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About tinyhouseguy

  • Birthday 11/15/1957

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  • Interests
    Tiny and small Houses, rendering, book creating

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  1. so after figure some more things out, if I understand the instructions correctly. must I raise the floors in every room for the LR to be sunken is that correct?
  2. The instructions to lower the floor as usual suck. the FLOOR icon is not lit up for me to use. Any suggestions to get that usable. and please only those who can read between the lines and can understand what I'm trying to communicate answer. thanks
  3. so I raised the ceiling, but the walls go up with the ceiling. how do I get the wall to stay?
  4. How do you add collar beams to a roof, pro 2018
  5. tinyhouseguy


    I'm trying to snape 2x12 corners together on the frame for the floor joist and trying to get 12' 6" ,but I keep getting 12' 6" 3/16 with a 3/16 gap so every time I stretch 2x12 over to get rid of the gap it appears on the opposite corner. I stretch again,it shows up again back to the other corner. what am I doing wrong?
  6. foundation peir keeps defaulting to 8".. I need 4" foundation peir. what is the solution?
  7. The biggest thing I need is dual dimensioning, both metric and imperial on the same line, I'm losing markets share of my designs, considering 90% of the world is metric.
  8. I would like to upgrade to something better than pro-2018 but now the x11 is 3000.00 and the renewal is 700.00 a year, pretty expensive. So my choices are auto cad LT for 60.00 a mth or chief x11. As it looks Auto Cad LT is the better deal and I always have the latest version. Can someone please give me an Unbias opinion on the pros and cons of both options so I can make a well-informed decision. thanks,
  9. cant win on this poorly designed software
  10. so I found a tree, but it asks for a SketchUp version, which one should I use?
  11. I'll try the 3d warehouse..thank you
  12. I've paid and downloaded about 5 Christmas tree and they just don't load.