file and not all plan files. To alter each new plan before the fact is done by opening one's .profile plan (found in "My Documents/Home Designer xxx/Templates" where you use .profile for Imperial measure units or .profilem for Metric Units. You open one or the other and directly modify its settings to reflect your personal likes and dislikes and then save the edited copy back into your Templates folder for future "New Plans". I would not do this until you are more comfortable using the software, as mistakes can be made that can become annoying to one. DJP
  2. Keep in mind that the latest version has only been out for a few days. That does not mean that other particular users who helped develop these versions cannot help (I have helped develop all versions of Home Designer and Chief Architect Premier since 1999) are not here to help and also the Tech Support and Software Architects and Engineers at Chief Arachitec Inc are also there to communicate with. I can get usable renders in Home Designer titles as well as Chief Architect Premier presently. It is a matter of finding the right settings, adjusting material and lighting settings, this has not changed since 1999. You are each free to have your own opinions and to make your own decisions as it should be. I currently do not use "Physically Based Rendering" except on a trial and error basis. This rendering technique is brand new with this release and is not as refined now as it will be later. For now, I recommend just using the "Standard" rendering technique which has not been added to or changed; it still works the same way as it did in older versions. DJP
  3. Asking such a question here is, in my opinion, a waste of time because Chief Architect Sales can answer your question directly anytime Monday - Friday with certainty. All you will get here are opinions of what might or might not be true. Home Designer Pro does have access to more Material Catalogs than any other title except a Chief Architect Premier license with SSA. You can search the Knowledge Base for answers today ( https://www.homedesignersoftware.com/search/?default_tab=support&q=catalogs ) and you can go to the Home Designer Website and find some answers perhaps. Sometimes it is better to go to an official source for useful information. https://www.homedesignersoftware.com/products/product-chooser.html and https://3dlibrary.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?r=site/library&search=&x=0&y=0&x=true&soft_family_2=2&hid_soft_family_2=2& DJP
  4. Commonly a detached garage is usually lower, floor height wise than the main house for drainage purposes and so you do not need a ramp to enter and leave the garage with a vehicle. The software will treat all enclosed structures the same in terms of floor and ceiling heights so it is on you to calculate the differences in floor and finished ceiling heights of two independent structures. New users must understand that the software is simply a finely tuned mechanical device which depends utterly upon your knowledge and competence to guide it to an acceptable result. If you do not learn and customize Edit - Default Settings to reflect your actual or intended buildings, you then just get what the software's out-of-the-box settings deliver. Find out how to set up your plan file and then obtain something useful for yourself. DJP
  5. https://www.homedesignersoftware.com/support/article/KB-01809/creating-a-stepped-foundation.html Read the above Help article from the Knowledge Base at the Home Designer website. DJP
  6. No, I have not in any version of Chief Premier or Home Designer since 1999. The exact steps to print at all whether PDF or paper are simple but completely unforgiving if you miss one setting in the printing process. Look at each dialog as you order a print. See what settings are selected on each dialog. Set you your printer paper/PDF size and orientation before ordering a print, make sure "Print to Scale" is checked. If you will share a copy of your problem .plan file here, I will then have something to evaluate your situation as to PDF printing. It could be something you did or did not do but it could also be something resident on your PC or Mac. DJP
  7. Be sure that what you currently have missing is not "turned off" in "Edit - Default Settings - Camera Defaults". DJP
  8. The number one thing that most new users miss, is the fact that there seems to be only one "Display Options" dialog when in fact, though they look to have a similar appearance, there are actually TEN (10) different Display Options Dialogs, one for each camera type, one for plan view and one for the Reference Display tool. They look identical but can make things seem mysterious when something is checked "on" in plan view and it is then found to be missing in one of the camera views! DJP
  9. DavidJPotter

    3D Library

    Please read this Knowledge Base Help article on the subject of your query: https://www.homedesignersoftware.com/support/article/KB-00048/downloading-library-catalogs.html DJP
  10. In order to even start to answer, anyone would have to know what exact software title and version you have, what do you have? Then knowing that I can see what the capabilities of your software actually are. You assign materials to surfaces and to objects. So each object or surface you create that carries a particular then adds up to what the Materials List reads out. How well you properly apply materials then determines the veracity of the resulting Materials List, which can be created by room, by area or for the entire floor and lastly for the entire structure from foundation to roof ridge. DJP
  11. That seems to be correct, if you want to be sure, you can contact Chief Architect Inc Sales to get direct, correct information or you can download a paint color image from the Behr website and then import that into Essentials, user library in the library Browser as a custom material and then use that as you like. I am also sorry to report that Essentials is the ONLY title that does not have the ability to import custom materials as above ( see this article in the Knowledge Base ), so you can upgrade and then do the above or just get as close as possible within the tools that you paid for. DJP
  12. DavidJPotter


    Under Text Tools, I use a "Marker" for that purpose, it allows you to display two text values on either side of a boundary line to show two floor height values in plan views. DJP
  13. That is fine, software applications are preprogrammed to do what they do, you might consider using both, employing the strengths of each, your call. DJP
  14. https://www.homedesignersoftware.com/support/article/KB-00904/creating-a-bonus-room-above-a-garage.html Read this please DJP
  15. Only Architectural and Pro have any ability to "Define" wall layering and types other than adding "Wall Coverings" which just alters the outer appearance of edited walls. If you require the best such ability upgrade to Pro or even better, Chief Architect Premier. DJP
  16. Post a copy of your problem plan file as well as a detailed description of your difficulty to facilitate a useful answer. DJP
  17. Soffits will be found under "Cabinets, Soffits" alphabetically in your various Display Options dialogs, find them, turn them on in your Wall Elevation Camera Set and they will then obediently appear. DJP
  18. All objects show or are hidden visually by way of "Display Options" dialog. Plan view has its own Display Options dialog, each camera type has its own Display Options Dialog so objects can appear in plan view but not appear in a camera view for this reason: though all Display Options dialogs look alike, there are actually several of them, each controlling, either plan view and another one for each camera type. Check for that DJP
  19. Being as apparently interested as you seem to be, please call Chief Architect Sales or Customer Support and ask them your pointed questions. Eric and I have always used Chief Premier as our primary applications and so my viewpoint and experience is based on that past track. I do know that numerous users of Home Designer software have said over and over that their "Tickets" (communications) are always answered in a timely and helpful fashion. Premium support is just that, you pay extra for it but please let Chief Inc, speak for itself. DJP
  20. Look up the term "Pony Wall" in your help files or Reference Manual. DJP
  21. Contact Chief Architect Sales and find out what your options are, please. DJP
  22. DavidJPotter

    Hole in wall

    Worked your file in my copy of Pro 2018, applies to Pro 2014 as well. DJP
  23. Eric's suggestion is probably the right one. The only other reason other than temp dimensions being turned off is temp dimensions do not work on out of plumb walls (off angle walls). This can happen if you turn off "Angle Snaps". With Angle Snaps off, it is hard to impossible to then draw walls, CAD lines or other objects plumb to other other objects. DJP
  24. For Sketch Up files that are free and have no quality control like Chief Architect Inc symbols, yes, that is often the case. You can assign materials after import from your Library Browser or make custom materials/ It is the price you often have to "pay" for "Free" symbols from 3D Warehouse. DJP