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Everything posted by DavidJPotter

  1. First I need to know what software and its version you are using, that is liable to be the limiting factor for workable answers. I also need to know more exactly what your curved wall or railing needs to look like (a sketch or photo of a similar Architectural effect). DJP
  2. You are trying to rotate dimensions at all, just manually draw new ones where you want them, that is easy, what you were trying to do is almost impossible. There are different dimension tools for different jobs, use the right one for the job at hand, the Help files can be of assistance DJP
  3. I am sorry, I do not use templates. Were I you, I would make sure Imperial units is the current selection for default plane and templates first and then try again. I mainly use Chief Architect Premier on a daily basis. DJP
  4. Naming a space "Deck" by default the space is set, on the structure tab to "NO CEILING", if this is the case then the truss tool would not work because it is programmed to fill the "void" created between the flat ceiling and the underside of roof planes. Check for that as it is probably the main cause of the truss tool not working. DJP
  5. Any version of Home Designer is programmed to assume that all structures are to be rebuilt each time you order roofs and foundations that all structures get new foundations and roofs when you create new structures per instance of you ordering them built UNLESS if you draw the foundations manually yourself a wall at a time using the wall tool. Roofs are rebuilt EVERY time for all structures each time you order a roof built, it builds them all from scratch. Like it or not, that is the way it is programmed to work and you must find ways to work with that fact to get an acceptable result. The software is programmed to treat each structure (Doesn't matter if you have one or fifty, it is programmed to treat them as ONE structure), so it is incumbent upon you to understand that limiting fact and work with it to still gain your wanted result anyway. If any settings are off that should be on or any settings are wrongly set or not, you will only get a positive result when all settings are RIGHT for what you intend to get. IN any case, best of success. DJP
  6. Pro should allow you to place lights above or below wall cabinets. Look in the Library Browser under "Architectural - Lighting - Cabinet", there you should find puck above cabinet and puck under cabinet light sources. Also found under "3D-Lighting" you can add simple light sources (no fixture, just a source of light) that of course has a dialog and can be set at any height or location you desire. DJP
  7. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/3d-library/index.php?YII_CSRF_TOKEN=28490d357bcd62c6633eb75cbe0a107f05aa6684&r=site%2Flibrary&search=emergency&x=20&y=11&x=true&hid_cpca=0&hid_cpu=0&hid_ctm=0&hid_ctnm=0&hid_ctu=0&hid_order=&hid_norotator=false&hid_soft_family_1=0&hid_soft_family_2=1&hid_soft_1=0&hid_soft_2=0&hid_soft_4=0&hid_soft_5=0&hid_soft_6=0&hid_soft_7=0&hid_soft_8=0&hid_version_7=0&hid_version_6=0&hid_version_5=0&hid_version_4=0&hid_version_3=0&hid_version_2=0&hid_version_1=0&soft_family_2=2 You should also just thoroughly check this Home Designer Catalog page for all available symbols as well as 3D Warehouse: https://www.chiefarchitect.com/3d-library/index.php?r=site/library&search=&x=0&y=0&x=true&soft_family_2=2&hid_soft_family_2=2& DJP
  8. An offered solution DJP
  9. Erik, my attitude is this, only State Licensed Structural Engineers are the only legal persons, assigned by all 50 states to adjudicate structural matters, not me, not you and not your contractor. He may be spot on as to how the structural will be handled but you and he cannot legally show such as the case. That said, a conceptual floor truss can be drawn and labeled "Conceptual" for visual purposes. Spending a lot of elbow grease on something you are not allowed to portray by law, IMHO is a waste of time but can be done if you insist. The truss tool is programmed to fill the void you specify for the structural platform per floor, then truss objects are then manually drawn only within that structural envelope Not outside of it. So the truss tool as I understand your need, will not work and would have to be done manually. You would have to create a regular floor truss and then manually modify it so it goes beyond its programmed limits, then place the manually modified trusses manually. Personally, I would not bother but that is just my opinion. DJP
  10. There is a particular setting that controls (if your software has that control, not all do) that, it is an offset input box on the "Newels and Balusters" tab of each railing wall, it will accept positive and negative values until you get the effect you desire. DJP
  11. What I mainly do is to use dimension tools to make objects line up, the more familiar you are with them the easier they become for such purposes. I also use 2D CAD lines for such purposes, it depends on what I am doing and what comes to mind of available tools per instance. CAD programs are not created equal, so you learn to use available tools to get done what is before you. DJP
  12. I use the crosshair cursor for that kind of thing. I went from drawing board to Chief back in 1994 and used templates but no blue lines. DJP
  13. There are two integral "Grids" that are part of Home Designer Pro, one is a visual or reference grid and the second one is called a "snap grid". The spacing can be controlled by you, one is merely a visual grid and the other allows the program to have a tendency to want to snap or move objects towards grid locations. I personally do not use or like them, but some do. If this is NOT what you are speaking of then please be more specific as to your desires. The snap and visual grids are on by default when one installs the software. DJP
  14. Sorry, not that I know of. In Chief Premier we have the ability to edit symbols orientation of its 2D block relative to the 3D symbol but that functionality does not exist in any Home Designer title. You might repost this as a "Suggestion or Feature Request". DJP
  15. Post a screen capture of what you are seeing that you do not want or post a copy of your plan along with a simple sketch to, in a more detailed way, what you are trying to achieve, please. Language alone is a variable that often is insufficient to convey exact concepts about spacial things. DJP
  16. In Home Designer software you can draw slabs but not tilted slabs like a roof plane. Depending on what Home Designer title and version you have will determine what you can do to emulate what you wish, what do you have? Once we know what software you have then more useful data can then come to you and your potential choices. DJP
  17. #1: https://www.homedesignersoftware.com/support/article/KB-02947/creating-a-split-level-structure.html #2: https://www.homedesignersoftware.com/support/article/KB-00205/allowing-windows-to-span-across-multiple-floors.html This article may or may not "answer" your specific question but should start you on your way. My favorite source for useful help is the Knowledge Base of Help Articles found at the Home Designer Website, it should be yours as well. DJP
  18. You would have to upgrade to Chief Architect Premier's .layouts in order to have a multi-page layout. In Pro you create a single .layout file for each intended printed page (one layout=one printed page). DJP
  19. No, your only recourse is Chief Architect Support in such a case. Your license is "still active" on your old computer and is not recognized on your current one, it is a digital thing. DJP
  20. Edit-Default Settings-Cabinets-Materials per cabinet type. DJP
  21. Layout files are not capable of "Memory" at all, but they are sensitive to the fact that you rename the plan file you sent views from or if you physically moved a plan file or other files you may have sent to (associated) with a layout page (they are programmed to "remember" the file name and location of files or views sent to layout by you. That is probably what happened. Once sent to a layout file you should never then rename a plan file or move its physical location on your PC or Mac. DJP